Research topicSupervisorE-mail addressProgram
Examination of prognostic factors and treatment outcomes in bone and sort tissue tumorsAntal Imreantal.imre@semmelweis.huPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Comparison study of reconstruction of extensive bone defects using massive osteochondral homografts, autografts or endoprosthesesAntal Imreantal.imre@semmelweis.huPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Epidemiology, risk factors, comorbidities, diagnostics and conservative management of osteoarthritis and inflammatory joint diseasesBálint Péterpvbalint@gmail.comPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Morphological and functional ultrasound examination of the musculoskeletal systemBálint Péterpvbalint@gmail.comPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Biomechanical analysis of abled and physically disabled professional athletesBejek Zoltá; bejzol@yahoo.comPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Introduction and application of new orthopedic surgical procedures and analysis of their resultsBejek Zoltá; bejzol@yahoo.comPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Articular sportinjuries of the kneeBerkes Istvánberkes.istvan@semmelweis.huPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Experimental and clinical analysis of hip fracture treatmentCserháti Pétercserhati.peter@omint.huPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Measurement in rehabilitation medicineDénes Zoltá Physiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Secondary conditions in rehabilitation medicineDénes Zoltá Physiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Functioning, dysability and secunder conditionsDénes Zoltá Physiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Application of in silico biomechanical methods in spine surgery innovationsÉltes Pétereltespeter@yahoo.comPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Examining congruence conditions and geometric fitting possibilities using MRI-assisted artifical intelligenceHangody Györgyhangody@hotmail.comPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Negative pressure therapy for chronic wound treatmentHangody Lászlóhangody.laszlo@semmelweis.huPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Experimental and clinical research of chondral and osteochondral defects of the weight bearing articular surfacesHangody Lászlóhangody.laszlo@semmelweis.huPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Cartilage repair by ultra fresh osteochondral allograftsHangody László Rudolfhangodylaszlo@gmail.comPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Ensuring regeneration in the handHetthéssy Judithetthessy.judit.reka@semmelweis.huPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Biomechanical alterations caused by degenerative changes in jointsHolnapy Gergelyhogeri@yahoo.comPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Investigation of Young's modulus of boneKocsis Györgykocsisgyorgy@hotmail.comPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Prognostic factors for develompent and modern care of spinal infectionsKlemencsics Istvánistvan.klemencsics@bhc.huPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Therapeutic possibilities of stem cell transplantation in the muskuloskeletal systemLacza Zsomborlacza.zsombor@semmelweis.huPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Interaction of enviromental and genetic factors in etiology and treatment of degenerative spinal disordersLazáry Áronlazary.aron@semmelweis.huPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Wrestling injuries in UWW competitions // Shoulder injuries in UWW competitions: epidemiology, types, treatment, prevention // Sportsmen as a traveller: injuries, illness; temporary and definitive treatment, insuranceMolnár Szabolcs Lajosszabolcsmolnardr@gmail.comPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Analysis of allo-and autograft for anterior cruciate ligament reconstructionPapp Károlydrpapster@gmail.comPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
