• Solvothermal synthesis of polyvinyl pyrrolidone encapsulated, amine-functionalized copper ferrite and its use as a magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent

    Fatemeh Heydari, Ágnes M. Ilosvai, Noémi Kovács, Domokos Máthé, Ferenc Kristály, Lajos Daróczi, Zoltán Kaleta, Béla Viskolcz, Miklós Nagy, László Vanyorek, László Forgách, Krisztián Szigeti
    PloSOne, 6 February 2025


  • Review of Multimodal Data Acquisition Approaches for Brain–Computer Interfaces

    Sayantan Ghosh, Domokos Máthé , Purushothaman Bhuvana Harishita, Pramod Sankarapillai, Anand Mohan, Raghavan Bhuvanakantham, Balázs Gulyás and Parasuraman Padmanabhan 
    BioMed 2024,  2 December 2024

  • CardiLect: A combined cross-species lectin histochemistry protocol for the automated analysis of cardiac remodelling

    Tamás G. Gergely, Tamás Kovács, Andrea Kovács, Viktória E. Tóth, Nabil V. Sayour, Gábor M. Mórotz, Csenger Kovácsházi, Gábor B. Brenner, Zsófia Onódi, Balázs Enyedi, Domokos Máthé, Przemyslaw Leszek, Zoltán Giricz, Péter Ferdinandy, Zoltán V. Varga
    ESC Heart Failure (2024), 13 November 2024

  • Quantitative Comparison of Color-Coded Parametric Imaging Technologies Based on Digital Subtraction and Digital Variance Angiography: A Retrospective Observational Study

    István Góg , Péter Sótonyi, Balázs Nemes , János P. Kiss, Krisztián Szigeti, Szabolcs Osváth and Marcell Gyánó. 
    Journal of Imaging. 2024  October 18

  • Quantitative Biodistribution of OMVs Using SPECT/CT Imaging with HYNIC-Duramycin Radiolabeling

    Dávid Szöllősi, Polett Hajdrik, Hedvig Tordai, Ralf Bergmann, Ildikó Horváth, Judith Mihály, Anikó Gaál, Bálint Jezsó, Kanni Das Shailaja, Tamás Felföldi, Parasuraman Padmanabhan, Balázs Zoltán Gulyás, Domokos Máthé, Zoltán Varga, Krisztián Szigeti. 
    ACS Publications, 2024 October 11. 

  • Chapter 69 – Comparing coffee and tea consumption regarding DNA methylation

    Ferenc Budán, László Szabó,
    Máthé Domokos, József L. Szentpéteri, Dávid Szép, Attila Sík.

    Academic press, online 27 September 2024

  • Review of Multimodal Data Acquisition Approaches for Brain-Computer Interfaces

    Sayantan Ghosh, Máthé Domokos, Harishita Purushothaman Bhuvana, Pramod Sankarapillai, Anand Mohan, Raghavan Bhuvanakantham, Balázs Gulyás, Parasuraman Padmanabhan
    Preprints 2024, 13 September 2024

  • Application of color-coded Digital Variance Angiography in endovascular interventions

    István Góg, János P. Kiss, Péter Sótonyi,
    Szigeti Krisztián 
    AKJournals, 05 Aug 2024

  • Monitoring correlates of SARS-CoV-2 infection in cell culture using a two-photon-active calcium-sensitive dye

    Máthé Domokos, Gergely Szalay, Cseri Levente, Zoltán Kis, Bernadett Pályi, Gábor Földes, Noémi Kovács, Anna Fülöp, Áron Szepesi, Hajdrik Polett, Attila Csomos, Zsembery Ákos, Kádár Kristóf, Katona Gergely, Mucsi Zoltán, Balázs József Rózsa,  Ervin Blacksmith
    Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters, 19 July 2024


  • Development of Polymer-Encapsulated, Amine-Functionalized Zinc Ferrite Nanoparticles as MRI Contrast Agents

    Ágnes M. Ilosvai, László Forgách, Noémi Kovács, Fatemeh Heydari, Krisztián Szigeti, Domokos Máthé, Ferenc Kristály, Lajos Daróczi, Zoltán Kaleta, Béla Viskolcz, Miklós Nagy and László Vanyorek.

    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24(22),  11 November 2023

  • Radiolabeling of Platelets with 99mTc-HYNIC-Duramycin for In Vivo Imaging Studies

    Keresztély Merkel ,Dávid Szöllősi,Ildikó Horváth,Bálint Jezsó, Zsolt Baranyai, Zsolt Baranyai,Krisztián Szigeti, Zoltán Varga,Imre Hegedüs,Parasuraman Padmanabhan, Balázs Gulyás, Ralf Bergmann, Domokos Máthé
    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 4 December 2023

  • Synthesis and preclinical application of a Prussian blue-based dual fluorescent and magnetic contrast agent (CA)

    Nikolett Hegedűs,  László Forgách, Bálint Kiss, Zoltán Varga ,Bálint Jezsó, Ildikó Horváth, Noémi Kovács, Polett Hajdrik, Parasuraman Padmanabhan, Balázs Gulyás, Krisztián Szigeti, Domokos Máthé
    PLOS ONE, 30 November 2023

  • Molecular imaging of bacterial outer membrane vesicles based on bacterial surface display

    Dávid Szöllősi, Polett Hajdrik, Hedvig Tordai, Ildikó Horváth, Dániel S. Veres, Bernadett Gillich, Kanni Das Shailaja, László Smeller, Ralf Bergmann, Michael Bachmann, Judith Mihály, Anikó Gaál, Bálint Jezsó, Balázs Barátki, Dorottya Kövesdi, Szilvia Bősze, Ildikó Szabó, Tamás Felföldi, Erzsébet Oszwald, Parasuraman Padmanabhan, Balázs Zoltán Gulyás, Nazha Hamdani, Domokos Máthé, Zoltán Varga & Krisztián Szigeti.
    Scientific Reports 13, 31 October 2023

