Research > Topics > The neurophysiology and psychobiology of sleep and wakefulness
Although there is increasing knowledge on the electrophysiology of sleep as well as on the network activities characterizing different sleep-waking states, phasic phenomena (the microstructure of sleep) and the state transitions are still some kind of no mans land in science. We focuse our efforts on these phenomena as well on some still highly controversial issues, like the hippocampal rhythmic slow activity in humans
Selected publications
- Bódizs R., Kántor S., Szabó G., Szűcs A., Erőss L., Halász P.: Rhythmic hippocampal slow oscillation characterizes REM sleep in humans, Hippocampus, 11(6), 747-753 (2001)
- Halász P, Terzano M, Parrino L, Bódizs R. The nature of arousal in sleep. J Sleep Res 13: 1-23 (2004)
- Bódizs R, Sverteczki M, Lázár AS, Halász P. Human parahippocampal activity: non-REM and REM elements in wake-sleep transition. Brain Res Bull 65: 169-176 (2005)
- Bódizs R, Sverteczki M, Mészáros E. Wakefulness-sleep transition: emerging electroencephalographic similarities with the rapid eye movement phase. Brain Res Bull 76: 85–89 (2008)