Dear All, who expressed their condolences Many of you asked about the date and time of the funeral and the mass. Please see the details below. Since I do not have many of the contacts of my father’s friends abroad, I would like to ask you to forward the details to those you may know, who would like to attend the funeral.

Date of funeral and mass: July 12, Saturday, 2014

1. Mass: 10.30 AM in St. Stephen’s Basilica (in Hungarian: Szent István-bazilika), 1051 Budapest, Szent István tér 1, Hungary

2. Funeral: 13.00 (1 PM) in the Kerepesi Cemetery (National Graveyard in Fiumei street), 1086 Budapest, Fiumei út 16, Hungary

I have included a map of the cemetery. On the map I have indicated (red arrows) the main entrance and the place (called “ravatalozó in Hungarian), where the funeral ceremony will take place at 1 PM.

Thank you very much
Botond Roska

