Family-friendly pediatric dental screening started on March 5, 2024 at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics of Semmelweis University.
What should you do before visiting the dentist?
- Book an appointment online!
- Find out about the screening location: parking options, nearby public transport stops.
- Location: Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics Clinic (1088 Budapest, Szentkirályi utca 47.)
- Don’t forget to brush your child’s teeth thoroughly before the appointment.
- Bring your child’s social security card and address card with you to the examination!
- After the screening, follow the doctor’s instructions!
Mental and emotional health is important at all stages of life, but childhood is a particularly sensitive period. Children’s mental well-being is of paramount importance for their development, social integration and balanced adulthood.
The child psychiatric clinic, the newest family-friendly healthcare service, is available to the children of Semmelweis Citizens from November 2023. We believe that the launch of the clinic represents a huge step forward in mental health support for the children of staff and students.
But what exactly does child psychiatry mean, and in what cases can professionals help?
Child psychiatry is a medical specialty that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders in children and adolescents.
Gyermekkorban gyakran jelentkeznek olyan különböző pszichés problémák, mint a szorongás, depresszió, figyelemhiányos hiperaktivitási zavar (ADHD) vagy autizmus spektrumzavar. Ezek a zavarok befolyásolják a gyermek tanulását, kapcsolatteremtési készségeit és általános életminőségét. A gyermekpszichiáterek segítenek a gyerekeknek és családjuknak azonosítani, megérteni és kezelni ezeket a nehézségeket.
Appointment times: Mondays 9-10 a.m.
Location: Pediatric Clinic (1083 Budapest, Bókay János u. 54.)
The specialist examination will be performed by Dr. Nikoletta Várnai, chief physician of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Department of Pediatrics.
Advance registration is required!
Registration: parents are welcome to call on Tuesdays between 9-10 am (Anna Vajkainé Lakatos – 06-1-334-3186/52785; e-mail address:
During registration, specialists perform a pre-screening: they assess whether the problem indicated by the parent falls within the scope of the psychiatric clinic, and they recommend an appointment based on the severity of the symptoms.
Book an appointment for pediatric ophthalmology online!
Pediatric ophthalmology appointments are now available within the health services of the Family-Friendly University Program!
Maintaining eye health is extremely important, as we receive nearly 90% of the information from our environment through our eyes. Adequate vision is essential for everyday activities, learning, movement coordination and social relationships. Early recognition of vision problems is especially important in childhood, as sharp and clear vision is essential for the developing nervous system to accurately perceive the world.
However, children often do not indicate when they have poor vision because they are not necessarily aware that the world could be perceived differently. If an untreated vision problem exists, it can hinder their performance in school, sports and social relationships, as they may misunderstand things, miss out on important experiences and even develop a lack of self-confidence.
How can vision problems be detected in children?
Parents should pay attention to certain “suspicious” signs that may indicate that their child’s vision is not perfect. For example, if they often reach for objects, have regular headaches, feel dizzy, get tired quickly, have difficulty concentrating, rub their eyes frequently, squint or cross their eyes, it is worth consulting an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. The sooner the problem is discovered, the easier it is to correct and the child can continue to develop without hindrance.
Regular eye screening is especially important in early childhood, as many vision problems – such as blurred vision or hidden strabismus – can only be detected by a specialist examination. Don’t wait until your child complains, as they may not even notice the problem! With a simple eye examination, we can prevent later difficulties and ensure that they have the right vision experience, which can have an impact on teir entire life.
Children over 3 years old are welcome at the pediatric ophthalmology clinic!