Research topicSupervisorE-mail addressProgram
Study of redox homeostasisHagymási Krisztinahagymasi.krisztina@semmelweis.huOxidative Stress and Immunological Reaction in Liver Diseases
Non-invasive examination of fattyliver progression, and its connection to metabolic syndrome, treatment possibilitiesHagymási Krisztinahagymasi.krisztina@semmelweis.huOxidative Stress and Immunological Reaction in Liver Diseases
Nutrition, Lifestyle, Liver diseasesHagymási Krisztinahagymasi.krisztina@semmelweis.huOxidative Stress and Immunological Reaction in Liver Diseases
Pathogenesis and therapy of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)Hagymási Krisztinahagymasi.krisztina@semmelweis.huOxidative Stress and Immunological Reaction in Liver Diseases
Immunhisto- and immunocytochemical investigations of the nerve elements of the alimentary tract in control and patological conditions.Fehér Erzsébetfeher.erzsebet@semmelweis.huOxidative Stress and Immunological Reaction in Liver Diseases
The relationship between certain pancreatic diseases, liver diseases and diabetes mellitusFirneisz Gáborfirneisz.gabor@semmelweis.huOxidative Stress and Immunological Reaction in Liver Diseases
The study of genotype-phenotype associations in individuals with gestational diabetes mellitus and in their offspringFirneisz Gáborfirneisz.gabor@semmelweis.huOxidative Stress and Immunological Reaction in Liver Diseases
Evaluation of diabetes self-care, complications and comorbidities in primary careVörös Krisztiánvoros.krisztian@semmelweis.huOxidative Stress and Immunological Reaction in Liver Diseases
State-of-the-art laboratory methods in assisted reproductionFancsovits Péterfancsovits.peter@semmelweis.huAssisted Reproduction and Fetal Diagnosis
The impact of placental and umbilical cord pathologies on the outcome of preterm infantsGasparics Ákosgasparics.akos@semmelweis.huAssisted Reproduction and Fetal Diagnosis
Prenatal diagnosis of genetic disorders and fetal anomalies.Papp Zoltánpzorvosihetilap@maternity.huAssisted Reproduction and Fetal Diagnosis
Pathomechanisms, early prediction and diagnosis of the Great Obsterical SyndromesThan Nándor Gáborgabor_than@yahoo.comAssisted Reproduction and Fetal Diagnosis
Clinical and embryological aspects of assisted reproductionUrbancsek Jánosurbancsek.janos@semmelweis.huAssisted Reproduction and Fetal Diagnosis
Role of innate immunityin immunomediated gastrointestinal disorders (coeliac disease, food allergy induced enteropathy, inflammatory bowel disease)Arató Andrásarato.andras@semmelweis.huClinical aspects, physiology and prevention of diseases in childhood
Novel therapeutic options in diabetic complicationsBalogh Dóra Biankadorabiankabalogh@gmail.comClinical aspects, physiology and prevention of diseases in childhood
Measurement of respiratory mechanics from infancy to adolescenceCzövek Dorottya czovek.dorottya@semmelweis.huClinical aspects, physiology and prevention of diseases in childhood
The role of haemodinamic and genetic factors in the pathomechanism of acute and chronic allograft nephropathyFekete Andrea fekete.andrea1@semmelweis.huClinical aspects, physiology and prevention of diseases in childhood
New prospects in the pathomechanism and treatment of fibrotic eye disordersHodrea Judithodrea.judit@semmelweis.huClinical aspects, physiology and prevention of diseases in childhood
Technological advances in paediatricsHorváth Klára horvath.klara@semmelweis.huClinical aspects, physiology and prevention of diseases in childhood
Novel options for the treatment of ischemia/reperfusion injury associated with kidney transplantationHosszú Ádámhosszu.adam@semmelweis.huClinical aspects, physiology and prevention of diseases in childhood
Childhood Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Adult Cardiovascular EventsKiss Tamáskiss.tamas1@semmelweis.huClinical aspects, physiology and prevention of diseases in childhood
