Cutting-Edge Radiolabeling Approaches in Vesicular Biodistribution Analysis
Krisztian Szigeti, Dávid Szöllősi, Zoltán Varga, Parasuraman Padmanabhan, Balázs Gulyás, Ralf Bergmann, Domokos Máthé
ESMI, Porto, Portugal, 12 March 2024 -
Development, In Vitro Characterization & In Vivo Testing of multimodal Prussian Blue nanoparticles in an animal model
Forgach Laszlo
7th Theranostics World Congress, Santiago de Chile, 22-24 March 2024 - Development and testing of polymer-encapsulated, amine-functionalized iron-based contrast materials in animal model
Fatemeh Heydari
7th Theranostics World Congress, Santiago de Chile, 22-24 March 2024 - Development and testing of polymer-encapsulated, amine-functionalized iron-based contrast materials in animal model
Fatemeh Heydari
12th Visegrad Symposium on Biomolecular Interactions – Piestany, Slovakia, 23-26 June 2024 -
Development, In Vitro Characterization & In Vivo Testing of multimodal Prussian Blue nanoparticles in an animal model
Forgach Laszlo
12th Visegrad Symposium on Biomolecular Interactions – Piestany, Slovakia, 23-26 June 2024 -
Development, In Vitro Characterization & In Vivo Testing of multimodal Prussian Blue nanoparticles in an animal model
Forgach Laszlo
ESIB Conference, Graz, Austria, 9-12 November 2024 - Development and testing of polymer-encapsulated, amine-functionalized iron-based contrast materials in animal model
Fatemeh Heydari
ESIB Conference, Graz, Austria, 9-12 November 2024 - New radio-labelling approaches in OMV biodistribution
K Szigeti, D Máthé, DS Veres, D.Szöllősi, Kanni Das, Polett Hajdrik
EANM, Hamburg, Germany, 19-23 October 2024
- Investigating the Systemic Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Golden Syrian Hamsters
Polett Hajdrik, Bernadett Pályi, Zoltán Kis, Ralf Bergmann, Ildikó Horváth, Krisztián Szigeti, Domokos MáthéPhD Tudományos Napok 2023
- Development of a novel ACE2 decoy for both SARS-CoV-2 variant neutralization and infected cell elimination via unmodified or CAR modified immune cells
Ralf Bergmann, Nikolett Hegedűs, Domokos Máthé, Krisztián Szigeti, Polett Hajdrik, László Forgách
ICLE 2023, Munich, Germany, 12-14 September -
Hiperlipiémia hatása a máj extracelluláris vezikula szekréciójára és felvételére.
Balázs-Németh Krisztina, Varga Zoltán, Lenzinger Dorina, Visnovitz Tamás, Koncz Anna, Hegedűs Nikolett, Kittel Ágnes, Máthé Domokos, Szigeti Krisztián, Lőrincz Péter, Buzás Edit, Tamási Viola.
A MMT éves konferenciá, 2023
- Development of 99mTc-labeling protocol for hydrogel-based microspheres
Nikolett Hegedűs, Domokos Máthé, Krisztián Szigeti
BPS2020, San Diego, California US, 2020. 02. 15-19.
Digital variance angiography as a risk reduction measure in peripheral endovascular interventions
Péter Sótonyi, Viktor Óriás, Dávid Szöllősi, Marcell Gyánó, Krisztián Szigeti, Szabolcs Osváth, János Kiss
ESVS 33rd Annual Meeting, Hamburg 2019, 24-27 September
Investigating the clinical value of pelvic parametric X-ray angiography for image guidance in prostatic artery embolization
L. S. Alizadeh, T. J. Vogl, D. Szöllősi, M. Gyánó, K. Szigeti, S. Osváth, J. P. Kiss, V. I. Óriás
CIRSE Annual Congress 2019, Barcelona, Spain, 2019. 07. 07-11.
