Pázmány Péter Catholic University
Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics
Molecular biology subject
(5 credit points, terminal examination, Prof. Miklós Csala; P-ITBIO-0046)
Lecturers: Prof. Miklós Csala , Dr. Éva Kereszturi, Dr. Tamás Mészáros, Dr. Veronika Zámbó
Teaching secretary: Dr. Veronika Zámbó
2024/2025 Spring semester
The knowledge to be attained
The storage, maintenance and expression of genetic information, as well as their molecular mechanisms are fundamental topics of the course. DNA replication, DNA damage and repair, RNA synthesis and processing, protein synthesis, maturation and targeting, and different ways of regulation of gene expression are discussed. Regulation of cell cycle and apoptosis, in the light of the molecular background of tumor development is also part of the subject. Some of the lectures provide insights into molecular biology research.
Midterm tests and Students’ presentation
Two oral midterm examinations are held during the semester. In each occasion, a random topic should be picked from the list and answered verbally. The student’s performance is evaluated from 1 to 5 in each of the two tests.
Students who miss a test due to illness (with a medical certificate presented) will be provided with a retake opportunity within one week.
Requirements for the signature
The course of the subject will not be recognized in case of more than 3 absences during the semester.
The semester ends with an oral terminal examination.
Students draw from two sets of topics, so the grade is based on two parts. The partial grades are offered in advance if marks of 3, 4 or 5 have been obtained at each of the two evaluations held during the term. The grade of the first oral midterm (better than 2) is counted as the first, and that of the second oral midterm (better than 2) is counted as the second partial grade. Midterm marks worse than 3 do not yield such exemptions, and the student must draw a topic from the given set at the terminal exam.
What to learn for the terminal examination?
– The material of all lectures during the semester.
– Medical Pathobiochemistry (eds. Mandl J and Machovich R) ISBN: 978 963 226 407 3
– Molecular Biology of the Cell (Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K and Walter P) ISBN: 978-0815341055
Location: Room 419, ITK building (Práter u. 50/A)
Duration: 2 x 45 min (Mondays and Thursdays 9:15 – 11:00)
Date | Time | Place | Lecture | Lecturer | |
1 | February 10 | 9:15 | ITK 419 | Basics of molecular biology | Csala |
2 | February 13 | 9:15 | ITK 419 | DNA replication | Zámbó |
3 | February 17 | 9:15 | ITK 419 | DNA damage, mutation, repair | Zámbó |
4 | February 21 | 13:15 | ITK 419 | Transcription | Csala |
5 | February 21 | 13:15 | ITK 419 | RNA processing | Csala |
6 | February 24 | 9:15 | ITK 419 | Control of gene expression at mRNA level | Csala |
7 | March 3 | 9:15 | ITK 419 | Translation | Mészáros |
8 | March 6 | 9:15 | ITK 419 | Post-translational modifications | Mészáros |
9 | March 10 | 9:15 | ITK 419 | Control of translation | Mészáros |
10 | March 13 | 9:15 | ITK 419 | Protein degradation (proteasome and autophagy) | Mészáros |
11 | March 17 | 9:15 | EOK | ORAL MIDTERM I | |
12 | March 20 | 9:15 | ITK 419 | Intracellular protein trafficking | Mészáros |
13 | March 24 | 9:15 | ITK 419 | Vesicular transport, endocytosis, exocytosis | Kereszturi |
14 | March 27 | 9:15 | ITK 419 | Control of cell cycle I | Csala |
15 | March 31 | 9:15 | ITK 419 | Control of cell cycle II | Csala |
16 | April 3 | 9:15 | ITK 419 | Apoptosis I | Csala |
17 | April 7 | 9:15 | ITK 419 | Apoptosis II | Csala |
18 | April 10 | 9:15 | ITK 419 | Molecular background of cancer | Csala |
19 | April 28 | 9:15 | ITK 419 | Genetic polymorphism and human diseases | Kereszturi |
20 | May 1 | --- Labor Day Holiday --- | |||
21 | May 5 | 9:15 | ITK 419 | Molecular biology of viruses I | Csala |
22 | May 8 | 9:15 | ITK 419 | Molecular biology of viruses II | Csala |
23 | May 12 | 9:15 | ITK 419 | Methods of protein generation | Mészáros |
24 | May 15 | 9:15 | EOK | ORAL MIDTERM II |
Midterm 1
Topics for the 1st midterm
- Structure of DNA in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, histones, topoisomerism
- Proteins involved in prokaryotic DNA replication
- Initiation of replication and the replication fork
- Special features of eukaryotic DNA replication, the telomerase
- The most important types of DNA lesion, DNA damage and mutation
- Formation and repair of “mismatch damage”
- Ways to repair pyrimidine (Thymine) dimer
- Structure and function of E. coli RNA polymerase
- Initiation and termination of transcription in prokaryotic cells
- Initiation and termination of transcription in eukaryotic cells
- Processing of mRNA and the structure of mature mRNA
- Regulation of transcription in prokaryotes
- Regulation of transcription in eukaryotes
- Mechanisms for influencing eukaryotic gene expression (other than transcriptional control)
- Structure and function of RNAs involved in translation
- Mechanism of aminoacyl-tRNA formation
- Structure and function of prokaryotic and eukaryotic ribosomes
- Initiation of translation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
- Elongation and termination of translation
- Post-translational modifications and functional consequences
- Possible mechanisms for the control of translation
- Intracellular proteolysis, types and mechanisms of autophagy
- Intracellular proteolysis, ubiquitination, proteasome
Midterm 2
Topics for the 2nd midterm
- Eukaryotic cell organelles and the nuclear protein transport
- Protein transport to mitochondria and the ER
- Vesicular transport between the organelles, the role of SNARE proteins and Rab proteins
- Vesicular transport, endocytosis and exocytosis, the role of coat-forming proteins
- Lytic and lysogenic replication of bacteriophages
- Grouping of animal viruses according to their replication mechanism, effect of double-stranded RNA in the eukaryotic cells
- Replication cycle of retroviruses, acutely transforming retroviruses
- Genetic background of human diseases, methods for allele analysis
- The eukaryotic cell division cycle – phases and checkpoints
- Cyclins, cyclin-dependent kinases and their inhibitors
- Control of cell cycle in G1 and S phases
- Control of cell cycle in G2 and M phases
- Handling DNA injuries and ongoing replication during the cell cycle
- Structure and function of apoptosome, DISC, and PIDDosome
- Types of Bcl-2 proteins and their role in apoptosis pathways of different origin
- Properties of caspases and their role in regulating apoptosis
- Components of the “survival signal” and its connection with the regulatory proteins of apoptosis
- The endoplasmic reticulum stress and the UPR
- Control of the level and activity of p53 protein
- Effects of p53 protein on cell cycle and apoptosis
- The concept of tumor suppressor genes, the functions of some representative tumor suppressor proteins
- Genetic modifications leading to tumor cell formation
- Elements of prokaryotic and eukaryotic expression vectors
- Isolation of overexpressed proteins
Lecture slides are available here.
The passwords to download pages can be obtained from the laboratory teachers personally.