This page contains informations for 6th, 7th and 8th semester pharmacy students of the English Program about pharmacology and toxicology. The subject is thought in 112 lessons of lectures and 84 lessons of practice over three semesters on the basis of internationally recognized textbooks. The mechanism of action and pharmacokinetic properties of drugs as well as their clinical indications and adverse effects are emphasized. In the toxicology part in addition to the toxic effect of various drugs, environmental toxicology and the most common acute and chronic poisonings are disscussed.
Head teacher: Dr. Tamás Tábi
Requirements: Weekly 2 lessons of lectures and 2 lessons of practice in 6th semester, weekly 3-3 lessons of lectures and 2-2 lessons of practice in both semesters (7th and 8th). Exams: Practical mark based on 2 midterm written exams in all semesters. Written semifinal exam at the end of 6th and 7th semesters. Oral final exam at the end of 8th semester.
Education materials are published on the MOODLE site!