  • FLT3-directed UniCAR T-cell therapy of acute myeloid leukaemia

    J. C. Peschke, R. Bergmann, M. Mehnert, K. E. Gonzalez Soto, L. R. Loureiro, N. Mitwasi, A. Kegler, H. Altmann, M. Wobus, D. Máthé, K. Szigeti, A. Feldmann, M. Bornhäuser, M. Bachmann, F. Fasslrinner, C. Arndt.
    Br J Haematol. 2023, 17 July 2023

  • A novel ACE2 decoy for both neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 variants and killing of infected cells

    Alexandra Kegler , Laura Drewitz, Claudia Arndt, Cansu Daglar, Liliana Rodrigues Loureiro, Nicola Mitwasi, Christin Neuber, Karla Elizabeth Gonza´lez Soto, Tabea Bartsch, Larysa Baraban, Holger Ziehr, Markus Heine, Annabel Nieter, Andres Moreira-Soto, Arne Kühne, Jan Felix Drexler, Barbara Seliger, Markus Laube, Domokos Mathe, Bernadett Palyi, Polett Hajdrik, Laszlo Forgach, Zoltan Kis, Krisztián Szigeti, Ralf Bergmann, Anja Feldmann and Michael Bachmann
    Front. Immunol., 13 June 2023

  • Radiation Exposure Reduction by Digital Variance Angiography in Lower Limb Angiography: A Randomized Controlled Trial
    Péter Sótonyi, Márton Berczeli, Marcell Gyánó, Péter Legeza, Zsuzsanna Mihály, Csaba Csobay-Novák, Ákos Pataki, Viktória Juhász, István Góg, Krisztián Szigeti, Szabolcs Osváth, János P. Kiss and Balázs Nemes.  
    Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease, 30 April 2023

  • Comparative in vitro and in vivo Evaluation of Different Iron Oxide-Based Contrast Agents to Promote Clinical Translation in Compliance with Patient Safety

    Harald Unterweger, Christina Janko, Tamara Folk, Iwona Cicha, Noémi Kovács, Gyula Gyebnár, Ildikó Horváth, Domokos Máthé, Kang H Zheng, Bram F Coolen, Erik Stroes, János Szebeni, Christoph Alexiou, László Dézsi & Stefan Lyer
    International Journal of Nanomedicine, 20 April 2023

  • Possible use of Digital Variance Angiography in Liver Transarterial Chemoembolization: A Retrospective Observational Study

    Pierleone Lucatelli, Bianca Rocco, Simone Ciaglia, Leonardo Teodoli, Renato Argiro, Boris Guiu, Luca Saba, Giulio Vallati, Stavros Spiliopoulos, Lorenzo Patrone, Marcell Gyano , István Gog, Szabolcs Osvath , Krisztian Szigeti, János P. Kiss, Carlo Catalano. 
    Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol, 11 March 2023

  • Results of a systematic review and meta-analysis of early studies on ivermectin in SARS-CoV-2 infection
    Zsuzsanna Ragó, Barbara Tóth, Ágnes Szalenko-Tőkés, Zsolt Bella, Fanni Dembrovszky, Nelli Farkas, Szabolcs Kiss, Péter Hegyi, Mária Matuz, Noémi Tóth, Imre Hegedüs, Domokos Máthé, Dezső Csupor

    GeroScience, 07 March 2023


  • Physical prehabilitation improves the postoperative outcome of associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy in experimental model
    Noemi Daradics, Klara Levay, Ildiko Horvath, Noemi Kovacs, Domokos Mathe, Krisztian Szigeti, Attila Szijarto, Andras Fulop.
    Scientific Reports  12, 14 November 2022

  • The Utilization of Physiologically Active Molecular Components of Grape Seeds and Grape Marc
    Imre Hegedüs, Kitti Andreidesz, József L. Szentpéteri, Zoltán Kaleta, László Szabó, Krisztián Szigeti, Balázs Gulyás, Parasuraman Padmanabhan, Ferenc Budan, Domokos Máthé
    Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22 September 2022

  • Monitoring correlates of SARS-CoV-2 infection in cell culture using two-photon microscopy and a novel fluorescent calcium-sensitive dye
    Domokos Máthé, Gergely Szalay,  Levente Cseri, Zoltán Kis, Bernadett Pályi, Gábor Földes, Noémi Kovács, Anna Fülöp,  Áron Szepesi, Polett Hajdrik,  Attila Csomos, Ákos Zsembery, Kristóf Kádár,  Gergely Katona,  Zoltán Mucsi,  Balázs József Rózsa,  Ervin Kovács.
    bioRxiv the preprint server for biology , September 13, 2022.

  • Two-Year Event-Free Survival Prediction in DLBCL Patients Based on In Vivo Radiomics and Clinical Parameters
    Zsombor Ritter, László Papp, Katalin Zámbó, Zoltán Tóth, Dániel Dezső, Dániel Sándor Veres, Domokos Máthé, Ferenc Budán, Éva Karádi, Anett Balikó, László Pajor, Árpád Szomor, Erzsébet Schmidt, Hussain Alizadeh
    Front. Oncol., 08 June 2022

  • Initial Experience Using Digital Variance Angiography in Context of Prostatic Artery Embolization in Comparison with Digital Subtraction Angiography

    Leona S.Alizadeh, Marcell Gyánó, István Gog, Krisztián Szigeti, Szabolcs Osváth, János P.Kiss, Ibrahim Yel, Vitali Koch, Leon D.Grünewald, Thomas J.Vogl,  Christian Booz
    Academic Radiology,  7 June 2022

  • 3D culturing of human pluripotent stem cells-derived endothelial cells for vascular regeneration
    Edit Gara, Eleonora Zucchelli, Annamária Nemes, Zoltán Jakus, Kitti Ajtay, Éva Kemecsei, Gábor Kiszler, Nikolett Hegedűs, Krisztián Szigeti,Iván Földes, Kristóf Árvai, János Kósa, Kraszimir Kolev, Erzsébet Komorowicz, Parasuraman Padmanabhan,  Pál Maurovich-Horvat, Edit Dósa, György Várady, Miklós Pólos,István Hartyánszky, Sian E. Harding, Béla Merkely, Domokos Máthé, Gábor Szabó, Tamás Radovits, and Gábor Földes
    Theranostics. 2022;  6 Jun 2022 

