The structure of the working packages follows the AmReSu resistance strategic vision development concept and runs on three parallel tracks plus the project support actions, such as ethics requirements (WP1), general project management as WP2 and communication and dissemination measures WP5 and WP6 to deliver impact. WP2 (Consortium management) encompasses managerial responsibilities that are necessary for coordinating the work of Project Partners, as well as for the accomplishment of all administrative tasks related to the implementation of the Grant Agreement. WP5 (Dissemination, communication) places considerable emphasis on developing communication strategies both in terms of awareness-raising and information transmission in order to reach relevant associations and stakeholders. General information about the project will be also developed and provided to the broader public, as well as open access publications prepared.

The coordination and support action elements will ensure proper execution of AmReSu resistance strategic vision. Hence, the operation of the twinning groups will proceed in parallel, but they will be specialized in the given subdomain. WP3 (Twinning group actions in antimicrobial resistance in the human host (resistome), WP4 (Twinning group actions in antimicrobial resistance at the bacterial strain level) and) will assess and improve the research potential of the given subdomain while realises mentoring, training and summer school actions. For WP3 we will choose the top ten bacteirla pathogens of relevance from the WHO priority pathogens list and 10 strains of each except P. aeruginosa as this will be covered in WP4, will be used for training. For metagenomics our focus will be on respiratory samples, since most of the pathogens listed are known to cause severe respiratory disease. We will randomly select a group of 30-50 respiratory infections samples (such as ETA), which are already stored in our UAntwerpen biobank. In order to prepare the sustainability, in WP6 (Impact assessment and sustainability) partners will focus on IP management and sharing issues, as well as boosting the networks with industry and other stakeholders including policymakers.

The execution will be done accordingly:

WP Number WP Title Lead beneficiary Start month End month
WP1 Ethics requirements SU 1 36
WP2 Consortium management SU 1 36
WP3 Twinning group actions on antimicrobial resistance analysis with all genome sequencing and metagenome analysis UAntwerp 1 36
WP4 Twinning group actions in whole genome analysis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa IdISBa 1 36
WP5 Dissemination, communication BFM 1 36
WP6 Impact assessment and sustainability SU 12 36