Semmelweis University is dedicated to the further development of PhD training, which is decisive for the scientific performance and the succession of teachers/researchers. In this spirit, it is considersed a priority task to promote the PhD students’ academic careers by devising forms of support that enable the development of research performance and educational competencies during PhD training.

The scholarship is equivalent to 50% of the state PhD scholarship (that is, HUF 70,000/month in the first two academic years of PhD training, and HUF 90,000/month in the second two academic years), which can be supplemented by the host organizational unit from its own financial resources.

The current grant applies to the second semester of the 2024/2025 academic year, between 1 February 2025 and 31 August 2025.

Conditions of application

  • Active PhD student status in state scholarship or self-funding PhD training, or as a post-complex exam MD/PhD student
  • Persons with health services or other employment relationships exceeding 20 hours per week are not eligible to apply.

Applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria

I. Excellent academic performance (70% of points to be obtained)

For students facing a complex exam:

  • OTDK award
  • International Conference Abstract
  • Publications rated Q2 or more
  • Number of citations received for publications

For students after a complex exam:

  • Publications rated Q2 or more
  • Number of citations received for publications

II. Teaching activities carried out in theoretical or preclinical institutes (30 % of the possible points to be obtained)

Conditions for disbursing the scholarship

The beneficiary (grantee) undertakes to:

  • present his/her research results at the PhD Scientific Days 2025
  • meet the conditions for obtaining a PhD degree and submit his/her PhD thesis by the deadline specified by law (within three years of the complex examination)
  • Conclusion of a study contract with Semmelweis University, which includes the obligation to repay the grant in case of non-fulfilment of the undertaken obligations.

To be submitted to the application

  • Short professional curriculum vitae (CV);
  • List of publications printed from MTMT and certified by the University Central Library with indication of impact factor*, citations and ranking of journals (based on SCImago ranking: D1, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4);
  • In the case of publications already accepted for publication but not yet included in the MTMT, a copy of the letter of acceptance and the title page of the scientific article;
  • Recommendation from heads of institute and/or supervisors (optional);
  • A copy of an international conference abstract copied from an abstract book – or downloaded from an online interface – (only required for PhD students facing the complex exam);
  • A copy of OTDK award certificate(s) (required only for PhD students facing the complex exam).
  • Thesis statement (required)
  • Head of department declaration (optional if you have a teaching activity or if you receive an institutional supplement).

Applications must be submitted via the application platform by 26 February 2025. Applicants will receive a confirmation of acceptance of their application by e-mail. The application can only be submitted through the application platform; we are unable to accept it via email.

A decision on the applications is expected by 28 March 2025 and applicants will be notified by e-mail until 31 March.

We cannot accept applications sent after the deadline. We would like to draw the applicants’ attention to the fact that providing untrue data in the application documentation will result in disqualification from all applications/competitions announced by the University Doctoral School.