  • Squaric Acid Bisphposphonates for Theranostics of Bone Metastasis – the Easy DOTA-Zoledronate
    Lukas Greifenstein, Nils Engelbogen, Domokos Máthé, Tilmann Grus, Frank Rösch, Ralf Bergmann.
    Front. Nucl. Med., 10 May 2022

  • The Correlation Between Platelet Count and Survival in Prostate Cancer
    Tünde Mezei, Imre Bőde, Péter Tenke, Valéria Jósa,  Keresztély Merkel, Zsuzsanna Szilasi,  Attila Tordai,  Domokos Máthé,  Zsolt Baranyai.
    Res Rep Urol. 2022; 6 May 2022.

  • An Implantable Magneto-Responsive Poly(aspartamide) Based Electrospun Scaffold for Hyperthermia Treatment
    Tamás Veres, Constantinos Voniatis, Kristóf Molnár, Dániel Nesztor, Daniella Fehér, Andrea Ferencz, Iván Gresits, György Thuróczy, Bence Gábor Márkus, Ferenc Simon, Norbert Marcell Nemes, Mar García-Hernández, Lilla Reiniger, Ildikó Horváth, Domokos Máthé, Krisztián Szigeti, Etelka Tombácz, Angela Jedlovszky-Hajdu
    Nanomaterials 2022, 12(9), 26 April 2022

  • Development and Functional Characterization of a Versatile Radio-/Immunotheranostic Tool for Prostate Cancer Management
    Claudia Arndt, Ralf Bergmann, Franziska Striese, Keresztély Merkel, Domokos Máthé, Liliana R. Loureiro, Nicola Mitwasi, Alexandra Kegler ,Frederick Fasslrinner, Karla Elizabeth González Soto, Christin Neuber, Nicole Berndt, Noemi Kovács, David Szöllősi, Nikolett Hegedűs, Gyula Tóth, Jan-Philipp Emmermann, Kuzhuvelil B. Harikumar, Tibor Kovacs, Michael Bachmann
    Cancers 2022, 14(8), 14 April 2022

  • In Vitro Determination of Inhibitory Effects of Humic Substances Complexing Zn and Se on SARS-CoV-2 Virus Replication
    Polett Hajdrik, Bernadett Pályi, Zoltán Kis, Noémi Kovács, Dániel Sándor Veres, Krisztián Szigeti, Ferenc Budán, Imre Hegedüs, Tibor Kovács, Ralf Bergmann, Domokos Máthé.
    Foods 2022, 11(5), 694, 26 February 2022

  • Olive Oil Improves While Trans Fatty Acids Further Aggravate the Hypomethylation of LINE-1 Retrotransposon DNA in an Environmental Carcinogen Model
    Laszlo Szabo, Richard Molnar, ,Andras Tomesz, Arpad Deutsch, Richard Darago, Timea Varjas, Zsombor Ritter, József L. Szentpeteri, Kitti Andreidesz, Domokos Máthé, Imre Hegedűs, Attila Sik, Ferenc Budan, Istvan Kiss.
    Nutrients 2022, 14(4), 908;21 February 2022

  • Microglia modulate blood flow, neurovascular coupling, and hypoperfusion via purinergic actions 
    Eszter Császár, Nikolett Lénárt, Csaba Cserép, Zsuzsanna Környei, Rebeka Fekete, Balázs Pósfai, Diána Balázsfi, Balázs Hangya, Anett D. Schwarcz, Eszter Szabadits, Dávid Szöllősi , Krisztián Szigeti, Domokos Máthé, Brian L. West, Katalin Sviatkó, Ana Rita Brás, Jean-Charles Mariani, Andrea Kliewer, Zsolt Lenkei, László Hricisák, Zoltán Benyó, Mária Baranyi, Beáta Sperlágh, Ákos Menyhárt, Eszter Farkas, Ádám Dénes.
    J Exp Med (2022) 219 (3); February 24 2022

  • Digital Variance Angiography in Selective Lower Limb Intervention
    Rohit Thomas, Moritz Bastian, SimonViniol, Alexander König, Sandeep Amin, Osama Eldergash, Johannes Schnabel, Marcell Gyánó, Dávid Szőllősi, István Góg, János Kiss,  Szabolcs Osváth, Krisztián Szigeti, Andreas Mahnke.
    Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, February 2022, 104-112

  • Prussian blue nanoparticles: an advanced platform for multimodal imaging       
    László Forgách, Nikolett Kiss-Hegedus, Ildikó Horváth, Krisztián Szigeti, Máthé Domokos.
    Biophysical Journal, 425A-426A, February 11, 2022


  • Digital variance angiography allows about 70% decrease of DSA-related radiation exposure in lower limb X-ray angiography
    Marcell Gyánó, Márton Berczeli, Csaba Csobay-Novák, Dávid Szöllősi, Viktor Óriás, István Góg, János Kiss, Dániel Veres, Krisztián Szigeti, Szabolcs Osváth, Ákos Pataki, Viktória Juhász, Zoltán Oláh, Péter Sótonyi, Balázs Nemes.
    Scientific Reports  11, 08 November 2021

  • In situ lymphoma imaging in a spontaneous mouse model using the Cerenkov Luminescence of F-18 and Ga-67 isotopes
    Zsombor Ritter , Katalin Zámbó , Péter Balogh , Dávid Szöllősi, Xinkai Jia , Ákos Balázs , Gabriella Taba , Dániel Dezső , Ildikó Horváth, Hussain Alizadeh , DavidTuch, Kunal Vyas , Nikolett Hegedűs, Tibor Kovács, Krisztián Szigeti , Domokos Máthé,  Erzsébet Schmidt.
    Scientifc Reports  (2021) 11:24002,  14 December 2021