CT based examination of total knee arthroplasty componentsPapp Miklós, Hangody lászló; hangody.laszlo@semmelweis.huPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Research of the ACL injury prevention option and the genetic factors of the ACL tearPavlik Attilapavlika@t-online.huPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
The effect of ACL recontsruction on the development of osteoarthritis in the knee jointPánics Gergelygergelypanics@gmail.comPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Injuries in footballPánics Gergelygergelypanics@gmail.comPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Clinical investigators of the diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation in inflammatory, metabolic and degenerative rheumatic diseasesPoór Gyulapoor.gyula@mail.orfi.huPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Examination of synovial sarcoma SYT-SSX fusion gene products in tissue cultures and xenograftsSápi Zoltánsapi.zoltan.dr@gmail.comPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Development and surgical treatment of osteoarthritisSkaliczki Gáborskaliczki.gabor@semmelweis.huPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Upper limb motion analysis and its role in normal and pathological shoulder functionSkaliczki Gáborskaliczki.gabor@semmelweis.huPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Modern diagnostic and therapeutic approach to periprosthetic joint infection.Skaliczki Gáborskaliczki.gabor@semmelweis.huPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Metastatic bone tumours: prognostic factor-related surgical interventionsSzendrői Miklósszendroi.miklos@semmelweis.huPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Recidival tumor forming ability, malignization in borderline bone tumorsSzendrői Miklósszendroi.miklos@semmelweis.huPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
The role of different types of synovectomies in the treatment of musculoskeletal system’s diseasesSzerb Imreszerbimre@gmail.comPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Biomechanical effect of percutaneous vertebroplasty in osteoporotic vertebral fractures on the neighbouring vertebrae: clinical and laboratory investigationsSzikora Istvánh13424szi@ella.huPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Histological and kinetic alterations in diseases and developmental disorders of the locomotor apparatusSzőke Györgyszoke.gyorgy@semmelweis.huPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Movement analysis neuromuscular and musculosceletal disordersTerebessy Tamásterebessy.tamas@semmelweis.huPhysiology and Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Research on ocular surface diseases: pathogenesis, biom+A3:C17arkers, modern diagnostic and therapeutic methods
Füst Ágnes
Pathophysiology of dry eye diseaseKovács Illéskovacs.illes@semmelweis.huOphthalmology
Quantitative and qualitative assessment of retinal microvasculature using OCT angiography in retinal diseasesKovács Illéskovacs.illes@semmelweis.huOphthalmology
Corneal wound healing, special focusing on refractive surgical proceduresNagy Zoltán Zsoltnagy.zoltan.zsolt@semmelweis.huOphthalmology
Physiology and pathophysiolog of visionNagy Zoltán Zsoltnagy.zoltan.zsolt@semmelweis.huOphthalmology
Laser surgery in glaucomaNagy Zoltán Zsoltnagy.zoltan.zsolt@semmelweis.huOphthalmology
Modern clinical examination and therapy of retina and choroidal diseasesNagy Zoltán Zsoltnagy.zoltan.zsolt@semmelweis.huOphthalmology
Special cases of intraocular lens implantationsNagy Zoltán Zsolt, Vámosi Péternagy.zoltan.zsolt@semmelweis.huOphthalmology
Clinical, imaging, experimental investigation and modern treatment of vitreoretinal diseasesResch Miklósresch.miklos@semmelweis.huOphthalmology
In vitro culturing of limbal stem cells and analysis of their potential clinical applicationSzentmáry Nóraszentmary.nora@semmelweis.huOphthalmology
Clinical examination, imaging and molecular biological analysis of the cornea and anterior segment of the eye under physiological and pathological conditionsSzentmáry Nóraszentmary.nora@semmelweis.huOphthalmology
