The University Innovation Committee (EIB) is responsible for making decisions about the reception, protection, exercise and exploitation of intellectual property. Members of the EIB:
- the Rector, who is also the President of the EIB;
- Chancellor;
- Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation;
- deans of faculties;
- President of the Doctoral School;
- Director of the Innovation Center.
The proposal prepared by the Innovation Center, depending on the nature of the work and the knowledge available, in particular, must address the following issues and propose a decision:
- a proposal for the university admission of the work;
- assessment of the protection of the work, proposal for steps to obtain (maintain) industrial property protection;
- in the case of intellectual property, that may be protected by industrial property rights, the service or employee nature, and in the case of an author’s work, the statement of the service or non-service nature;
- in the case of a service nature, does the University claim the work, whether wishes to file an industrial property right application or to keep the work secret;
- in the case of an employee, whether the University exercises the right to exploit the work;
- possibilities and conditions of utilization;
- waiver of rights to the University and its justification;
- Expected expenses and their university commitment (including the costs of protection and maintenance, recovery), and (scientific, professional, economic, etc.) benefits, revenues for the University;
- whether a deviation from the general (e.g. remuneration) conditions set out in the regulations is justified;
- proposals of strategic importance (e.g. university innovation, industrial property rights, utilization strategies).
Intellectual Property Management Policy_Hungarian