  • Anticancer Potential of L-Histidine-Capped Silver Nanoparticles against Human Cervical Cancer Cells (SiHA)
    Rajmohamed Mohammed Asik, Chidhambaram Manikkaraja , Karuppusamy Tamil Surya , Natarajan Suganthy, Archunan Priya Aarthy , Domokos Máthé, Muthusamy Sivakumar, Govindaraju Archunan, Parasuraman Padmanabhan, Balazs Gulyas.     
    Nanomaterials 2021, 11, 3154, 22 November 2021

  • Extracellular vesicle release and uptake by the liver under normo-and hyperlipidemia
    Krisztina Németh, Zoltán Varga, Dorina Lenzinger, Tamás Visnovitz, Anna Koncz, Nikolett Hegedűs, Ágnes Kittel, Domokos Máthé, Krisztián Szigeti, Péter Lőrincz, Clodagh O’Neill, Róisín Dwyer, Zhonglin Liu, Edit I. Buzás & Viola Tamási.               
    Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 19 October 2021

  • Folate-Targeted Monodisperse PEG-Based Conjugates Made by Chemo-Enzymatic Methods for Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
    Krisztina S. Nagy, Krisztina Toth, Eva Pallinger, Angela Takacs, Laszlo Kohidai, Angela Jedlovszky-Hajdu, Domokos Mathe, Noemi Kovacs, Daniel S. Veres , Krisztian Szigeti, Kristof Molnar, Eniko Krisch and Judit E. Puskas.
    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22(19), 10347

  • Oral Health, Dental Care and Nutritional Habits of Children with Cerebral Palsy during Conductive Education

    M Orsós; D Antal; DS Veres; K Nagy; O Németh
    J Clin Pediatr Dent (2021) 45 (4): 239–246.

  • Incidence of and predisposing factors for pseudoaneurysm formation in a high-volume cardiovascular center
    Hunor Sarkadi, Judit Csőre, Dániel Sándor Veres, Nándor Szegedi, Levente Molnár, László Gellér, Viktor Bérczi, Edit Dósa
    PLOS ONE 2021 Aug 24;16(8):e0256317.

  • Alzheimer’s Disease: A Molecular View of β-Amyloid Induced Morbific Events
    Rajmohamed Mohamed Asik, Natarajan Suganthy, Mohamed Asik Aarifa, Arvind Kumar, Krisztián Szigeti, Domokos Mathe, Balázs Gulyás, Govindaraju Archunan,and Parasuraman Padmanabhan
    Biomedicines 2021, 9, 1126.

  • The 3M Concept: Biomedical Translational Imaging from Molecules to Mouse to Man

    Domokos Máthé; Bálint Kiss; Bernadett Pályi; Zoltán Kis; László Forgách; Nikolett Hegedűs; Zoltán Varga; Krisztián Szigeti; Kinga Karlinger; Miklós S Z Kellermayer
    The EuroBiotech Journal, July 2021, 5(3):155-160.

  • Age-Related Inflammatory Balance Shift, Nasal Barrier Function, and Cerebro-Morphological Status in Healthy and Diseased Rodents
    Zsófia Varga-Medveczky, Noémi Kovács, Melinda E. Tóth, Miklós Sántha, Ildikó Horváth, Luca Anna Bors, Katalin Fónagy, Timea Imre, Pál Szabó, Domokos Máthé and Franciska Erdő
    Frontiers in Neuroscience, 23 July 2021

  • Development of a ghrelin receptor inverse agonist for positron emission tomography
    Ralf Bergmann;  Constance Chollet;  Sylvia Els-Heindl;  Martin Ullrich;  Nicole Berndt;  Jens Pietzsch; Domokos Máthé;  Michael Bachmann;  Annette G. Beck-Sickinger
    Oncotarget, 2021, 12.5: 450.

  • Intraperitoneal glucose transport to micrometastasis: A multimodal in vivo imaging investigation in a mouse lymphoma model
    Zsombor Ritter; Katalin Zámbó; Xinkai Jia; Dávid Szöllősi; Dániel Dezső; Hussain Alizadeh; Ildikó Horváth; Nikolett Hegedűs; David Tuch; Kunal Vyas; Péter Balogh; Domokos Máthé; Erzsébet Schmidt
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021, 22.9: 4431.

  • Modulated Electro-Hyperthermia Facilitates NK-Cell Infiltration and Growth Arrest of Human A2058 Melanoma in a Xenograft Model
    Tamás Vancsik; Domokos Máthé; Ildikó Horváth; Anett Anna Várallyaly; Anett Benedek; Ralf Bergmann; Tibor Krenács; Zoltán Benyó; Andrea Balogh
    Frontiers in Oncology, 2021, 11.

  • Digital Variance Angiography in Lower-Limb Angiographywith Metal Implant
    M B Bastian; A M König; S Viniol; M Gyánó; D Szöllősi; I Góg; J P Kiss; S Osvath; K Szigeti; A H Mahnken; R P Thomas
    Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology, 2021, 44.3: 452-459.

  • Microglia control cerebral blood flow and neurovascular coupling via P2Y12Rmediated actions

    Eszter Császár, Nikolett Lénárt, Csaba Cserép , Zsuzsanna Környei, Rebeka Fekete, Balázs Pósfai, Diána Balázsfi, Balázs Hangya, Anett D. Schwarcz , Dávid Szöllősi , Krisztián Szigeti, Domokos Máthé, Brian L. West, Katalin Sviatkó, Ana Rita Brás, Jean-Charles Mariani, Andrea Kliewer , Zsolt Lenkei, László Hricisák, Zoltán Benyó, Mária Baranyi, Beáta Sperlágh, Ákos Menyhárt, Eszter Farkas, Ádám Dénes.
    bioRxiv;  February 4, 2021

  • Scale-up of Electrospinning: Market Overview of Products and Devices for Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Purposes
    Omer, S., Forgách, L., Zelkó, R., & Sebe, I. 
    Pharmaceutics, 2021, 13.2: 286.

