The group members are conducting research in cardiology, orthopedics, sports medicine, oncology and neurosurgery, and all of them have performed outstandingly well. Their group leaders are committed supervisors who are actively involved in research. In January, the Cardiology, Sport & Space Science Group (Year 1) was named the Group of the Month.
The Cardiology, Sport & Space Science Group (Year 1) is formed by thirteen Ph.D. students, three of whom are MD-Ph.D. students. The others are medical doctors and residents in orthopedics trauma or orthopedic surgery, cardiology, psychiatry and neurosurgery, and there is also a psychotherapist in the group. Most of the students joined the program from Semmelweis University, and many of them are also involved in the work of the cardiovascular research group of the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy. Alongside them, there are students from Fejér County Szent György University Teaching Hospital, Markusovszky Teaching Hospital of Szombathely, Central Hospital Of Northern Pest – Military Hospital and other institutions, including George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Târgu Mureș.
The group is led by Prof. Dr. Peter Ferdinandy, Vice-Rector for Science and Innovations at Semmelweis University, and Prof. Dr. Gábor Duray, Head of Department at the Central Hospital of Northern Pest – Military Hospital. The work of the group is already supported by second-year Ph.D. students as methodology experts. „Our students do a wide range of research and are making great progress with their projects. One of our Ph.D. students is investigating how existing treatments can be further optimized to improve cardio-metabolic health, and another is investigating the effect of statins on the development of sarcopenia. After the meta-analyses, we plan to carry out preclinical studies as well as clinical trials in these topics. I’d like to highlight the topic of investigating the effect of migration on healthcare. The cardiovascular risks of immigrants in comparison with the domestic population are of particular interest. Another interesting study seeks the answer if different training types are effective for maintaining optimal bone health after bone fracture,” says Prof. Dr. Ferdinandy.
In a fascinating study, a student is comparing the safety and effectiveness of pacing modalities in patients with bradycardia, and the optimal timing of coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Another exciting research is looking for answers to the question of the correlation between heart rate variability and the severity of anxiety. There is also a research comparing the safety and effectiveness of kinematic and mechanical alignment in total knee arthroplasty. There is a meta-analysis that investigates the role of alternative treatment methods of lung cancer, and one that explores the effect of radiation lobectomy in patients with liver tumors. Prof. Dr. Ferdinandy highlights that in this academic year, there are no first-year students with a topic related to space research, but they welcome applications from future MD-Ph.D. or Ph.D. students interested in that field. They also have interesting research topics for students interested in sports medicine, cardiology and orthopedics.
(Szabó Emese)