How to get a permanent student card:
Go to a Government Window
First you have to go to a Government Window (in Hungarian: Kormányablak) and apply for a student card. The officers will take a photo of you and register your personal data (your passport and residence permit will be needed) You can find Government Windows in every city and district in Hungary. You will get a paper with datas. In the top right corner of the paper there will be your NEK identification numbers.
Register your application electronically in Neptun
Entering Neptun please choose from the menu – Administration – Student Card request – Add New– and fill every data necessary. When you order the student card in Neptun, the NEK number has to be typed here. BE SURE that datas match on the NEK paper and on the Neptun system letter by letter. Your name, your mothers ‘s name etc. For the successful request, every student must have a valid Hungarian Temporary (Tartózkodási) or permanent (Állandó) address. Home country address is not appropriate. Please do not write a foreign country address here.
Pick the card up
When your student card is completed, we are sending a notification message directly to the mailbox of your Neptun system thereafter you can come here to pick up the card. The permanent card might arrive only after 2-3 months waiting, so come to the Doctoral Office during our opening hours to get your Temporary student card as soon as possible.
Validate it every semester
The student card must be validated at the beginning of every semester by a new stamp (or sticker), which you can get in the Doctoral office.