Helyszín: Farmakológiai és Farmakoterápiás Intézet, Budapest Nagyvárad tér 4.

Dátum: 2019.01.17.

{"name":"Academic lectures at Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy", "description":"

INVITATION The Semmelweis University Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy invites you to the “Tenascin C in pressure and volume overload” academic lecture given by Univ. Prof. Dr. Bruno Podesser MD Head of Department Center for Biomedical Research Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria and “Remote ischemic conditioning: beyond infarct size limitation” academic lecture given by…

Farmakológiai és Farmakoterápiás Intézet", "startDate":"2019-01-17", "endDate":"2019-01-17", "startTime":"15:30", "endTime":"17:30", "location":"Farmakológiai és Farmakoterápiás Intézet", "options":["Apple","Google","iCal","Microsoft365", "MicrosoftTeams", "Outlook.com"], "timeZone":"Europe/Budapest", "iCalFileName":"Academic lectures at Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy", "label":"Naptárba"}

The Semmelweis University Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy
invites you to the

“Tenascin C in pressure and volume overload”
academic lecture given by
Univ. Prof. Dr. Bruno Podesser MD
Head of Department Center for Biomedical Research
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

“Remote ischemic conditioning: beyond infarct size limitation”
academic lecture given by
Attila Kiss, MSc, PhD; FESC
Post doc Research associate
Center for Biomedical Research
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Date: 17th January, 2019 (Thursday)
15.30 pm
Venue: Semmelweis University Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy
Knoll room (404)
Address: 1089 Budapest, Nagyvárad Sq. 4. IV. floor

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