Investigation of the quality reserve provided by digital variance angiography in fenestrated and branched endovascular aortic aneurysm repair setting
E. Verhoeven, A. Katsargyris, D. Szöllősi, M. Gyánó, K. Szigeti, S. Osváth, J. P. Kiss, V. I. Óriás
CIRSE Annual Congress 2019, Barcelona, Spain, 2019. 07. 07-11. - Si-substituted xanthene fluorescent dyes with near-infrared emission
Tamás Farkas, Gergő Riszter, Zoltán Pathó, Csaba Hunyadi, Domokos Máthé, Nikolett Hegedűs, Dávid Szöllősi, Dóra Bogdán, Mária Kaleta, Zoltán Kaleta
ESOC 2019 (European Symposium on Organic Chemistry), Vienna, Austria, 2019. 07. 14-18. - Synthesis and biological evaluation of the precursor of a radioactive iodine labeled bioactive compound
Tamás Farkas, Nikolett Hegedűs, Dávid Szöllősi, Domokos Máthé, Zoltán Kaleta
ESOC 2019 (European Symposium on Organic Chemistry), Vienna, Austria, 2019. 07. 14-18.
Digital variance angiography as a paradigm shift in carbon-dioxide angiography
Viktor I. Orias , David Szollosi, Istvan Gog, Krisztian Szigeti, Szabolcs Osvath, Peter Sotonyi, Zoltan Ruzsa
Leipzig Interventional Course (LINC), Germany, 2019. 01. 22-25. -
Time differentiation based image enhancement algorithms for kinetic imaging
Dávid Szöllősi, Marcell Gyánó, Viktor Imre Óriás, Szabolcs Osváth, Péter Sótonyi, Krisztián Szigeti
Leipzig Interventional Course (LINC), Germany, 2019. 01. 22-25.
Evaluation of kinetic imaging in carotid and cerebral X-ray angiography
Viktor I. Orias , David Szollosi, Istvan Gog, Krisztian Szigeti, Szabolcs Osvath, Peter Sotonyi, Zoltan Ruzsa
Leipzig Interventional Course (LINC), Germany, 2019. 01. 22-25.
Evaluation of kinetic imaging in carotid and cerebral X-ray angiography
Viktor I. Orias, David Szollosi, Istvan Gog, Krisztian Szigeti, Szabolcs Osvath, Peter Sotonyi, Zoltan Ruzsa
ESVS 32nd Annual Meeting, Valencia, Spain, 2018. 09. 24-28.
CIRSE, Lisbon, Portugal, 2018. 09. 22-25.
- Real‐time image quality enhancement with kinetic imaging in carbon‐dioxide angiography
Viktor I. Orias, Marcell Gyano, David Szollosi, Istvan Gog, Krisztian Szigeti, Szabolcs Osvath, Balazs Nemes, Peter Sotonyi, Zoltan Ruzsa
ESVS 32nd Annual Meeting, Valencia, Spain, 2018. 09. 24-28.
CIRSE, Lisbon, Portugal, 2018. 09. 22-25.
- Quality improvement of kinetic images with a guided transformation
Dávid Szöllősi, Marcell Gyánó, Viktor Imre Óriás, Szabolcs Osváth, Krisztián Szigeti, Péter Sótonyi
CIRSE, Lisbon, Portugal, 2018. 09. 22-25. -
75% X-ray dose reduction in angiography – comparing kinetic imaging with conventional DSA
M. Gyano, B. Nemes, D. Veres, D. Szöllősi, S. Osváth, K. Szigeti, P. Sótonyi
CIRSE, Lisbon, Portugal, 2018. 09. 22-25.
- Application of CLI (Cherenkov Luminescence Imaging) and other imaging modalities in the preclinical research
Ritter Zsombor, Balogh Péter, Szöllősi Dávid, Schmidt Erzsébet, Michael
Irvine, David Tuch, Kunal Vyas, Horváth Ildikó, Máthé Domokos, Zámbó
European Radiation Research, Pécs, Hungary, 2018. 08. 21-25. -
New alternative in angiography: randomized comparison of DSA and kinetic imaging
V.I. Óriás, M. Gyánó, I. Góg, Z. Ruzsa, B. Nemes, C. Csobay-Novák, Z. Olah, Z. Nagy, B. Merkely, K. Szigeti, S. Osváth
EuroPCR, Paris, France, 2018. 05. 22-25.
