Due to pandemic UAntwerp launched the mentoring services  with SU and BFM online in April May 2021. as part of activities within WP3 – Twinning group actions on antimicrobial resistance analysis with all genome sequencing and metagenome analysis.

Three webinars were held by Dr. Basil Britto Xavier so far, on which he presented the roots and history of Sequencing, the impact of AMR and the Current Practices in Microbiology Laboratory.

Special focus was on Sanger Sequencing in human genome and NExt Generation Sequencing. The theoretical knowledge was tried out in practical exercises which results have been validated and discussed in the feedback session. The exercises will continue in July 2021.

WP3 webinar in 2021

AmReSu NGS training focusing on clinical metagenomics May 2nd-18th, 2022

In May, two researchers from BFM and two from SU had the opportunity to visit UAntwerp LMM facilities to have a three-weeks long, hands-on training about metagenomics under the leadership of Dr Basil Britto Xavier, who is an accomplished researcher in this field. During this time, the BFM and SU researchers could practice wet lab tasks linked to Illumina MiSeq and Nanopore MinION sequencers and they could use Linux and Windows based tools to get more familiar with data analysis pipelines used during next generation sequencing data analysis. They also participated in several discussions on data analysis tools, ongoing researches at LMM and about Global-PPS. It was a versatile and useful three weeks where the young researchers had the opportunity to watch, ask, learn and practice.