Craniofacial developmental biology and its clinical applicationsNagy Krisztiánnagy.krisztian@semmelweis.huClinical aspects, physiology and prevention of diseases in childhood
Potiential target molecules and therapeutic agents for acute kidney injuryPap Domonkos pap.domonkos@semmelweis.huClinical aspects, physiology and prevention of diseases in childhood
Cardiovascular effects of renal failure and transplantation in childhoodReusz Györgyreusz.gyorgy@semmelweis.huClinical aspects, physiology and prevention of diseases in childhood
Perinatalis strokeSeri István seri.istvan@semmelweis.huClinical aspects, physiology and prevention of diseases in childhood
Definition and management of neonatal cardiovascular compromise utilizing the tools of precision medicineSeri István seri.istvan@semmelweis.huClinical aspects, physiology and prevention of diseases in childhood
Studying of pathomechanism, genetic background and therapy of chronic allograft nephropathySzabó Attilaszabo.attila@semmelweis.huClinical aspects, physiology and prevention of diseases in childhood
Long COVID syndrome in childrenSzabó Attilaszabo.attila@semmelweis.huClinical aspects, physiology and prevention of diseases in childhood
Neonatal neuroprotectionSzabó Miklósszabo.miklos@semmelweis.huClinical aspects, physiology and prevention of diseases in childhood
Hereditary kidney disorders in childhoodTory Kálmántory.kalman@semmelweis.huClinical aspects, physiology and prevention of diseases in childhood
Investigating the patomechanism of chronic deseases associated with pathological tissue remodeling and fibrosisVeres-Székely Aporveres-szekely.apor@semmelweis.huClinical aspects, physiology and prevention of diseases in childhood
Immunogenetic risk factors and prognostic factors in colorectal cancer and other malignanciesKocsis Juditkocsisjuci@gmail.comGastroenterology
Examination of peripheral blood mRNA expression markers in patients with colorectal cancerMolnár Bélamolnar.bela@semmelweis.huGastroenterology
Diagnostic, prognostic and predictive biomarkers of tumor development in tissue and blood samplesMolnár Bélamolnar.bela@semmelweis.huGastroenterology
xtrahepatic complications of chronic liver diseases: hepatic osteodystrophy, autonomic neuropathy. Wilson disease gene mutatiions, chronic C virus hepatitis and the liver disease associatedSzalay Ferencszalay.ferenc@semmelweis.huGastroenterology
Inflammatory ibowel diseases and the osteopeniaSzathmári Miklósszathmari.miklos@semmelweis.huGastroenterology
Interaction of inherited and acquired genetic lesions in the pathomechanism of haematological and immunological disordersAndrikovics Hajnalkaandrikovics.hajnalka@dpckorhaz.huClinical Haematology and Infectology
Introduction of molecular genetic methods in transfusiology and in hematopoietic stem cell transplantationAndrikovics Hajnalkaandrikovics.hajnalka@dpckorhaz.huClinical Haematology and Infectology
Importance of alterations of metabolic control in bone marrow transplantationBarkai Lászlóbarkai.l@t-online.huClinical Haematology and Infectology
Clinical and molecular haemostasis researchBodó Imrebodo.imre@semmelweis.huClinical Haematology and Infectology
Role of cytokine DNA polymorphisms in the pathogenesis of malignant hematological diseasesDemeter Juditdemeter.judit@semmelweis.huClinical Haematology and Infectology
Novel diagnostic procedures and treatment options in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemiaCsóka Monikacsoka.monika@semmelweis.huClinical Haematology and Infectology
Innovations of the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseasesLakatos Botond Tiborbotond.lakatos@dpckorhaz.huClinical Haematology and Infectology
The effect of prognostic factors and measurable biomarkers on the therapeutic efficacy in multiple myelomaMikala Gábor gmikala@dpckorhaz.huClinical Haematology and Infectology