Correlations of functional diagnostic tests and morphological imaging techniques in retinal and optic nerve diseasesZobor Annamária Dittazobor.ditta@semmelweis.huOphthalmology
Diagnosis of male infertility and modern therapeutic optionsKopa Zsoltkopa.zsolt@semmelweis.huUrology
The diagnosis and therapy of urinary storage and voiding problemsMajoros Attilamajoros.attila@semmelweis.huUrology
Prognostic and predictive markers in urological tumorsSzarvas Tiborszarvas.tibor@semmelweis.huUrology
Up-to-date clinical experimental research of andrological diseasesKopa Zsoltkopa.zsolt@semmelweis.huUrology
Reconstructive urologyNyirády Péternyirady.peter@semmelweis.huUrology
New diagnostic and therapeutic options for urological tumorsNyirády Péternyirady.peter@semmelweis.huUrology
Prevalence and etiological factors of urological tumorsRiesz Péterriesz.peter@semmelweis.huUrology
The examination of incidence, development, diagnosis and therapy of urinary stonesHorváth Andráshorvath.andras@semmelweis.huUrology
Urological infectionBánfi Gergelybanfi.gergely@semmelweis.huUrology
Prostata cancer screening and diagnosticHorváth Andráshorvath.andras@semmelweis.huUrology
Chronic pelvic painRomics Miklósromics.miklos@semmelweis.huUrology
Clinical and cadaver study and meta-analysis of percutaneous dilatation tracheostomy (PDT) technique to improve the efficacy and safety of the method.Élő Gáborelo.gabor@semmelweis.huOtorhinolaryngology
Prevention, screening and therapy of hearing lossesGáborján Anitagaborjan.anita@semmelweis.huOtorhinolaryngology
The change of serum levels of p-substance through the influence of phytotherapeutic agents as well as its impact on the course of the swallowing reflexHacki Tamástamas.hacki@me.comOtorhinolaryngology
Analysis of the etiopathology of chronic rhinitis/rhinosinusitis and the factors which may improve the quality of life of these patientsHirschberg Andorhirschberga@gmail.comOtorhinolaryngology
Allergologic and immunological diseases of otorhinolaryngological relevance. Assessment of olfactory and gustatory function, post-COVID careKraxner Helgakraxner.helga@semmelweis.huOtorhinolaryngology
A multidisciplinary approach of obstructive sleep apnoea and studies on its pathophysiology , diagnostic and therapeutic optionsMolnár Viktó Otorhinolaryngology
Causes, evaluation and rehabilitation of balance disordersSzirmai Ágnesszirmai.agnes@semmelweis.huOtorhinolaryngology
Research of the causes and the therapy options of sensorineural and conductive hearing lossesPolony Gáborpolony.gabor@semmelweis.huOtorhinolaryngology
Research and diagnostic possibilities of factors causing inflammatory and neoplastic diseases in the head and neck regionPolony Gáborpolony.gabor@semmelweis.huOtorhinolaryngology
Research into the investigation and treatment options for diseases of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, nose and sinuses.Tamás Lászlótamas.laszlo@semmelweis.huOtorhinolaryngology
Studies sof progression and prognostic factors in head and neck tumorsTamás Lászlótamas.laszlo@semmelweis.huOtorhinolaryngology
Etiology, diagnostic and treatment options of tinnitusBencsik Beátabencsik.beata@semmelweis.huOtorhinolaryngology
Factors affecting the outcomes of thyroid surgeriesDános Kornéldanos.kornel@semmelweis.huOtorhinolaryngology
Effectiveness of ultrasound examination during pregnancy in the detection of congenital abnormalitiesBeke Artúrbeke.artur@med.semmelweis.huReproductive medicine
Research on the genetic background of maternal and fetal disorderts in reproductionBeke Artúrbeke.artur@semmelweis.huReproductive medicine
Edometriosis related pain and infertility after surgical therapy of deelply infiltrating endometriosisBokor Attilabokor.attila.zoltan@semmelweis.huReproductive medicine
The non-invasive diagnosis of endometriosisBokor Attilabokor.attila.zoltan@semmelweis.huReproductive medicine
Quality of life after surgery for bowel endometriosis.Csibi Noémics.noemi88@gmail.comReproductive medicine
Pathogenesis and early diagnosis of congenital heart diseases and fetal arrhythmiasHajdú Júliahjuliama@gmail.comReproductive medicine
