Radiation Protection
2024/2025. 2nd. semester

Third year





Atomic structure, radioactivity, ionizing radiations

Dr. Veres Dániel

12. February

Interaction of ionizing radiations with materials, dosimetry, physical dose concepts

Dr. Veres Dániel

19. February

Principles of radiation protection, dose limits

Dr. Vecsei Bálint

26. February

Biological effects of the radiation

Dr. Szabó Bence Tamás

5. March

Public exposure

Taba Gabriella

12. March

X-ray equipments

Dr. Vecsei Bálint

19. March

Radiation protection in dentistry

Dr. Szabó Viktor

26. March

Radiation protection of the patients

Dr. Szabó Bence Tamás

2. April

Medical exposure

Dr. Szabó Bence Tamás

9. April

Radiation protection regulation aspects

Salik Ádám

16. April

Radiation protection legalisation in Hungary

Salik Ádám

23. April

General rules of ionizing radiation applications

Salik Ádám

30. April

Nuclear and radiological accidents. Prevention, emergency plan

Salik Ádám

7. May

Consultation, written exam

Dr. Szabó Bence Tamás

14. May


place of the lectures: Árkövy hall, Budapest, Szentkirályi str. 47.

date of the lectures: Wednesday 1445-1600

Budapest, 22th January 2025.



Dr. Szabó Bence Tamás
