Research topicSupervisorE-mail addressProgram
Intracellular signaling pathways of smooth muscle functionsBenyó, Zoltánbenyo.zoltan@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Physiological and pathophysiolgical functions of lipid mediators in the cardiovascular systemBenyó, Zoltánbenyo.zoltan@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Pathophysiology of the cerebral circulationBenyó, Zoltánbenyo.zoltan@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Molecular mechanisms of the regulation of angiogenesis and vascular permeability in malignant tumorsBenyó, Zoltánbenyo.zoltan@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Interventional and diagnostic radiological aspects of thyroid diseasesDeák Pál Ákosdeak.pal.akos@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Cardiovascular adaptational mechanisms in the whole body, as well as the myocardium and the brain cortexDézsi, Lászlódezsi.laszlo@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Role of bradykinin receptors in the circulatory adaptation under normal and pathological conditions; interactions with other
mechanisms affecting blood pressure
Dézsi, Lászlódezsi.laszlo@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Spatio-temporal correlation of coupled hemodynamics and neuronal activities in the brainEke, Andráseke.andras@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Impact of cerebralsclerosis in altering the fractal structuring of cerebrocortical hemodynamic fluctuationsEke, Andráseke.andras@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Effects of blood substitutes on tissue hemodynamics and oxygenationEke, Andráseke.andras@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Treatment options for breast cancer: identification of tumor-angiogenesis and tumor-immunologic targets
Hamar, Péterhamar.peter@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Oxidative-nitrative stress and poly(ADP-ribose)polimerase activation and their diagnostic value in health and diseaseHorváth, Eszter Máriahorvath.eszter.maria@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Functional integrity of the cardiopulmonary systemHorváth, Ildikóhorvat.ildiko@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Blood separation products for regenerative applicationHornyák István hornyak.stvani@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Regulation of calcium homeostasis in the myocardial tissueIvanics, Tamásivanics.tamas@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Alterations of the intracellular calcium homeostasis in progressive heart failureIvanics, Tamásivanics.tamas@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Pathophysiological processes contributing to the development of diabetic cardiomyopathyIvanics, Tamásivanics.tamas@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
The mechanism of action of cell-based regenerative therapies in myocardial infarctKiss Leventekiss.levente@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Ex vivo and in vitro research of adverse immunological effects of drug carriersKozma Tibor Gergely Pathophysiology and translational medicine
The role of vitamin C in cardiovascular diseasesMargittai Évamargittai.eva@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Novel regulatory mechanisms of the coronary circulationMiklós Zsuzsannamiklos.zsuzsanna@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Investigating dynamic functional connectivity in the brainMukli Pétermukli.peter@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Hemodynamic functions and network properties of the venous system: adaptation mechanisms to normal and abnormal loadings.Nádasy, Györgynadasy.gyorgy.laszlo@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Videomicroscopic analysis of ureteral movements. Pharmacological and pathological effects.Nádasy, Györgynadasy.gyorgy.laszlo@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Alterations of the biomechanical properties of extremity arteries and veins during angiogenetic processesNádasy, Györgynadasy.gyorgy.laszlo@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Adaptation of vascular hemodynamics and network properties to physiological and pathological stressNádasy, Györgynadasy.gyorgy.laszlo@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Model-iN: Modelling aging related diseases using induced neurons directly reprogrammed from patient's fibroblastsPircs, Karolinapircs.karolina@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Role of lysophospholipids, lysophospholipid receptors and autotaxin in vascular physiology and pathophysiologyRuisanchez, Évaruisanchez.eva@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Ischemia-induced molecular-biological changes of the blood-brain barrierSándor, Pétersandor.peter@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
The role of the female sex hormones in the regulation of the cerebral blood flowSándor, Pétersandor.peter@semmelweis.huPathophysiology and translational medicine
Congenital heart disease in adultTemesvári, Andrástemesvari.andras00@gmail.comPathophysiology and translational medicine
Mechanism of action of photosensitizers and their application
in microbial inactivation
Csík ,Gabriellacsik.gabriella@semmelweis.huCellular and molecular biophysics
Computational Tools in Drug DiscoveryFerenczy , Györgyferenczy.gyorgy@semmelweis.huCellular and molecular biophysics
Shear force dependent platelet function with nano biophysical methods in clinical correlationHársfalvi, Jolánharsfalvi.jolan@semmelweis.huCellular and molecular biophysics
The role of the molecular interactions of viral and human 1 transmembrane proteins and the SERCA pump in Ca2+ signaling
Hegedűs, Tamástamas@hegelab.orgCellular and molecular biophysics
Synthesis, physical-chemical, in vitro and in vivo characterization of the artificial matrices and nanoparticles for biomedical applicationJedlovszky-Hajdú, Angélahajdu.angela@semmelweis.huCellular and molecular biophysics
Self-organizing and nanomechanical properties of the actomyosin systemKellermayer, Miklóskellermayer.miklos@semmelweis.huCellular and molecular biophysics
