AmReSu was represented on the 6th Central European Forum for Microbiology (Ceform) which was organised by the Hungarian Society for Microbiology, the Croatian Microbiological Society, the Slovenian Microbiological Society, and the Foundation of the Hungarian Society for Microbiology and held at Hotel Aranyhomok, Kecskemét, Hungary, between 13–15 October, 2021.
The CEFORM meetings traditionally attract participants from Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia and Slovenia.
Due the pandemic the event was held in a hybrid way this year. Hence, not only dr Judit Sahin-Toth from Semmelweis University (SU) could attend the event, who personally gave a speech, but also our colleagues from the SU’s office alongside with our special guest dr. Irina Pristas clinical microbiologist from the Klinika za infektivne bolesti ‘Dr. Fran Mihaljevic ‘ joined the event remotely.

The program covered all major branches of microbiology, though, the main scientific topics this year were SARS-Cov-2 and Covid-19, presented by renowned experts of the field.


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