- SPECT and MRI evaluation increases understanding pathophysiology in a murine model of sepsis associated encephalopathy
D Szöllősi, N Hegedűs, DS Veres, N Kovács, B Martinecz, Á Dénes, T Farkas, Z Kaleta, K Szigeti, D Máthé
PSMR, Isola d’Elba, Italy, 2018. 05. 21-23. -
X-Ray angiography using kinetic imaging: optimizing signal-to-noise ratio
István Góg, Viktor Óriás, Marcell Gyánó, Zoltán Ruzsa, Balázs Nemes, Béla Merkely, Krisztián Szigeti, Szabolcs Osváth, Péter Sótonyi
ECR, Wien, Austria, 2018.02.28-03.04. - Hepatic morpho-functional imaging following portal vein ligation in rat – Is it what it seems?
T Kovács, A Fülöp, A Budai, D Tihanyi, M Bencsics, B Keczer, DS Veres, I Horváth, K Szigeti, D Máthé, A Szijártó
Advances and Perspectives in Hepatology – Budapest Liver Meeting 2017, Budapest, Hungary, 2018.02.09-11. -
A randomized comparison of digital subtraction angiography and kinetic imaging
Marcell Gyánó, István Góg, Viktor Óriás, Balázs Nemes, Béla Merkely, Krisztián Szigeti, Szabolcs Osváth, Péter Sótony
LINC, Leipzig, Germany, 2018. 01.29 – 02.02.
New perspectives in kinetic imaging
K. Szigeti
Kinetic Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, 2017.11.21.
- SPECT képek geometriai parametrizációja májdaganatos egérmodellben
DS Veres, AK Székely, FJ Kiss, I Horváth, D Máthé, K Szigeti
MBFT, Szeged, Hungary, 2017.08.22-25. - Labelling of EDTA fuctionalised liposomes by copper-64 for small animal PET-CT imaging
Z Szűcs, B ALirezapoor, K Brezovcsik, R Doczi, I Gyurkó, Z Varga, N Hegedűs, I Horváth, K Szigeti, D Máthé, A Soós, B Kovács
ISRS, Dresden, Germany, 2017. 05. 14-19. - Radiolabeling and quantitative in-vivo SPECT/CT imaging study of liposomes using the novel iminothiolate-99Tc-tricarbonyl complex
Z Varga, I CS Szigyártó, I Gyurkó, R Doczi, I Horváth, D Máthé, K Szigeti
ISRS, Dresden, Germany, 2017. 05. 14-19. - The novel production and in-vivo imaging of lead-203 as a surrogate isotope of bismuth 212/lead-212 alpha particle dosimetry
N Hegedűs, D Máthé, K Szigeti, I Horváth, DS Veres, B Kovács, Z Szűcs
ISRS, Dresden, Germany, 2017. 05. 14-19.
Radiolabeling of extracellular vesicles with 99mTc-tricarbonyl for quantitative in vivo imaging studies
Z Varga, E Buzás, K Szigeti, D Máthé
Extracellular Vesicles: Friends and Foes, Rehovot, Israel, 2016. 06. 07-09. - The β-amyloid early effect on the proteome of the Mitochondria-Associated ER Membrane (MAM) in APP/PS1 mice brain
K Badics, K Völgyi, P Gulyássy, V Kis, K Szigeti, Á Dobolyi, AK Kékesi, L Drahos, G Juhász
IBRO, Budapest, Hungary, 2016. 01. 21-22.
- SPECT imaging reveals early effects of systemic inflammation on brain injury and changes in peripheral organs after cerebral ischemia
K Szigeti, I Horváth, DS Veres, B Martinecz, N Lénárt, N Kovács, A Márta, E Bakcsa, M Semjéni, D Máthé, Á Dénes
MITT, Budapest, Hungary, 2015. 01. 22-23.
