Research topicSupervisorE-mail addressProgram
Genetic factors and gene environment interactions in psychiatric disordersBagdy Györgybagdy.gyorgy@semmelweis.huPsychiatry
Molecular Psychiatry: Genetic, epigenetic, genomic and proteomic studies of psychiatric disordersRéthelyi Jánosrethelyi.janos@semmelweis.huPsychiatry
Psychiatric disorders in children and adolescentsBalázs Juditjudit.agnes.balazs@gmail.comPsychiatry
The neurobiological risk and protective factors of affective disregulation, aggression and functional imparement in typically developing adolescents with ADHD symptomsBunford Nó Psychiatry
Affective dysregulation as a transdiagnostic characteristic – Examining biological and environmental mechanisms as well as behavioural manifestations in adolescents with and without externalizing and internalizing psychopathologies Bunford Nó Psychiatry
Psychophysiological and neuropsychological mechanisms of psychiatric disordersCzobor Pálczobor.pal@semmelweis.huPsychiatry
Social cognition in psychiatric disordersCsukly Gáborcsugab@yahoo.comPsychiatry
The screening and prevention of mild cognitive impairment and dementiaCsukly Gáborcsugab@yahoo.comPsychiatry
The genetic background and phenotypes of environmental sensitivity and susceptibility and their role in mood disorders and their therapyGonda Xéniagonda.xenia@semmelweis.huPsychiatry
Functional magnetic resonance brain imaging (fMRI) and genetic biomarkers of migraineHalász Józsefhalaszjoe@gmail.comPsychiatry
Utalization of modern technology in psychiatry and psychotherapyHaluska-Vass Editvass.edit@semmelweis.huPsychiatry
Functional magnetic resonance brain imaging (fMRI) and genetic biomarkers of migraineJuhász Gabriellajuhasz.gabriella@semmelweis.huPsychiatry
Depression stratification based on multimorbidity networksJuhász Gabriellajuhasz.gabriella@semmelweis.huPsychiatry
The role of disrupted circadian rhythm in the development and course of comorbid psychiatric and internal medicine diseasesPurebl Györgypurebl.gyorgy@semmelweis.huPsychiatry
Clinical and biological aspects of affective disordersRihmer Zoltánrihmer.z@kronet.huPsychiatry
Measurement of affective temperaments among patients with chronic illnesses (hypertension, diabetes, obesity)Torzsa Pétertorzsa.peter@semmelweis.huPsychiatry
Investigation of Personality Disorders; Symptom DimensionsUnoka Zsoltunoka.zsolt@emmelweis.huPsychiatry
Assesment of the relations between psychosocial and health-related stressors and chronicÁdám Szilviaadamszilvia@hotmail.comBehavioural Sciences
Psychosocial and inherited factors in depression and addictionBagdy Györgybagdy.gyorgy@semmelweis.huBehavioural Sciences
The examination of relationships and causal contexts of chronic stress (conjugal, social, work and infertility related) and the distressing, depressive symptoms and cardio-vascular diseasesBalog Piroskabalog.piroska@semmelweis.huBehavioural Sciences
State-dependent and individiual-specific patterns brain electrical activity in sleep - benavioural and clinical relevanciesBódizs Róbertbodizs.robert@semmelweis.huBehavioural Sciences
Investigation of the efficacy of medication therapies based on real-world data in schizophrenic patientsCzobor Pálczobor.pal@semmelweis.huBehavioural Sciences
New approaches in the Study of the Performance Management of Health SystemsGaál Pétergaal.peter@emk.semmelweis.huBehavioural Sciences
The behavioural aspects of digital healthGyőrffy Zsuzsagyorffy.zsuzsa.mail@gmail.comBehavioural Sciences
Stressors and coping, somatic and mental health among physicians and medical studentsGyőrffy Zsuzsagyorffy.zsuzsa.mail@gmail.comBehavioural Sciences
The investigation of the relationship between the identification of health status/mental disorder of individuals suffering from cerebral paresis and their social integration Kelemen Annakelemenanna@hotmail.comBehavioural Sciences
"Borderless world" - Cross-border health care - the impact of mobility on health systemsKovács Eszterkovacs.eszter@emk.semmelweis.huBehavioural Sciences
