2024. november 18–20. között Szendaiban, Japánban rendezték meg a Twenty-first International Conference on Flow Dynamics nevű áramlástani konferenciát. A kutatócsoportunkból négyen vettek részt a konferencián, ahol sikeresen megtartották előadásukat az alábbi témákban.
Dr. Jedlovszky-Hajdú Angéla (meghívott előadó): Composite Electrospun Scaffolds for Biomedical Applications
Dr. Voniatis Konstantinos: Fabrication of Composite Nanofibrous Covers for Coronary Stents
Halmóczki Sarolta: Development of Electrospun Nanocomposites – How Do Metal-based Nanoparticles’ Critical Parameters Influence Their Antibacterial and Cytotoxic Effects?
Pálos Veronika: Polysuccinimide-Salt Electrospun Scaffold as a Potential Wound Dressing Material
The Twenty-first International Conference on Flow Dynamics was held in Sendai, Japan, from November 18 to 20, 2024. Four members of our research group participated in the conference and successfully presented their work on the following topics.
Angela Jedlovszky-Hajdu (invited lecture): Composite Electrospun Scaffolds for Biomedical Applications
Constantinos Voniatis: Fabrication of Composite Nanofibrous Covers for Coronary Stents
Sarolta Halmóczki: Development of Electrospun Nanocomposites – How Do Metal-based Nanoparticles’ Critical Parameters Influence Their Antibacterial and Cytotoxic Effects?
Veronika Pálos: Polysuccinimide-Salt Electrospun Scaffold as a Potential Wound Dressing Material