- Agyi glükóz metabolizmus térkép készítése kvantitatív in vivo képalkotó módszerek segítségével.
I Varsányi, D Máthé, I Horváth, DS Veres, K Szigeti
MBFT, Budapest, Magyarország, 2015. 08. 25-28.
- Achievement of very high floating force and rapid dissolution of sodium alginate based floating drug delivery systems: in vitro, in vivo study
P Diós, F Budán, S Nagy, I Horváth, K Szigeti, D Máthé, Sz Pál, A Dévay
BBBB, Helsinki, Finland, 2015. 09. 10-12.
- Parameters of floating drug delivery systems – tracked in animal model utilizing in vivo X-ray CT imaging
P Diós, F Budán, S Nagy, I Horváth, K Szigeti, D Máthé, Sz Pál, A Dévay
BBBB, Helsinki, Finland, 2015. 09. 10-12.
- X-ray CT imaging of stomach passage of contrast-enhanced floating tablets in a new rat model
D Máthé, F Budán, Sz Pál, I Kiss, P Diós, K Szigeti
EANM, Hamburg, Germany, 2015. 10. 10-14.
- Early X-ray CT radiomic identification of lung tissue harm origins in mice
D Máthé, F Budán, Cs Korom, DS Veres, K Szigeti
EANM, Hamburg, Germany, 2015. 10. 10-14.
- A novel SPECT-based approach reveals early effects of systemic inflammation on brain injury and peripheral organs after cerebral ischemia
D Máthé, K Szigeti, DS Veres, B Martinecz, N Lénárd, N Kovács, A Márta, M Semjéni, Á Dénes
EANM, Hamburg, Germany, 2015. 10. 10-14.
- Imaging central and systemic inflammation after cerebral ischaemia in vivo, using SPECT/CT in mice
K Szigeti, I Horváth, DS Veres, N Kovács, M Semjéni, D Máthé, Á Dénes
IBRO, Debrecen, Hungary, 2014. 01. 16-17.
- Quantitative in vivo imaging in brain science
M Semjéni, N Kovács, I Horváth, DS Veres, K Szigeti, D Máthé
IBRO, Debrecen, Hungary, 2014. 01. 16-17.
- Advances and applications for positron emission thomography – magnetic resonance hybrid imaging
K Szigeti, DS Veres, N Kovács, I Horváth, D Máthé, M Semjéni
ICDDT, Dubai, U.A.E., 2014. 02. 10-12.
- Metabolic and cellular effects of portal vein ligation using PET/MRI in healthy rat liver
A Fülöp, A Szijártó, L Harsányi, A Budai, D Pekli, D Korsós, I Horváth, N Kovács, K Szigeti, D Máthé
PSMR, Kos Island, Greece, 2014. 05. 19-21.
- Automated body-lung-air material map segmentation from pre-clinical MRI images for PET attenuation correction in Tera-Tomo 3D PET reconstruction engine of nanoScan PET/MRI system
P Bandi, G Jakab, N Zsoter, D Máthé, G Németh, K Nagy, S Hóbor, L Papp
PSMR, Kos Island, Greece, 2014. 05. 19-21.
- Differences in regional brain 18F-FDG PET kinetic parameters in anaesthetised healthy male and female rats
GSz Kovács, N Kovács, DS Veres, I Varsányi, J Király, K Szigeti, D Máthé
WMIC, Seoul, South Korea, 2014. 09. 17-20.
- Ga-68-DOTA-Puromycin: a preclinical study to image enhanced protein synthesis in a mouse mycobacterial infection model
S Eigner, N Kovács, E Bakcsa, I Horváth, DS Veres, K Szigeti, K Eigner-Henke, D Máthé
WMIC, Seoul, South Korea, 2014. 09. 17-20.
- Effects of body mass on SUV-related metabolic activity in mouse joint imaging using PET/MRI
D Máthé, J Király, I Varsányi, N Kovács, K Szigeti
EANM, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2014. 10. 18-22.
