Deadline for submission of the doctoral thesis

The dissertation must be submitted within 3 years after the complex exam.

All the accepted dissertations are available:

The language of the PhD thesis of the international students can be Hungarian or English irrespective of the language of the candidate’s publications.

If the candidate started the  PhD studies before 1/09/2020, the  candidate can choose betweeen the  longer version: minimum 70, maximum 150 pages or the shorter version: minimum 30, maximum 60 pages A4 format  (every page should be numbered and  the copy of  the pages of  publications do not count into the length ) . If the candidate  started  the PhD studies after 1/09/2020,  the candidate must  choose  the shorter version: minimum 30, maximum 60 pages.


  • numbered with Arabic numbers in the text – e.g. (6, 12)   In the reference section the references should be either alphabetically or chronologically ordered,
  • references are listed with all the authors of the publications
  • journals are to be referred due to their abbreviated forms in PubMed or Social Science Citation Index, Hungarian journals are to be referred by the abbreviation applied by their editorial boards
  • referred publications must be given with the year, volume, first and last page number
  • book chapters are to be referred as below:

1.Jaiswal SP, Jain AK, Naik G Soni N, Chitnis DS. (2001) Viral hepatitis during pregnancy. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 72: 103-108.

2.Marby T, Markham KR, Thomas MB. The systematic identification of flavonoids. Springer-Verlag, New-York, 1970: 62-68.

3.Rácz K. Adrenocorticotropin. Cushing-kór, Nelson-szindróma. In: Leövey A (szerk.), A klinikai endokrinológia és anyagcsere-betegségek kézikönyve. Medicina, Budapest, 2001: 178-186.

The short version of the dissertation (thesis-book)

Length: 8-20 pages, A5 format


  • Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Methods
  • Conclusions
  • Bibliography (only the candidate’s publicatons, publications related to the dissertations separetely from the others)

Before the submission the dissertation is supposed to be sent to the Doctoral Office by email so that the originality can be revised.  After the revision the Doctoral Office sends the originality report back to the supervisor and the candidate within 3 weekdays. Submitting the dissertation the candidate agrees on creating a Turnitin profile by the Doctoral Office to accomplish the revision of the dissertation.

The submisson is supposed to be accomplished via email (, please  do not send in any printed documentation (not a printed copy of the dissertation, either) to the Doctoral Office while submitting.

  • the records of the candidate’s home defence of the PhD thesis
  • an electronic copy of the PhD thesis in pdf and in word file under 10 MB 
  • the publications related to the thesis
  • the short version of the PhD thesis in English (8-20 pages)
  • Statement Naming the Academic Assessors and the Members of the Exam Committee for the Final Defence
  • Datasheet of the Central Library (signed, about the publications of the candidate)
  • the fee of the administration (trained PhD candidates: 120 000 Ft, untrained candidates 200 000 Ft)
  • Statement about the results in the publications related to the dissertation
  • Formal pre-review about the doctoral dissertation
  • Statement about the authenticity and Copyright
  • Statement of the supervisor
  • Certificate(s) of Publice Defence Attendance

Number of copies: After the preliminary revision 1 bound copy is to be submitted

Exceptionally, a book or an artistic piece can be considered of similar value to a PhD thesis. The summaries and PhD thesis outlines are required in this case as well (depending on the nature of the work). The Doctoral Council of the University can determine other requirements or dispensations for individual cases.

Cover Page samples

PhD thesis Cover Page sample (Enrolled before 01.09.2016)

PhD thesis Cover Page sample (Enrolled after 01.09.2016)

PhD thesis Cover Page sample (Enrolled after 01.09.2023)