Survey of influencing factors on neonatal survival and long therm quality of lifeHarmath Ágnesharmath.agnes@semmelweis.huReproductive medicine
The genetic background of uterine fibroidJoó József Gáborjoogabor@hotmail.comReproductive medicine
Clinical and pathophysiological studies in gestational diabetesMolvarec Attilamolvarec.attila@semmelweis.huReproductive medicine
Angiogenic and immunologic factors in preeclampsiaMolvarec Attilamolvarec.attila@semmelweis.huReproductive medicine
Study of the genetics of the ovarian tumorsNagy Bálintnagy.balint@med.unideb.huReproductive medicine
Microchemierism caused by pregnancyNagy Gyula Richárdnagy.gyula.richard@semmelweis.huReproductive medicine
Modern genetictesting procedures in reproductive medicineNagy Gyula Richárdnagy.gyula.richard@semmelweis.huReproductive medicine
Analysis of the factors influencing the decision making process in genetic counsellingPapp Csabapapp.csaba@semmelweis.huReproductive medicine
Clinical and pathophysiological studies in hypertensive diseases in pregnancyRigó jánosrigojanos31@gmail.comReproductive medicine
Free nucleic acids in the prenatal diagnosisRigó János, Nagy Bá; nagy.balint@med.unideb.huReproductive medicine
Congenital anomalies of the kidney, urinary tract and external genital tract in newborn infantsRomicsné Görbe Évagorbeeva@gmail.comReproductive medicine
The role of ultrasound in the diagnosis of obstetric-gynaecological diseasesSzabó Gáborszabo.gabor6@semmelweis.huReproductive medicine
The impact of perinatal factors on the outcome of preterm infants born at the threshold of viabilityVarga Pétervarga.peter@semmelweis.huReproductive medicine
Clinical and cadaver study and meta-analysis of percutaneous dilatation tracheostomy (PDT) technique to improve the efficacy and safety of the method.Élő Gáborelo.gabor@semmelweis.huOtorhinolaryngology
Prevention, screening and therapy of hearing lossesGáborján Anitagaborjan.anita@semmelweis.huOtorhinolaryngology
The change of serum levels of p-substance through the influence of phytotherapeutic agents as well as its impact on the course of the swallowing reflexHacki Tamástamas.hacki@me.comOtorhinolaryngology
Analysis of the etiopathology of chronic rhinitis/rhinosinusitis and the factors which may improve the quality of life of these patientsHirschberg Andorhirschberga@gmail.comOtorhinolaryngology
Allergologic and immunological diseases of otorhinolaryngological relevance. Assessment of olfactory and gustatory function, post-COVID careKraxner Helgakraxner.helga@semmelweis.huOtorhinolaryngology
A multidisciplinary approach of obstructive sleep apnoea and studies on its pathophysiology , diagnostic and therapeutic optionsMolnár Viktó Otorhinolaryngology
Causes, evaluation and rehabilitation of balance disordersSzirmai Ágnesszirmai.agnes@semmelweis.huOtorhinolaryngology
Research of the causes and the therapy options of sensorineural and conductive hearing lossesPolony Gáborpolony.gabor@semmelweis.huOtorhinolaryngology
Research and diagnostic possibilities of factors causing inflammatory and neoplastic diseases in the head and neck regionPolony Gáborpolony.gabor@semmelweis.huOtorhinolaryngology
Research into the investigation and treatment options for diseases of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, nose and sinuses.Tamás Lászlótamas.laszlo@semmelweis.huOtorhinolaryngology
Studies sof progression and prognostic factors in head and neck tumorsTamás Lászlótamas.laszlo@semmelweis.huOtorhinolaryngology
Etiology, diagnostic and treatment options of tinnitus.Bencsik Beátabencsik.beata@semmelweis.huOtorhinolaryngology
Factors affecting the outcomes of thyroid surgeries.Dános Kornéldanos.kornel@semmelweis.huOtorhinolaryngology
Management of esophageal tumoursBalázs Ákosa.balazsdr@gmail.comSurgical, interventional treatment and transplantation in abdominal organs
Perioperative management of patients with gastrointestinonal tumorBánki Balázsbankybalazs@gmail.comSurgical, interventional treatment and transplantation in abdominal organs