- Detection of radiation-induced changes in healthy mouse brain using diffusion-weighted MRI and 18F-FDG-PET
D. Máthé, N. Kovács, K. Szigeti, R. Bergmann
EANM, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2014. 10. 18-22.
- Production and in vivo imaging of 203Pb as surrogate for 212Bi/212Pb Alpha particle dosimetry
D Máthé, K Szigeti, I Horváth, Z Szűcs
EANM, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2014. 10. 18-22.
- Comparison of Lu-177-anti-CD20 (Rituximab) efficacy on human and canine B-cell lymphoma xenografts
L Balogh, R Mikolajczak, W Wojdowska, D Máthé, A Polyák, Z Postenyi, V Haasz, G Janoki, J Thuroczy, R Peter Joba, G Dabasi, M Barra, K Bus, L Jorgov, GA Janoki
EANM, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2014. 10. 18-22.
- Possible modulation of dopaminergic neurotransmission function by acetyl-L-carnitine
L Cunha, K Szigeti, D Máthé, T Summavielle, L Metello
EANM, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2014. 10. 18-22.
- In vivo imaging of LPS induced systemic inflammation in the mouse using central benzodiazepine receptor and glutathione SPECT combined to FDG-PET
K Szigeti, DS Veres, I Futó, I Horváth, N Kovács, M Semjéni, M Tóth, B Ralf, D Máthé
EMIM, Torino, Italy, 2013.05.26-28.
- In vivo basic tracer pharmacokinetic analysis for transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease
K Szigeti, GSz Kovács, I Varsányi, F Budán, I Horváth, AD Windhorst, D Máthé
WMIC, Savannah, GA, USA, 2013. 09. 18-21.
- PET/MRI/SPECT/CT in vivo longitudinal imaging of Earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris L.), as a novel means of environmental monitoring
F Budán, N Kovács, I Horváth, DS Veres, P Engelmann, P Németh, K Szigeti, D Máthé
WMIC, Savannah, GA, USA, 2013. 09. 18-21.
- Study of Acetyl-L-Carnitine effects on glucose metabolism in mouse brain using PET/MRI imaging
LS Cunha, D Máthé, I Horváth, DS Veres, K Szigeti, LF Metello, T Summavieille
WMIC, Savannah, GA, USA, 2013. 09. 18-21.
- In vivo imaging of microglia cells activated by LPS-induced systemic inflammation in mouse
K Szigeti, DS Veres, I Futó, I Horváth, N Kovács, M Semjéni, M Tóth, R Bergmann, D Máthé
WMIC, Savannah, GA, USA, 2013. 09. 18-21.
- Optimisation of pulse sequences and T1/T2 mapping for the detection of a novel multimodal nanoparticle class based on Prussian Blue
N Kovács, M Babos, S Hóbor, I Horváth, K Szigeti, D Máthé
ESMRMB Congress (30th Annual Scientific Meeting), Toulouse, France, 2013. 10. 03-05.
- PET/MRI/SPECT/CT in vivo longitudinal imaging of Earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris L.), as a novel aspect for toxicological testing
F Budán, N Kovács, I Horváth, DS Veres, P Engelmann, P Németh, K Szigeti, D Máthé
EANM, Lyon, France, 2013. 10. 19-23.
- In vivo kinetic brain mapping of 18F-FDDNP non-specific binding for transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer’s Disease
M Semjéni, K Szigeti, GSz Kovács, I Varsányi, F Budán, I Horváth, AD Windhorst, D Máthé
First Preclinical Nuclear Imaging Symposium, London, England, 2013. 11. 04.
- New dynamic imaging X-ray modality
K Szigeti, Sz Osváth
Biophysical Society 56th Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, 2012. 02. 25-29.
- A leukémiák terápiájában használt dasatinib hatásának vizsgálata különböző gyulladásos folyamatokban
K Futósi, T Németh, K Szigeti, D Máthé, A Mócsai
Magyar Élettani Társaság Vándorgyűlése, Debrecen, Magyarország, 2012.06.10-13.
