Semmelweis University, Faculty of Medicine
Name(s) of the Institute(s) teaching the subject:
Department of  Family Medicine

Name of the subject:
Family medicine (4th year block programme);
in German: Familienmedizin; in Hungarian: Családorvostan

Credits: 2        Semester: 7., 8. semester (4th year)

Total number of hours per week:
Lectures: – ;
Practices: 12 hours (2×6);
Seminars: 8 hours (4×2)

Type of the course: mandatory

Academic year: 2024/2025

Code of the course1: AOKCSA1133_1A 

Course director:

Head of the Department: Prof. Dr. Peter Torzsa M.D. Ph.D.

Date and number of

Habilitation: 2020.07.21, 11/2020

Tutor and contacts:
Adam Becze, M.D.,
Secretary: Anikó Kerekes:

Aim of the subject and its place in the curriculum: Health care is based on the family practice system in many countries, General Practitioners are the gatekeepers in most healthcare systems. It will be introduced on a one-to-one tutoring basis that family care, the GP’s work is an integrating profession. Medical students will be given an insight into the ways of approaching holistic, complex bio-psycho-social and somatic problems, prevention and the differential diagnostics of frequent diseases. The aim is to show them through certain patient cases how and when to apply the basic diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and tools, how to develop the patient-doctor relationship, improve communication skills or work with short interventions.

Location of the course (lecture hall, practice room, etc.):
Accredited tutorial practices (with contracted GP tutors in Budapest and its agglomeration)
The lecture hall of the Department or other University institutes

Competencies gained upon the successful completion of the subject:
Basics of a preventive approach, screening methods.
Approach for the holistic patient care, managing complex bio-psycho-social-health problems.
Frequent acute and chronic illness care in the primary care.
Differential diagnostics.
Using basic diagnostic tools, assessing test results.
Improved skills in communication and motivation of patients.
Improved skills in physical examination, injections etc.
History taking, medical notes and reports. Referrals.

Prerequisite(s) for admission to the subject: Internal medicine propaedeutics, Pharmacology I, (Laboratory medicine)

Minimum and maximum number of students registering for the course: max. 22/group
Student selection method in case of oversubscription: Block based system, every student can participate as their own schedule goes

How to register for the course:
To register for the course in the ’Neptun’ system

Detailed thematic of the course2:

Seminars – with your own group basically
On Fridays, 4×2 lessons: 
Dates: 21st March; 11th April; 25th April; 6th June 

Main topics included:
Family Medicine in general.
Screening procedures for prevention
Cardiovascular prevention, hypertension management
Diabetes screening and care, Obesity and its management
Mood and sleep disorders
Emergency in the primary care
Epidemiology: covid, flu, vaccination programmes

The block consists of having 2x 6 lessons in a family practice on a one-to-one tutoring basis on two different days, usually 1 morning and 1 afternoon session and consultation with your tutor.

The case discussion report may include a frequent task in primary care and provides an opportunity to discuss the diagnostic, differential diagnostic and therapeutic ways and possibilities in the following topics:

Patient got ‘caught’ in screening procedures
or Patients with
– complex cardiovascular and/or metabolic disease
– frequent serious communicable disease (so not the common cold)
– musculoskeletal disease that have a strong impact on the patient’s life
– complex psycho-social problems

Potential overlap(s) with other subjects:  Internal medicine

Policy regarding the attendance and making up absences: It’s compulsory for the student to attend all of the training sessions: 2 days at the GP office and all seminars. 2 other days remain for the essay writing, consultation e.g.
Practical absence must be re-scheduled with your assigned GP tutor, please contact them.
For the seminars makeup classes are available with other groups – see dates on Neptun

Means of assessing the students’ progress during the semester4: During training the tutor evaluates the skills of the student, provide a feedback on attitude (motivation, communication) and professional knowledge (physical examination, medical science) on a 5-scale system.

Requirement for acknowledging the semester (signature): It’s compulsory for the student to attend at least 75 percent of the block – as the block is 3 days in total, they are mandatory, 2 days remain for study etc.

Type of the examination: – (practical mark)
Tutor’s assessment of how actively the student has participated in the training (40%)

Compiling a 3,000-6,000 character long case study based on one of the topics given in advance. A relevant study, article from professional literature, or a guideline, a recommendation should be included (e.g. concerning a certain diagnostic problem, a therapy decision, a screening recommendation, a guideline/protocol applied for the specific case). (60%)

Requirements5Composing a case study at least 3000 and maximum 6000 characters (without spaces) about an examined patient based on the following topics:
Patient picked through screening
Complex cardiovascular/metabolic disease, chronic care
Frequent severe communicable disease
Patient with a musculoskeletal disease that affects the everyday life
A case study displaying psychosocial problems

Required parts of the case presentation:
1. Anamnesis
2. Current complaints
3. An examination plan and/or Examinations
4. Diagnosis
5. Therapy and/or further patient care (plan)
6. Processing and assessing the case based on professional literature
7. Bibliography!

A relevant study, article from professional literature, or a guideline, a recommendation should be included (e.g. concerning a certain diagnostic problem, a therapy decision, a screening recommendation, a guideline/protocol applied for the specific case).

Type and method of grading6: Assessment and grading of the course: with a 1 to 5 practical mark:
It’s based on the student’s activity, participation during the training assessed by the tutor (40 percent) and the grade of the required case study (60 percent).

Assessment of the case study is based on the following:
Grade 1: failing to hand in the essay by deadline, the case study is not
original, but plagiarism
Grade 2: the number of characters is under 3,000; absence of a required part of the case study, serious professional failure
Grade 3: 2-3 professional or formal mistakes, unsophisticated wording
Grade 4: characters more than 6,000; one not too significant professional mistake
Grade 5: requirements fulfilled, precise and accurate wording in the medical jargon, logical conclusions

How to register for the exam: – (practical mark)

Opportunities to retake the exam: In accordance with the Studies and Exams Code. One can re-write the essay once.

Literature, i.e. printed, electronic and online notes, textbooks, tutorials (URL for online material):
see on the Department’s Homepage and on MOODLE


Seminars (earlier)