Cognitive, emotional and personality development as function of biological and chronological age in adolescents.Kovács Ilonakovacs.ilona@btk.ppke.huBehavioural Sciences
Mapping the maturation of cortical functional connectivity in adolescents based on polisomnographic and fine motor movement dataKovács Ilonakovacs.ilona@btk.ppke.huBehavioural Sciences
Investigation of the timemporal dynamics and equilibral state of visual perception in psychiatric disordersKovács Ilonakovacs.ilona@btk.ppke.huBehavioural Sciences
Objective behavioural assessment and cortical network correlates of human mental imageryKovács Ilonakovacs.ilona@btk.ppke.huBehavioural Sciences
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), trauma researchPerczel-Forintos Dóraperczel-forintos.dora@semmelweis.huBehavioural Sciences
Clinical aspects of mindfulnessPerczel-Forintos Dóraperczel-forintos.dora@semmelweis.huBehavioural Sciences
Study of youth's problem behavior and mental health based on the risk and protective theoryPikó Bettinapikobettina@gmail.comBehavioural Sciences
Prevention of depression and suicide: community and transcultural correlatesPurebl Györgypurebl.gyorgy@semmelweis.huBehavioural Sciences
Implementation of behavioral medicine interventionsStauder Adriennestauder.adrienne@semmelweis.huBehavioural Sciences
Behavioral aspects of digital healthStauder Adriennestauder.adrienne@semmelweis.huBehavioural Sciences
The impact of rhytmic acoustic stimulation on to the selective attentionSzalárdy Orsolyastauder.adrienne@semmelweis.huBehavioural Sciences
Neurological background of sleep and behavioural disordersAnna Szűcs, MD., PhDszucsan@gmail.comBehavioural Sciences
The effects of traits and daily events on the natural variability of the sleep EEGUjma Przemyslaw Péterpeteru88@gmail.comBehavioural Sciences
Medical anthropological analysis of health and diseaseZana Ágneszanagi72@gmail.comBehavioural Sciences
End-of-life decisions in medical practiceZubek Lászlólaszlo.zubek@gmail.comBehavioural Sciences
Mental health and social capital: psycho-social resources of individual, family and communityPethesné Dávid Beátadavid.bea@semmelweis.huInterdisciplinary Social Sciences
The analysis of interpersonal relationships and physical/mental health from a sociological perspective Albert Fruzsinaalbert.ildiko@semmelweis.huInterdisciplinary Social Sciences
The function and significance of the social capital in the healthcare systemGaál Pétergaal.peter@emk.semmelweis.huInterdisciplinary Social Sciences
The methodology of measuring characteristics in mental health promotion, effectiveness testing of training programsIttzés Andrásandras.ittzes@gmail.comInterdisciplinary Social Sciences
The impact of Postmodernity on community models of leadership trainingIttzés Gábormental@ittzes.euInterdisciplinary Social Sciences
Social and Religious Theories on Normal and Pathologic BehavioursNagy Endredr.nagy.endre@gmail.comInterdisciplinary Social Sciences
Health security challenges of tobacco use and other leading behavioral risk factors of health loss, and health-related cybersecurityPénzes / penzes.melinda@semmelweis.huInterdisciplinary Social Sciences
Family Well-being in the 21st CenturyPilinszky Attilapilinszki.attila@semmelweis.huInterdisciplinary Social Sciences
Data-based health burden investigationsPollner Péterpollner.peter@semmelweis.huInterdisciplinary Social Sciences
Theoritical and empirical application of social capital concept in investigation of religious communitiesPusztai Gabriellapusztai.gabriella@arts.unideb.huInterdisciplinary Social Sciences
Impact of eHealth solutions on the health care system and the shortage of health care workersSzócska Miklósszocska.miklos@semmelweis.huInterdisciplinary Social Sciences
The influence of migration - particularly moving to other countries - on personal life, human relations and relative welfareTóth Pál Pétertoth.pal.peter@gmail.comInterdisciplinary Social Sciences
Social and mental health aspects of preventive approach to health protection.Török Szabolcstorok.szabolcs@semmelweis.huInterdisciplinary Social Sciences

← Mental Health Sciences Division