General and dental radiology II.


Exam topics

1 Image characteristics.
2 Projection geometry
3 Principles of radiographic interpretation.
4 Normal anatomy. Teeth.
5 Normal anatomy. Supporting structures
6 Normal anatomy. Maxilla (without maxillary sinus).
7 Normal anatomy. Maxillary sinus.
8 Normal anatomy. Mandible.
9 Restorative materials.
10 Periapical radiography. Paralleling technique.
11 Bisecting-angle technique.
12 Bitewing examinations. Occlusal radiography. Radiographic examination of children.
13 Endodontic radiology: Diagnostic radiographs.
14 Endodontic treatment. Follow-up radiographs.
15 Extraoral radiographic examination
16 Panoramic radiography.
17 Radiographic examination of caries.
18 Radiographic appearance of caries.
19 Normal anatomy of the perioddontal structures. Technical procedures
20 Periodontal diseases. Limitations of radiographs in periodontal diagnosis
21 Dental conditions associated with periodontal diseases. Evaluation of periodontal therapy.
22 Dental anomalies: supernumerary teeth, developmentally missing teeth, tooth size, transposition, fusion, concrescence, gemination.
23 Dental anomalies: taurodontism, dilaceration, dens in dente, amelogenesis imperfecta, dentinogenesis imperfecta, enamel pearl, Turner’s hypoplasia.
24 Regressive changes of the dentition: Attrition, abrasion, tertialy dentin formation, pulpal sclerosis.
25 Regressive changes of the dentition: Resorption, hypercementosis.
26 Inflammatory lesions of the jaws. Acute infections of the periapex.
27 Chronic inflammation of the periapical region.
28 Pericoronitis. Osteomyelitis (acute, chronic).
29 General considerations and classification of the cysts. Radicular cyst. Traumatic bone cyst.
30 Dentigerous and residual cysts.
31 Odontogenic keratocysts. Lateral periodontal cysts.
32 Nonodontogenic cysts.
33 Traumatic injuries of the teeth
34 General conditions associated with tumors of the jaws.
35 Odontogenic and nonodontogenic benign tumors.
36 Malignant tumors of the jaws.
37 Salivary gland radiology.
38 Systemic diseases manifested in the jaws.
39 Radiographic examination of the temporomandibular joint.
40 Diseases of the maxillary sinus.
41 Traumatic injuries of facial bones.
42 Developmental disturbances of the face and jaws.