Polygenic impact of morningness on the overnight dynamics of sleep spindle amplitude braincircadian rhythmgeneplasticitypolygenic scorepolysomnographysleepSleep EEGSleep spindlesleep timingyoung adult
Sleep-EEG in dizygotic twins discordant for Williams syndrome 7q11.23 microdeletionSleep EEGsleep spindlesWilliams syndrome
Objective and subjective components of the first night effect in young nightmare sufferers and healthy participants first-night effectGroningen Sleep Quality ScaleNightmareNightmarespolysomnographysleepSleep EEG
Aging and sleep in Williams syndrome: Accelerated sleep deterioration and decelerated slow wave sleep decrement 7q11.23 microdeletionAgingBrain developmentpolysomnographySleep EEGSpectral analysisWilliams–Beuren syndrome