Evaluation of the effectivity of negative pressure wound therapy in gastrointestinal and microvascular indicationBánki Balázsbankybalazs@gmail.comSurgical, interventional treatment and transplantation in abdominal organs
Anesthesiological and intensive care aspects of transplantationFazakas Jánosfazakas.janos@semmelweis.huSurgical, interventional treatment and transplantation in abdominal organs
Investigation of factors affecting graft survivalFehérvári Imredrfehervariimre@gmail.comSurgical, interventional treatment and transplantation in abdominal organs
Development and charachterization of biocompatible scaffolds for surgical tissue replacementFerencz Andreaferencz.andrea@semmelweis.huSurgical, interventional treatment and transplantation in abdominal organs
Education-methodological research of operative specialist trainingFerencz Andreaferencz.andrea@semmelweis.huSurgical, interventional treatment and transplantation in abdominal organs
Molecular mechanisms of redox homeostasis in animals and humansFerencz Andreaferencz.andrea@semmelweis.huSurgical, interventional treatment and transplantation in abdominal organs
Oncoplastic and oncodermatological research (experimental and clinical aspects)Ferencz Andrea, Debreczeni Bé; dr.debreczeniplasztika@gmail.comSurgical, interventional treatment and transplantation in abdominal organs
Virtual/augmented/mixed reality assisted surgeryFerencz Andrea, Haidegger Tamá; heidegger@irob.uni-obuda.huSurgical, interventional treatment and transplantation in abdominal organs
Development of magnetic compression force-based anastomosis devices for minimally invasive paediatric surgical-neurological useFerencz Andrea, Cserni Tamá; tcserni@yahoo.comSurgical, interventional treatment and transplantation in abdominal organs
Investiagation of the effect of multimodal prehabilitation in gastroenterological diseases - translational researchFülöp Andrásfulop.andras2@gmail.comSurgical, interventional treatment and transplantation in abdominal organs
The perioperative artificial nutrition in surgical practiceHarsányi Lászlóharsanyi.laszlo@semmelweis.huSurgical, interventional treatment and transplantation in abdominal organs
Ethical dilemmas in surgeryHarsányi Lászlóharsanyi.laszlo@semmelweis.huSurgical, interventional treatment and transplantation in abdominal organs
Endoscopic interventions in the diagnosis and therapy of pancreatobiliary diseasesHricz Istvánhritz.istvan@semmelweis.huSurgical, interventional treatment and transplantation in abdominal organs
Anatomical and chirurgical basis of partial liver transplantation from living donorKóbori Lászlókobori.laszlo@semmelweis.huSurgical, interventional treatment and transplantation in abdominal organs
Diagnostic method to study drugmetabolizing capacity in transplanted patients - the future of individual immunosuppressionKóbori Lászlókobori.laszlo@semmelweis.huSurgical, interventional treatment and transplantation in abdominal organs
New methods for surgical treatment of liver diseases. Liver regeneration.Kupcsulik Péterkupcsulik.peter@semmelweis.huSurgical, interventional treatment and transplantation in abdominal organs
Investigation of microcirculation and molecular changes in surgical diseasesSzijártó Surgical, interventional treatment and transplantation in abdominal organs
Surgical diseases of the liver and the biliary tract -clinicsl and experimental aspectSzijártó Surgical, interventional treatment and transplantation in abdominal organs
Diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic diseasesSzücs Ákosszucs.akos@gmail.comSurgical, interventional treatment and transplantation in abdominal organs
Transplantation and rare diseasesTelkes Gábortelkesdr@gmail.comSurgical, interventional treatment and transplantation in abdominal organs
Kidney and combined kidney-pancreas transplantation. Surgery and immunsupressionTelkes Gábortelkesdr@gmail.comSurgical, interventional treatment and transplantation in abdominal organs
Surgical and immunological complications and malignancies after kidney transplantationToronyi Évaetoronyi@gmail.comSurgical, interventional treatment and transplantation in abdominal organs

← Surgical Medicine Division