  • Living with a Brain AVM: A Quality of Life Assessment
    Péter Orosz Ágnes Vadász Dániel Sándor Veres Zsolt Berentei István GubuczSándor Nardai Balázs Kis István Szikora 
    Trends in Cerebrovascular Surgery and Interventions, 18(34), 71.


  • Cartographers of the Cognitive Map: Locus Coeruleus Is Part of the Guild
    Bálint Király; Balázs Hangya
    Neuron, Volume 105, Issue 6, 18 March 2020, Pages 951-953.

  • Neutrophils produce proinflammatory or anti‐inflammatory extracellular vesicles depending on the environmental conditions
    Ferenc Kolonics; Erika Kajdácsi; Veronika J. Farkas; Dániel S. Veres; Delaram Khamari; Ágnes Kittel; Michael L. Merchant; Kenneth R. McLeish; Ákos M. Lőrincz; Erzsébet Ligeti
    Journal of leukocyte biology.

  • Role of Mac-1 integrin in generation of extracellular vesicles with antibacterial capacity from neutrophilic granulocytes
    Ákos M. Lőrincz; Balázs Bartos; Dávid Szombath; Viktória Szeifert; Csaba I. Timár; Lilla Turiák; László Drahos; Ágnes Kittel; Dániel S. Veres; Ferenc Kolonics; Attila Mócsai; Erzsébet Ligeti 
    Journal of extracellular vesicles 9.1 (2020): 1698889.

  • Model-based evaluation of the microhemodynamic effects of PEGylated HBOC molecules in the rat brain cortex: a laser speckle imaging study
    István Portörő; Péter Mukli; László Kocsis; Péter Hermán; Dario Caccia; Michele Perrella; Andrea Mozzarelli; Luca Ronda; Domokos Mathe; Andras Eke
    Biomedical Optics Express Vol.11, Issue 8, pp. 4150-4175 (2020)

  • Targeted pancreatic beta cell imaging for early diagnosis 
    Author links open overlay panelGoh Zheng Cong; Krishna Kanta Ghosh; Sachin Mishra; Miklós Gulyás; Tibor Kovács; Domokos Máthé; Parasuraman Padmanabhan; Balázs Gulyás

    European Journal of Cell Biology Volume 99, Issue 7, September 2020

  • Initial Operating Room Experience with Digital Variance Angiography in Carbon Dioxide-Assisted Lower Limb Interventions: A Pilot Study
    Marcell Gyánó; Csaba Csobay-Novák; Márton Berczeli; István Góg; János P. Kiss; Krisztián Szigeti; Szabolcs Osváth; Balázs Nemes
    Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (2020) 43:1226–1231

  • Fluorescent, Prussian Blue-Based Biocompatible Nanoparticle System for Multimodal Imaging Contrast
    László Forgách; Nikolett Hegedűs; Ildikó Horváth; Bálint Kiss; Noémi Kovács; Zoltán Varga; Géza Jakab; Tibor Kovács; Parasuraman Padmanabhan; Krisztián Szigeti; Domokos Máthé 
    Nanomaterials 2020, 10(9), 1732

  • In vivo localization of chronically implanted electrodes and optic fibers in mice
    Bálint Király; Diána Balázsfi; Ildikó Horváth; Nicola Solari; Katalin Sviatkó; Katalin Lengyel; Eszter Birtalan; Magor Babos; Gergő Bagaméry; Domokos Máthé; Krisztián Szigeti; Balázs Hangya
    Nature Communications volume 11, Article number: 4686 (2020)

  • Pyrophosphate therapy prevents trauma‐induced calcification in the mouse model of neurogenic heterotopic ossification
    Natália Tőkési; Eszter Kozák; Krisztina Fülöp; Dóra Dedinszki; Nikolett Hegedűs; Bálint Király; Krisztián Szigeti; Kitti Ajtay; Zoltán Jakus; Jeremy Zaworski; Emmanuel Letavernier; Viola Pomozi; András Váradi
    Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine (2020)

  • Thrombocytosis and Effects of IL-6 Knock-Out in a Colitis-Associated Cancer Model
    Valeria Josa; Szilamer Ferenczi; Rita Szalai; Eniko Fuder; Daniel Kuti; Krisztina Horvath; Nikolett Hegedus; Tibor Kovacs; Gergo Bagamery; Balazs Juhasz; Zsuzsanna Winkler; Daniel S. Veres; Zsombor Zrubka; Domokos Mathe; Zsolt Baranyai
    International Journal of Molecular Science (2020)

  • Development and In Vivo Application of a Water-Soluble Anticancer Copper Ionophore System Using a Temperature-Sensitive Liposome Formulation
    Anikó Gaál; Tamás M Garay; Ildikó Horváth; Domokos Máthé; Dávid Szöllősi; Dániel S Veres; Jeremiah Mbuotidem; Tibor Kovács; József Tóvári; Ralf Bergmann; Christina Streli; Gergely Szakács; Judith Mihály; Zoltán Varga; Norbert Szoboszlai 
    Pharmaceutics 2020 May 20;12(5):466

  • UniCAR T-cell immunotherapy enables efficient elimination of radioresistant cancer cells
    Claudia Arndt; Liliana R. Loureiro; Anja Feldmann; Justyna Jureczek; Ralf Bergmann; Domokos Máthé; Nikolett Hegedüs; Nicole Berndt; Stefanie Koristka; Nicola Mitwasi; Frederick Fasslrinner; Chris Lamprecht; Alexandra Kegler; Anja Hoffmann; Tabea Bartsch; Ayşe Sedef Köseer; Gary Egan; Marc Schmitz; Vaclav Hořejší; Mechthild Krause; Anna Dubrovska; Michael Bachmann
    Oncoimmunology 2020; 9(1): 1743036.

