Semmelweis University calls for applications to win the “Good Student – Good Athlete” prizes
- Conditions for the submission of the application
(1) The prize can be awarded to registered full time students of Semmelweis University, participating in graduate training, who
a) have an overall weighted average grade of or over 4.00 during the last two semesters preceding the release of the call for applications,
b) have not repeated any academic year due to failure in a subject,
c) are not, and has not been, the subject of any disciplinary sanction,
d) have documents to prove that they performed any of the sports requirements listed in Annex 7 during the two academic semesters preceding the publication of the call for applications, and
e) have documents to prove that they performed in any of the scientific works, listed in Annex 7 during the two academic semesters preceding the publication of the call for applications.
(2) As for paragraph (1) d) a result achieved in sports can only be listed by a student in his or her application; the same result must not be entered in any subsequent application.
Application forms and a brief CV covering the applicant’s studies and sports activities can be submitted in person until 15:00 on 15 November 2024 at SE Testnevelési és Sportközpont (Physical Education and Sports Centre of Semmelweis University), or by mail not later than by 24:00 on the same day. Address: 1107 Budapest, Zágrábi utca 14.
Application form for download
The applications are evaluated by a Committee of five, headed by the Director of the SU Physical Education and Sports Centre.
Based on the applicants’ aggregated scores the Committee shall set up a ranking order for the awarding of the applicants in the first six positions.
In case two applicants have equal scores, the Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs shall make a proposal for their ranking order.
The University’s Senate shall make the decision on the recipients of the “Good student – Good Athlete” title on the basis of the proposal of the Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs.
The award shall be handed over at the ceremony of the celebration of the National Holiday (15 March).
The detailed rules, terms and conditions governing the application scheme laid down in the Regulation adopted by the Senate’s Resolution No. 33/2022. (V.13.), which the stakeholders can access and review on sub-website of the Directorate General of Legal and Administrative Affairs (, at the Physical Education and Sports Centre (1107 Budapest, Zágrábi utca 14.) or the Dean’s Offices, during working hours.
Budapest, 1. September 2024
Kornélia Várszegi
P.E. and Sportcentre