Colloquium questions, endodontics
Brief guide for colloquium guestions:
Final exam questions
- Definition of dental caries. Theories of caries development. Current concept of caries development.
- Localisation, characterisation, progression and histology of dental caries.
- Primary factors in caries development. Development and microbiological structure of dental plaque and its role in caries formation.
- Nutrition and saliva in development of dental caries
- Secondary factors in development of dental caries. Local and systemic factors.
- Diagnosis of caries in pits and fissures, in smooth surfaces and in root surfaces. Assessment tools.
- Caries prevention
- Epidemiology and indexes of dental caries. Determination of risk patients.
- Requirements for restorative materials. Classification of restorative materials.
- Liners, bases and temporary filling materials. Composition, structure and properties.
- Glass ionomer cements (polyalkenoat, resin- and polyacid modified): compositions, structures and properties.
- Composition, properties and toxicology of dental amalgam.
- Rules for safety and environmental protection during amalgam-application
- Composition, classification and properties of composites.
- The steps of adhesive restoration/filling technique. Structural changes in enamel and dentin.
- Acid etching and priming
- Classification of dentin bonds
- Possible mistakes of adhesive restoration technique and how to avoid them.
- Principles and possibilities in usage of hand and rotary cutting instruments.
- Evolution of rotary cutting equipments and their classification according to the driving. Handpieces and speed limit.
- Rotary cutting instruments. Definition, design characteristics and classification. (ISO 6360)
- Alternative methods in cavity preparation and in caries removal. Oscillation, laser, air-abrasion and chemical caries removal.
- Medical and dental history and examination of the patient in operative dentistry.
- The conditions of proper diagnosis and its instruments in operative dentistry.
- Treatment plan in operative dentistry.
- Ergonomic in organizing of dental workplace, preoperative considerations.
- Infection control in dentistry.
- The definition and methods of sterilisation and disinfection.
- Four-handed treatment.
- The position of the patient, dentist and assistant during the treatment of different quadrants.
- The techniques of local anaesthesia in operative dentistry.
- Isolation of the operating field.
- Fundamentals and modifications in tooth preparation. Initial and final stages of cavity preparation.
- Conventional, modified conventional and minimal invasive cavity design. What can influence our decision?
- Specific cavity preparation. (tunnel, only-box, slot preparation)
- The indications, contraindications and instruments of amalgam restorations.
- Class II. cavity preparation and making amalgam restoration.
- Cavity preparation for direct Classes III. and IV. composite restorations.
- Cavity preparation for direct Classes V. and VI. composite restorations.
- Indications for direct composite restorations. Steps and clinical application of adhesive filling technique.
- The cause of dentin sensitivity and its treatment possibilities.
- Indications for indirect restorations and clinical procedures.
- Indication, contraindication, cavity preparation and clinical procedures of cast metal restorations.
- Impression and temporary restoration for indirect restoration.
- Indication, contraindication, cavity preparation and clinical procedures of indirect tooth coloured restorations.
- Fixation (cementation) of indirect tooth coloured restoration.
- Indication and contraindication of veneers. Types of veneer. Preparation, impression and insertion.
- Medical and dental history, examination and treatment planning in endodontics.
- Making diagnosis in endodontics.
- The anatomy and histology of the pulp and periapical tissues
- The causes and characteristics of pulpitis
- The pathology, symptoms and therapy of pulpal diseases.
- The pathology, symptoms, diagnosis and therapy of reversible pulpitis.
- The pathology, symptoms, diagnosis and therapy of irreversible pulpitis.
- The classification of periradicular lesions.
- The pathology, symptoms, diagnosis and therapy of acute and chronic apical periodontitis.
- The pathology, symptoms, diagnosis and therapy of condensing osteitis.
- The pathology, symptoms, diagnosis and therapy of acute and chronic apical abscess
- Endodontic radiography. Interpretation, limitation, mistakes and differential diagnosis.
- Odontogen focal infection
- Microbiology of the infected root canal.
- Systemic and local medication in endodontic treatment.
- Instruments, used in root canal treatment and root canal obturation
- The goal, indication, contraindication and the steps of the root canal treatment.
- Access cavity preparation and length determination
- Different methods for (techniques ) preparing of the root canal (cleaning and shaping).
- The objective of the obturation: apical, coronal and lateral seal. Timing of the obturation.
- Materials for root canal obturation
- Methods (techniques) of root canal obturation and their instrumentation
- Restoration of the endodontically treated tooth. Requirement, principles and concepts.
- Procedural accidents during access preparation, shaping, cleaning and obturation. (Causes, treatment and prevention)
- Vertical (longitudinal) root fracture: causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Evaluation of success and failure in root canal treatment.
- Orthograde retreatment. Consideration, case selection and retreatment techniques.
- Endodontic surgery : incision, periradicular surgery, root amputation, hemisection, bicuspidation. (Indication, contraindication, practice)
- Maintenance of the vital pulp. Treatment of deep carious lesion. (Pulp capping, pulpotomy).
- Endodontic emergencies.
- Bleaching discoloured teeth. Causes of discoloration, indication and contraindication of bleaching. Bleaching materials and techniques