Rules for applying for the topics:

  • Students may choose any of the announced topics. Students may also choose topics other than those announced subject to the approval of the head of the competent educational organisational unit.
  • The student must choose and submit the topic of their dissertation to the head of the given educational organisational unit at least one year before graduation at the latest. Please fill in the: Application form.
  • If the topic is approved, the head of the unit will arrange its registration and provide a consultant.
  • The chosen topic must discuss a current issue of the discipline concerned.

Formal requirements of the dissertation:

  • The minimum length of the degree thesis is 50,000 characters and it cannot be longer than 100,000 characters (without spaces).
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12.
  • Tables and the cited literature will be included in the length of the thesis but diagrams, other relevant literature and footnotes will not.
  • The degree thesis must be submitted:
    • in 2 copies, stapled in a folder or bound as a book and,
    • in digital format pdf. sent to:
    • together with the first page of the Diploma Evaluation Sheet filled in and signed.
  • The cover must show the title of the thesis, the student’s name, year and study group, the date of submission and the consultant’s name and workplace.
  • Plagiarism Declaration should be signed and bound in the thesis work.

The submission deadline:

The student must meet the consultant at least three times:

  • for the first time no later than 1 October of the year of graduation: the consultant outlines the requirements relating to the preparation of the degree thesis and the possibilities inherent in the topic;
  • for the second time no later than 15 November of the year of graduation: the student gives an account of the work until that time;
  • for the third time no later than 1 January of the year of graduation: the consultant evaluates the results achieved by the student and advises the student on finalising the findings.
  • The finished dissertation must be submitted to the department in duplicate, by January 15 of the year of graduation at the latest.
  • Handing in the degree thesis is possible between 9.00 am – 14.00 pm. at the Studies Affairs at the Department mezzanine-floor.

Handing in deadline is:  15th of January, with no prolong option.

Thesis defence has to be sent to Deans office by 1st of April.