  • Extended half-life target module for sustainable UniCAR T-cell treatment of STnexpressing cancers
    Liliana R. Loureiro; Anja Feldmann; Ralf Bergmann; Stefanie Koristka; Nicole Berndt; Domokos Máthé; Nikolett Hegedüs; Krisztián Szigeti; Paula A. Videira; Michael Bachmann; Claudia Arndt
    Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research (2020)

  • Experience with Digital Variance Angiogrpahy in Carbon Dioxide-assisted Lower Limb Interventions
    Marcell Gyánó, Csaba Csobay-Novák, Márton Berczeli, István Góg, János P. Kiss, Krisztián Szigeti, Szabolcs Osváth, Balázs Nemes
    CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology (2020 May)

  • “UniCAR”-modified off-the-shelf NK-92 cells for targeting of GD2-expressing tumour cells
    Mitwasi, NicolaFeldmann, AnjaArndt, ClaudiaKoristka, StefanieBerndt, NicoleJureczek, JustynaLoureiro, Liliana R.Bergmann, RalfMáthé, DomokosHegedüs, Nikolett et al.
    Scientific reports 10 : 1 Paper: 2141 (2020)

  • Corrigendum to „Age-dependent changes at the blood-brain barrier. A comparative structural and functional study in young adult and middle aged rats”
    Bors LucaTóth KingaTóth Estilla ZsófiaBajza ÁgnesCsorba AttilaSzigeti KrisztiánMáthé DomokosPerlaki GáborOrsi GergelyTóth Gábor K et al.
    Brain Research Bulletin 155 pp. 211-212. , 2 p. (2020)

  • Direct myosin-2 inhibition enhances cerebral perfusion resulting in functional improvement after ischemic stroke
    Máté PénzesDemeter TúrósDomokos MáthéSzigeti KrisztiánHegedűs NikolettAnna Ágnes RauscherPéter TóthIvan IvicParasuraman PadmanabhanGabriella Pál et al.
    Theranostics (2020)

  • Novel, X‐ray supported kinetic imaging of hidden‐lifestyle arthropods
    Keszthelyi, S., Szőllősi, D., Strobel, L., Osváth, S., Szigeti, K., Pónya, Z., Donkó, T. 
    Insect Science Paper: 1744-7917.12753 (2020)


  • Versatile Bispidine‐Based Bifunctional Chelators for 64CuII‐Labelling of Biomolecules
    Singh G, Zarschler K, Hunoldt S, Martínez IIS, Ruehl CL, Matterna M, Bergmann R, Máthé D, Hegedüs N, Bachmann M, Comba P, Stephan H
    Chemistry–A European Journal (2019)

  • Radiomic detection of microscopic tumorous lesions in small animal liver SPECT imaging
    DS Veres, D Máthé, N Hegedűs, I Horváth, FJ Kiss, G Taba, E Tóth-Bodrogi, T Kovács, K Szigeti
    EJNMMI Research, 2019, 9(1), 67.

  • Digital Variance Angiography as a Paradigm Shift in Carbon Dioxide Angiography
    VI Óriás; M Gyánó; I Góg; D Szöllősi; DS Veres; Zs Nagy; Cs Csobay-Novák; Z Oláh; JP Kiss; Sz Osváth; K Szigeti; Z Ruzsa; P Sótonyi
    Investigative Radiology, July 2019- Volume 54- Issue 7- p428-436.

  • Novel therapeutic potential of angiotensin receptor 1 blockade in a rat model of diabetes-associated depression parallels altered BDNF signalling
    Lenart, Lilla; B. Balogh, Dora; Lenart, Nikolett; Barczi, Adrienn; Hosszu, Adam; Farkas, Tamas; Hodrea, Judit; J. Szabo, Attila; Szigeti, Krisztian; Denes, Adam; Fekete, Andrea
    Diabetologia vol. 62,8 (2019): 1501-1513.

  • Engineering tyrosine residues into hemoglobin enhances heme reduction, decreases oxidative stress and increases vascular retention of a hemoglobin based blood substitute
    Chris E.Cooper, Gary G. A. Silkstone, Michelle Simons, Badri Rajagopal, Natalie Syrett, Thoufieq Shaik, Svetlana Gretton, Elizabeth Welbourn, Leif Bülow, Nélida Leiva Eriksson,  Luca Ronda, Andrea Mozzarelli, Andras Eke, Domokos Mathe, Brandon J.Reeder
    Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2019 Apr, 134, 106-118.

  • Virtual museum of congenital heart defects: digitization and establishment of a database for cardiac specimens
    Laszló Király, Bálint Király, Krisztián Szigeti, Csaba Zsolt Tamás, Sándor Darányi
    Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, 2019 Jan, 9(1), 115-126.


  • Multimodal PET/MRI Imaging Results Enable Monitoring the Side Effects of Radiation Therapy
    N Kovács, K Szigeti, N Hegedűs, I Horváth, DS Veres, M Bachmann, R Bergmann, D Máthé

    Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging, 2018 Nov.

  • Improved Conjugation, 64-Cu Radiolabeling, in Vivo Stability, and Imaging Using Nonprotected Bifunctional Macrocyclic Ligands: Bis(Phosphinate) Cyclam (BPC) Chelators
    T David, V Hlinová, V KubíčekR BergmanStrieseN BerndtD SzöllősiT  KovácsMáthé, M BachmannHJ Pietzsch, P Hermann
    Journal of medicinal chemistry, 2018 Sep, 61(19), 8774-8796.

  • Novel radiomics evaluation of bone formation utilizing multimodal (SPECT/X-ray CT) in vivo imaging
    F Budán, K Szigeti, M Weszl, I Horváth, E Balogh, R Kanaan, K Berényi, Zs Lacza, D Máthé, Z Gyöngyi
    PloS one, 2018 Sep13(9), e0204423. 

  • Selegiline reduces adiposity induced by high-fat, high-sucrose diet in male rats
    CT Nagy, G Koncsos, Z Varga, T Baranyai, S Tuza, F Kassai, AJ Ernyey, I Gyertyán, K Király, A Oláh, T Radovits, B Merkely, N Bukosza, G Szénási, P Hamar, D Máthé, K Szigeti, C Pelyhe, M Jelemensky, Z Onódi, Zs Helyes, R Schulz, Z Giricz, P Ferdinandy 
    British Journal of Farmacology, 2018 Jul, 175(18): 3712-3726.

