The Rector of Semmelweis University received the title of Honorary Doctor of the Iuliu Hațieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Cluj-Napoca during a ceremony.

On December 12, 2024, the Iuliu Hațieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Cluj-Napoca conferred the title of Doctor Honoris Causa, or Honorary Doctor, on Dr. Béla Merkely in recognition of his exceptional achievements in the field of cardiology and health management, as well as his outstanding contribution to scientific and medical progress. The award was presented by Dr Daniel Mureșan, President of the Senate of the University of Cluj-Napoca. Dr. Béla Merkely recalled that the two universities had previously been linked by an intensive exchange relationship based on a bilateral agreement for twenty decades. More recently, Semmelweis University and Harvard Medical School have re-established contact through a joint training programme organised by the two institutions, which will now once again forge closer scientific cooperation. Dr. Béla Merkely gave a presentation entitled “Mentors and students: building excellence together at Semmelweis University”.

Dr. Marcel Pop, Director of International Relations, is responsible for maintaining an active bilateral partnership with the University of Cluj-Napoca. Dr. Marcel Pop and Dóra Szepesi, Director General of Communications attended the award ceremony as the members of the delegation of Semmelweis University.

This prize is of special significance, as Cluj-Napoca is not only the scientific and cultural centre of Transylvania, but also one of the most prominent places in our history, with strong links to Hungary. The event is a worthy recognition of Semmelweis University’s outstanding teaching and research activities at international level, further strengthening scientific cooperation in the region.