Recording of the Student Forum about the admission and the doctoral programs:

Student Forum 14-05-2024
Passcode: &r09+c4D

ONLINE APPLICATION period FOR 2024/25/1 semester: 22 April-31 May 2024

Documents to be uploaded:

  1. Curriculum Vitae with detailed work/professional experience (1-2 pages)
  2. a photocopy of the university diploma(s),
  3. if a non-Hungarian diploma: an authenticated translation or its naturalisation document should be submitted,
  4. if required, the equivalence decision of the Hungarian Ministry of Education (of a non-Hungarian diploma)
  5. in case of application without MSc, MD etc. degree: Certification of the examination results,  the credit certificate from Neptun
  6. proof of at least one intermediate state accredited language examination C type, or the certificate of an equivalent language examination, or certicate of the supervisor about the necessary English knowledge, or certificate  of English language university studies
  7. short research plan, which is the outlines of the selected research tasks in case you apply for a specific theme attached to a particular supervisor (2-3 pages)
  8. list of publications (if you have any publications)
  9. written recommendation of  the supervisor/ consultant
  10. documents which can certify the additional points  (second degrees, awards, publications, etc.)
  11. The admission fee is HUF 9 000 which can be paid:
    • by online card payment (by onlinebank card payment initiated from the registration interface via with Simple pay)
    • by transfer, on the basis of an invoice.

If you choose bank transfer, please send the following information to the staff of the Financial Management Unit – Doctoral School ( regarding the payment of the admission fee:

    • applicant’s name, address,
    • passport number,
    • phone number,
    • e-mail address.

When requesting an invoice for a company:

    • name of applicant,
    • company name,
    • headquarter address,
    • tax number,
    • phone number,
    • email address
    • the company’s statement in email about whether it accepts electronic invoices
    • the company’s signed, attached pdf statement about its bank account number.

If you choose to pay by bank transfer, please upload the payment proof to the admission interface, also send it to the staff of the Financial Management Unit – Doctoral School ( Finalization of the application is possible only after uploading the payment proof.

The  interviews are organized in Juny 2024. by the Divisions.

The result of the entrance exam will be sent to the candidates till the   end of July 2024.

Application to the untrained program involves  an entrance interview and the complex exam.

The semester starts on 1. September 2024. but  untrained students may take their complex exam after 1. September.


Semmelweis University School of PhD. Studies offers two conventional programs for obtaining a PhD. degree:

  • Regular (“Trained”) Program
    • recommended for students with no or moderate scientific experience
    • duration: 5-8 semesters (4 semesters for training and research, 1-4 semesters for research and preparing the diploma work)
  • Advanced (“Untrained”) Program
    • recommended for students with significant scientific experience and achievements
    • duration: 1-4 semesters for research and preparing the dissertation

Admission requirements and process for training program:

  • Doctoral applicants must be university graduates (MSc or MA degree) or students registered for their final semester of university studies, or Bsc graduates who started their  MSc, as well with  proven excellent  research track
  • Applicants for the English-Language program must have a good command of English, which is assessed at the entrance interviews
  • When applying to the program, applicants are required to state the specific training program and research topic they wish to pursue within one of the University’s  doctoral programs
  • All the doctoral programs and the open  topics led by active supervisors are available:
  • The admission procedure is based on evaluating the candidate’s general and topic-related knowledge as well as personal ability, academic competence and previous scientific activity and contribution.

APPLICATION PERIOD starts  for the spring and the fall semesters

  • in November
  • in April

Forms of Financing

  • State Grant (available only for EU citizens, EU blue card holders, researcher/lecturer permanent card holders) 
    • fellowship of 140.000 HUF/month during training and 180.000 HUF/month thereafter
    • but not entitled to TAJ card in Hungary
  • Self-financed

Fees for Self Financed Students

  • Tuition fee for international self-financed students : 8.000 EUR/semester
  • Discounted tuition fee for Semmelweis University international graduates: 4.000 EUR/semester

Untrained candidates: 97500 HUF/semester