NanobiotechnologyKellermayer, Miklóskellermayer.miklos@semmelweis.huCellular and molecular biophysics
Nanomechanics of nucleoprotein systemsKellermayer,Miklóskellermayer.miklos@semmelweis.huCellular and molecular biophysics
Molecular biophysics of the giant muscle protein titinKellermayer, Miklóskellermayer.miklos@semmelweis.huCellular and molecular biophysics
Mechanobiophysics of the giant protein nebulinKiss, Balázskiss.balazs1@semmelweis.huCellular and molecular biophysics
Inhibition of calmodulin by endogenous sphingolipids: structure-function studiesLiliom, Károly liliom.karoly@semmelweis.huCellular and molecular biophysics
Mechanical manipulation of biomolecules with optical tweezers and magnetic tweezersMártonfalvi, Zsolt martonfalvi.zsolt@semmelweis.huCellular and molecular biophysics
Molecular Imaging end Tartgeted Molecular Isotope Therapeutics in Neuroinflammation, Cancer and InfectionMáthé, Domokosmathe.domokos@semmelweis.huCellular and molecular biophysics
Mechanobiology of endothelial cellsMatkovicsné Varga Andreamandrea.varga@gmail.comCellular and molecular biophysics
Polymer based functional coatings and implants for drug delivery and their interaction with the living systemMolnár Kristófmolnar.kristof1@semmelweis.huCellular and molecular biophysics
Application of biopolymers for tissue engineering and drug deliveryS. Nagy Krisztinas.nagy.krisztina@semmelweis.huCellular and molecular biophysics
Conformational selection in calmodulin's function: enzyme-activitation studiesSchay, Gusztávschay.gusztav@semmelweis.huCellular and molecular biophysics
Spectroscopic investigation of the structure and function of proteins immobilize on lipid layerSmeller, Lászlósmeller.laszlo@semmelweis.huCellular and molecular biophysics
Kinetics and dynamics of tetraplex DNA structures under complex environmental conditions determined by spectroscopic methodsSmeller, Lászlósmeller.laszlo@semmelweis.huCellular and molecular biophysics
In vivo multimodal preclinical imagingSzigeti, Krisztiánszigeti.krisztian@semmelweis.huCellular and molecular biophysics
Biological and biomimetic materials; chemical foundations of nanotechnologyZrinyi, Miklósmikloszrinyi@gmail.comCellular and molecular biophysics
Radiological aspects of organ transplantationDoros Attiladoros.attila@semmelweis.huTranslational kidney research and organ transplantation
Therapeutic applications of RNA interference to prevent renal
ischemia-reperfusion injury
Hamar, Péterhamar.peter@semmelweis.huTranslational kidney research and organ transplantation
Molecular mechanisms of TGF-beta induced
myocardial and renal fibrosis progression
Kökény, Gáborkokeny.gabor@semmelweis.huTranslational kidney research and organ transplantation
Molecular mechanisms of podocyte damage in diabetesKökény, Gáborkokeny.gabor@semmelweis.huTranslational kidney research and organ transplantation
Malnutrition and inflammation in patients with
chronic kidney disease
Molnár Miklós Zsoltmolnar.miklos.g@semmelweis.huTranslational kidney research and organ transplantation
Renin-angiotensin system (RAS)Rosivall, Lászlórosivall.laszlo@semmelweis.huTranslational kidney research and organ transplantation
Novel Concepts in the Regulation of Blood Pressure
and Kidney Function
Rosivall, Lászlórosivall.laszlo@semmelweis.huTranslational kidney research and organ transplantation
The role and mechanisms of epithelial- mesenchymal
transition during fibrosis and tumor progression
Sebe, Attila sebatt@net.sote.huTranslational kidney research and organ transplantation
Pathophysiology of nano-medicines with particular focus on nephrology and circulationSzebeni, Jánosjszebeni2@gmail.comTranslational kidney research and organ transplantation
Pathophysiology of the complement system, with particular focus on its role in drug-induced allergic reactionsSzebeni, Jánosjszebeni2@gmail.comTranslational kidney research and organ transplantation
The role of serotonin in the progression of kidney fibrosis and chronic renal diseaseSzénási, Gáborszenasi.gabor@semmelweis.huTranslational kidney research and organ transplantation
Relevance of transplantation to nephrology and diabetologyWagner, Lászlówagner.laszlo@semmelweis.huTranslational kidney research and organ transplantation
Effect of physical exercise on the regulation of vascular tone, experimental and clinical relationsPréda, Istvánpredadr@gmail.comVascular Pathophysiology
Clinical anatomical analysis of the white matter of the brainAlpár Alán, Bárány Lászlóalpar.alan@semmelweis.huClinical application of basic science results
Clinical anatomy of the ptergopalatine fossaAlpár, Alánalpar.alan@semmelweis.huClinical application of basic science results
Surgical aspects of anatomy and imagingAlpár, Alánalpar.alan@semmelweis.huClinical application of basic science results
Evaluation of psychosocial factors determining the development and progression of chronic disordersEőry, Ajándé Clinical application of basic science results
Workplace-based learning in the development of medical identityEőry, Ajándé Clinical application of basic science results
Comparison and validation of clinical guidelinesErdélyi, Dániel Jánoserdelyi.daniel@semmelweis.huClinical application of basic science results
Advanced diagnosis and clinical significance of cryptic chromosomal abnormalitiesHaltrich, Irénhaltrich.iren@semmelweis.huClinical application of basic science results
Mass spectrometry-based approaches in laboratory medicineKarvaly, Gellértkarvaly.gellert.balazs@semmelweis.huClinical application of basic science results
Application of modern diagnostic procedures in clinical microbiologyKristóf, Katalinkristof.katalin@semmelweis.huClinical application of basic science results
Current methods for predicting and preventing transplant complications in hematopoietic stem cell transplantationKriván, Clinical application of basic science results
Cadaver-based clinical anatomic modelsRuttkay, Tamásruttkay.tamas@semmelweis.huClinical application of basic science results
Biomarkers in inflammationVásárhelyi, Barnavasarhelyi.barna@semmelweis.huClinical application of basic science results

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