  • Evaluation of Brain Nuclear Medicine Imaging Tracers in a Murine Model of Sepsis-Associated Encephalopathy 
    D Szöllősi, N Hegedűs, DS Veres, I Futó, I Horváth, N Kovács, B Martinecz, Á Dénes, D Seifert, R Bergmann, O Lebeda, Z Varga, Z Kaleta, K Szigeti, D Máthé
    Molecular Imaging and Biology, 2018 May, 1-11. Online available. doi: 10.1007/s11307-018-1201-3.

  • Thallium labeled citrate-coated Prussian blue nanoparticles as potential imaging agent
    K Szigeti, N Hegedűs, K Rácz, I Horváth, DS Veres, D Szöllősi, I Futó, K Módos, T Bozó, K Karlinger, N Kovács, Z Varga, M Babos, F Budán, P Padmanabhan, B Gulyás, D Máthé

    Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging, 2018 Apr.

  • Dissimilar flexibility of α and β subunits of human adult hemoglobin influences the protein dynamics and its alteration induced by allosteric effectors
    G Schay, A.D. Kaposi, L. Smeller, K Szigeti, J Fidy, L Herényi

    PloS one13(3), e0194994.

  • Age-dependent changes at the blood-brain barrier. A Comparative structural and functional  study in young adult and middle aged rats
    L Bors, K Tóth, E Zsófia Tóth, Á Bajza, A Csorba, K Szigeti, D Máthé, G Perlaki, G Orsi, G K. Tóth, F Erdő

    Brain Research Bulletin, 2018 Mar, 139: 269-277.


  • Functional shift with maintained regenerative potential following portal vein ligation
    T Kovács, D Máthé, A Fülöp, K Jemnitz, A Bátai-Konczos, Zs Veres, Gy Török, DS Veres, I Horváth, K Szigeti, L Homolya, A Szijártó

    Scientific Reports, 2017 Dec, 7(1): 18065. Online available. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-18309-7

  • Direct immobilization of manganese chelates on silica nanospheres for MRI applications
    M Pálmai, A Pethő, L Naszályi Nagy, Sz Klébert, Z May, J Mihály, A Wacha, K Jemnitz, Zs Veres, I Horváth, K Szigeti, D Máthé, Z Varga

    Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2017 Jul, 498: 298-305. 

  • Comparative erythrocyte deformability investigations by filtrometry, slit-flow and rotational ektacytometry in a long-term follow-up animal study on splenectomy and different spleen preserving operative techniques: Partial or subtotal spleen resection and spleen autotransplantation
    Miko I, Nemeth N, Sogor V, Kiss F, Toth E, Peto K, Furka A, Vanyolos E, Toth L, Varga J, Szigeti K, Benkő I, Olah AV, Furka I, 

    Clinical Hemorheology Microcirculation, 2017 Jan, 66(1): 83-96. 

  • State of the art in vivo imaging techniques for laboratory animals
    DT Lauber, A Fülöp, T Kovács, K Szigeti, D Máthé, A Szijártó

    Laboratory Animals, 2017 Jan, 51(5):465-478. 


  • Influence of barium sulfate X-ray imaging contrast material on properties of floating drug delivery tablets
    P Diós, K Szigeti, F Budán, M Pócsik, DS Veres, D Máthé, S Pál, A Dévay, S Nagy

    European Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, 2016 Sep, 95:46-53. 

  • Diastolic dysfunction in prediabetic male rats: role of mitochondrial oxidative stress
    G Koncsos, Z Varga, T Baranyai, K Boengler, S Rohrbach, L Li, K-D Schluter, R Schreckenberg, T Radovits, A OláhCs Mátyás, Á Lux, M Al-Khrasani, T Komlódi, N Bukosza, D Máthé, L Deres, M Barteková, T Rajtík, A AdameováK Szigeti, P Hamar, Zs Helyes, L Tretter, P Pacher, B Merkely, Z Giricz, R Schulz, P Ferdinandy
    American Journal of Physiology – Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 2016 Okt, 311(4): H927-H943. 

  • Radiolabeling of Extracellular Vesicles with 99mTc for Quantitative In Vivo Imaging Studies
    Z Varga, I Gyurkó, K Pálóczi, E Buzás, I Horváth, N Hegedűs, D Máthé, K Szigeti

    Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals, 2016 Jun, 31(5): 168-73. 

  • Production and in vivo imaging of 203Pb as a surrogate isotope for in vivo 212Pb internal absorbed dose studies
    D Máthé, K Szigeti, N Hegedűs, I Horváth, DS Veres, B Kovács, Z Szűcs

    Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2016 Aug, 114: 1-6. 

  • Radiomics-based differentiation of lung disease models generated by polluted air based on X-ray computed tomography data
    K Szigeti, T Szabó, C Korom, I Czibak, I Horváth, DS Veres, Z Gyöngyi, K Karlinger, R Bergmann, M Pócsik, F Budán, D Máthé

    BMC Medical Imaging, 2016 Feb; 16(1): 14. 

  • Synthesis, characterization, and application of core-shell Co0.16Fe2.84O4@NaYF4(Yb, Er) and Fe3O4@NaYF4(Yb, Tm) nanoparticle as trimodal (MRI, PET/SPECT, and optical) imaging agents
    X Cui, D Máthé, N Kovács, I Horváth, M Jauregui-Osoro, RTM de Rosales, GED Mullen, W Wilson, Y Yong, D Krüger, AN Khlobystov, M Gimenez-Lopez, M Semjéni, K Szigeti, DS Veres, H Lu, I Hernández, WP Gillin, A Protti, K Kis Petik, MA Green, PJ Blower

    Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2016 Feb; 27(2): 319-28. 