- In vivo parametrisation of liver lesions using mouse SPECT/CT
D Máthé, I Futó, I Horváth, DS Veres, K Szigeti
WMIC, Dublin, Ireland, 2012.09.05-08.
- Whole-body assessment of HBOC-related adverse effects by NanoSPECT/CT technology in rat, guinea pig and mouse
I Portörő, D Máthé, K Szigeti, A Mozelli, A Eke
International Symposium on Blood Substitutes and Oxygen Therapeutics, Boston, USA, 2011. 07. 27 – 29.
- Synthesis and characterisation of a multi-modality iron-based nanoparticle platform
D Máthé, K Rácz, N Hegedűs, K Fekete, Z Benyó, I Horváth, T Bozó, K Szigeti,
ISRS, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2011. 08. 29 – 09. 02.
- In vivo SPECT and ex vivo autoradiographic imaging of the CB1 receptor radioligand [125-I]SD7015 in mouse brain
D Máthé, I Horváth, K Szigeti, S Donohue, B Gulyás, D Ágoston, M Palkovits, T Freund, C Ledent, V Pike, C Halldin
ISRS, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2011.08.29 – 09.02.
- Imaging the CB1 receptor radioligand [125-I]SD7015 in mouse brain using in vivo SPECT and ex vivo autoradiography
D Máthé, I Horváth, K Szigeti, S Donohue, R Szabó, VW Pike, B Gulyás, C Halldin, T Freund
WMIC, San Diego, USA, 2011.09.
- Nanobiotechnology and in vivo imaging center
K Szigeti, D Máthé
Clinical Nanomedicine, Basel, Switzerland, 2010. 05.09.
- Differences in postoperative bone mineralization rates in cortical 99m Tc-MDP SPECT/CT and its use as a spongious bones detected by bone implant material screening tool
K Szigeti, I Horváth, D Máthé, G Németh, K Karlinger, E Pankotai, M Weszl, Z Lacza
EMIM, Warsaw, Poland, 2010. 05. 27.
- In vivo dual isotope spect to determine brain trauma extent in mice
D Máthé, K Szigeti, K Fekete, I Horváth, Z Benyó
World Molecular Imaging Congress, Kyoto, Japan, 2010.09.08-11.
- Differences in postoperative bone mineralization rates in cortical 99m Tc-MDP SPECT/CT and its use as a and spongious bones detected by bone implant material screening tool
K Szigeti, I Horváth, D Máthé, G Németh, K Karlinger, E Pankotai, M Weszl, Z Lacza
World Molecular Imaging Congress, Kyoto, Japan, 2010.09.08-11.
- Arthus-reakció vizsgálata kvantitatív in vivo képalkotó eljárással
B Balázs, Z Jakus, K Futósi, K Szigeti, D Máthé, A Mócsai
Magyar Immunológiai Társaság Vándorgyűlése, Szeged, Magyarország, 2010.11.03-05.
- Imaging of regional red blood cell mass in the rat brain by high-resolution quantitative NANOSPECT/CT technology
D Máthé, I Portörő, G Németh, A Eke
BRAIN, Chicago, USA, 2009. 06 . 29 – 07. 01.
- Imaging of regional red blood cell mass in the rat brain by high-resolution quantitative NANOSPECT/CT technology
D Máthé, I Portörő, G Németh, A Eke
ISOTT, Cleveland, USA, 2009. 07. 06.
- Regional red blood cell mass determination in the rat brain by quantitative MMP SPECT/CT technology
D Máthé, I Portörő, G Németh, A Eke, J Hesterman, GyA Jámoki, L Puskás
WMIC, Montréal, Canada, 2009. 09. 23-26.
- Imaging of regional red blood cell mass in the rat brain using NanoSPECT/CT
D Máthé, I Portörő, G Németh, A Eke
EANM, Barcelona, Spain, 2009. 10. 13.
- Application of measurements of tumor size and perfusion as NanoSPECT/CT biomarkers in mice
D Máthé, G Németh, J Tóvári, E Raso, L Balogh, G Jánoki
EANM, Barcelona, Spain, 2009. 10. 13.