We are delighted to invite you to our local Semmelweis University Alumni Meeting and the premiere of the Semmelweis film in Nicosia! 

Our goal is to strengthen the sense of community among our alumni in Cyprus, create networking opportunities, provide a platform for sharing experiences and insights, and to also contribute towards reputation and increasing the University’s status to the first 100 in the world. This event offers a unique opportunity for informal conversation and reminiscing about the years spent at Semmelweis University. 

The Ambassador of Hungary, Dr. Krisztina Lakos, and Rector, Prof. Dr. Béla Merkely, request the pleasure of your company at this exclusive gathering and film premiere for Semmelweis University alumni in Cyprus. The event is organized under the auspices of the Embassy of Hungary in Nicosia, Semmelweis University, and the University of Cyprus. 

Date & Time:
Wednesday, 2 October 2024, 17:00 – 22:00
University of Cyprus – University House “Anastasios G. Leventis”, B108
(1 Panepistemiou Avenue, 2109 Aglantzia, Lefkosia) 
Program Schedule:
17:00 – Doors Open at Amphitheatre B108 – UCY Campus
17:20 – Welcome Speech by Dr. Katalin Iacovidou Balika, Ambassador Dr. Krisztina Lakos, Rector Prof. Dr. Béla Merkely 
17:30 – Screening of the Semmelweis Film Premiere in Cyprus 
19:40 – Open Discussion with Prof. Dr. Béla Merkely, Rector of Semmelweis University, about the University’s Present & Future 
20:15 – Reception at the Aula of the University of Cyprus 
22:00 – Event Closure


Facebook event


We are excited about the opportunity to reconnect with you and other Semmelweis University alumni in Nicosia and look forward to your response! 

Best regards, 
Semmelweis University, Alumni Directorate