  • Al(OH)3 facilitated synthesis of water-soluble, magnetic, radiolabelled and fluorescent hydroxyapatite nanoparticles
    X Cui, MA Green, PJ Blower, D Zhou, Y Yan, W Zhang, K Djanashvili, D Máthé, DS Veres, K Szigeti
    Chemical Communications, 2015 June; 51(45): 9332–9335. 

  • A novel SPECT-based approach reveals early mechanisms of central and peripheral inflammation after cerebral ischemia
    K Szigeti, I Horváth, DS Veres, B Martinecz, N Lénárt, N Kovács, E Bakcsa, A Márta, M Semjéni, D Máthé, Á Dénes
    Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 2015 Dec; 35(12): 1921-9. 

  • Preformulation studies and optimization of sodium alginate based floating drug delivery system for eradication of Helicobacter pylori
    P Diós, S Nagy, S Pál, T Pernecker, B Kocsis, F Budán, I Horváth, K Szigeti, K Bölcskei, D Máthé, A Dévay
    European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 2015 Oct; 96: 196-206. 


  • The role of molecular imaging in modern drug development
    L Cunha, K Szigeti, D Máthé, LF Metello
    Drug Discovery Today, 2014 Jul; 19(7): 936-48. 

  • Preclinical imaging: an essential ally in modern biosciences
    L Cunha, I Horváth, S Ferreira, J Lemos, P Costa, D Vieira, DS Veres, K Szigeti, T Summavielle, D Máthé, LF Metello
    Molecular Diagnosis & Therapy, 2014 Apr; 18(2): 153-73. 

  • Demonstration of metabolic and cellular effects of portal vein ligation using multi modal PET/MRI measurements in healthy rat liver
    A Fülöp, A Szijártó, L Harsányi, A Budai, D Pekli, D Korsós, I Horváth, N Kovács, K Karlinger, D Máthé, K Szigeti

    PLoS ONE, 2014 Mar; 9(3): e90760. 

  • Aluminium hydroxide stabilised MnFe2O4 and Fe3O4 nanoparticles as dual-modality contrasts agent for MRI and PET imaging
    X Cui, S Belo, D Krüger, Y Yan, RTM de Rosales, M Jauregui-Osoro, H Ye, S Su, D Máthé, N Kovács, I Horváth, M Semjéni, K Sunassee, K Szigeti, MA Green, PJ Blower

    Biomaterials, 2014 Jul; 35(22): 5840-6. 

  • Motion based X-ray imaging modality
    K Szigeti, D Máthé, S Osváth

    Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions, 2014 Oct; 33(10): 2031-8. 

  • Differential regulatory role of pituitary adenylate-cyclase activating polypeptide in the serum-transfer-induced arthritis model
    B Botz, K Bölcskei, L Kereskai, M Kovács, T Németh, K Szigeti, I Horváth, D Máthé, N Kovács, H Hashimoto, D Reglődi, J Szolcsányi, E Pintér, A Mócsai, Zs Helyes

    Arthritis & Rheumatology, 2014 Oct; 66(10): 2739-50. 

  • Longitudinal in vivo MR imaging of live earthworms
    F Budán, N Kovács, P Engelmann, I Horváth, DS Veres, P Németh, K Szigeti, D Máthé

    Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology, 2014 Nov; 321(9): 479-89. 

  • Quantitative liver lesion volume determination by nanoparticle-based SPECT
    DS Veres, D Máthé, I Futó, I Horváth, Á Balázs, K Karlinger, K Szigeti

    Molecular Imaging and Biology. 2014 Apr; 16(2): 167-72. 


  • In vivo SPECT and ex vivo autoradiographic brain imaging of the novel selective CB1 receptor antagonist radioligand [125I]SD7015 in CB1 knock-out and wildtype mouse
    D Máthé, I Horváth, K Szigeti, SR Donohue, VW Pike, Z Jia, C Ledent, M Palkovits, TF Freund, C Haldin, B Gulyás

    Brain Research Bulletin, 2013 Feb; 91: 46-51. 

  • Kombinált molekuláris képalkotó módszerek és a személyre szabott orvoslás
    K Szigeti
    IME Képalkotó Diagnosztikai Különszám, 2013 Okt; 12: 29-32.


  • [125I]SD-7015 reveals fine modalities of CB1 cannabinoid receptor density in the prefrontal cortex during progression of Alzheimer’s disease
    Sz Farkas, K Nagy, M Palkovits, GG Kovács, Z Jia, S Donohue, V Pike, C Halldin, D Máthé, T Harkany, B Gulyás, L Csiba

    Neurochemistry International, 2012 Feb; 60(3): 286-91. 

  • Compromised bone healing following spacer removal in a rat femoral defect model
    G Skaliczki, M Weszl, K Schandl, T Major, M Kovács, J Skaliczki, H Redl, M Szendrői, K Szigeti, D Máthé, Cs Dobó-Nagy, Zs Lacza

    Acta Physiologica Hungarica, 2012 Jun; 99(2): 223-32. 

  • The decrease of dopamine D2/D3 receptor densities in the putamen and nucleus caudatus goes parallel with maintained levels of CB1 cannabinoid receptors in Parkinson’s disease: A preliminary autoradiographic study with the selective dopamine D2/D3 antagonist [3H]raclopride and the novel CB1 inverse agonist [125I]SD7015
    Sz Farkas, K Nagy, Z Jia, T Harkany, M Palkovits, SR Donohou, VW Pike, C Halldin, D Máthé, L Csiba, B Gulyás

    Brain Research Bulletin, 2012 Apr 10; 87(6): 504–510. 

  • Noninvasive molecular imaging of neuroinflammation
    AH Jacobs, B Tavitian and the INMiND consortium

    Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 2012 Jul; 32(7): 1393-415. 

  • Systematic evaluation of 99mTc-tetrofosmin versus 99mTc-sestamibi to study murine myocardial perfusion in small animal SPECT/CT
    A Vrachimis, S Hermann, D Máthé, O Schober, M Schäfers
    EJNMMI Research, 2012 May;2(1):21.