Cardiovascular aspects of the treatment of colorectal cancerPozsonyi Zoltán pozsonyizoltanimre@gmail.comClinical Haematology and Infectology
Pathophysiology and prognosis of cardia amyloidosis, differential diagnosis of the different forms, and the clinical significancePozsonyi Zoltán pozsonyizoltanimre@gmail.comClinical Haematology and Infectology
Human stem cell-membranetransport proteins and their alterations during cell differentiationSarkadi Balázssarkadi@biomembrane.huClinical Haematology and Infectology
Study of structure-function linkage in human ABC membranetransport proteins Sarkadi Balázssarkadi@biomembrane.huClinical Haematology and Infectology
The regulatory role of growth factors and their receptors/co-receptors in malignant proliferation and death of lymphoma cellsSebestyén Annasebestyen.anna@semmelweis.huClinical Haematology and Infectology
Complex studies on invasive infections of immunocompromised and critically ill adult patientsSzabó Bálint Gergelyszabo.balint.gergely@gmail.comClinical Haematology and Infectology
Transplantation immunogenetics studiesTordai Attilatordai.attila@semmelweis.huClinical Haematology and Infectology
Plasma cell dyscrasiasVarga Gergely vargager@gmail.comClinical Haematology and Infectology
The etiology, pathogenesis and innovative therapy of malignant lymphomasVályi-Nagy Istvándrvnistvan@gmail.comClinical Haematology and Infectology
Pathogenesis, predictive and prognostic factors, diagnosis and therapy of COVID-19Vályi-Nagy Istvándrvnistvan@gmail.comClinical Haematology and Infectology
Investigation of immune phenotypes and molecular patterns in lung neuroendocrine neoplasmsBerta Juditberta.judit@koranyi.huPulmonology
The role and significance of imaging techniques in lung cancer diagnosisBogos Krisztinabogos@koranyi.huPulmonology
Mechanism and clinical significance of angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis in lung cancerDöme Balázsdomeb@yahoo.comPulmonology
Respiratory mechanics and lung recruitment in ventilated subjectsHantos Zoltánhantos.zoltan@med.u-szeged.huPulmonology
Prognostic and predictive biomarkers in thoratic malignanciesHegedűs Balázshegedus.balazs@med.semmelweis-univ.huPulmonology
Pharmacology and role of inhalational drugs in the treatment of diseases of airway inflammatory diseasesHorváth Gáborghorvath.mail@gmail.comPulmonology
Non-invasive investigation of airway inflammation in pulmonary diseasesHorváth Ildikóhildiko@elet2.sote.huPulmonology
The role of microbiome and biomarkers in lung cancer personalized therapyLohinai Zoltánlohinaiz@gmail.comPulmonology
Factors improving the efficiency of mechanical ventilationLorx András lorx.andras@semmelweis.huPulmonology
Mechanism of peripheral T-cell anergy in lung cancerLosonczy Györgylosonczy.gyorgy@semmelweis.huPulmonology
Identification of subtype-specific diagnostic and predictive biomarkers in small cell lung cancerMegyesfalvi Zsoltmegyesfalvi.zsolt@semmelweis.huPulmonology
Prognostic factors in intersitital lung diseasesMüller Veronikamuller.veronika@semmelweis.huPulmonology
EGFR and Kras mutations in non-small cell lung cancer: role in diagnostics and therapyOstroros Gyuladrostorosgyula@gmail.comPulmonology
Patophysiological, clinical and socioeconomic effects of mechanical ventilationValkó Lucavalko.luca@semmelweis.huPulmonology
Respiratory rehabilitation in chronic lung diseaseVarga János Tamás varga.janos.tamas@semmelweis.huPulmonology
Functional genomics approaches for the study of adrenal tumor pathogenesis - special focus on the expression of cytokines and their receptorsIgaz Péterigaz.peter@semmelweis.huHormonal Regulations
MicroRNA studies in endocrine tumorsIgaz Péterigaz.peter@semmelweis.huHormonal Regulations
Circular RNA studies in endocrine tumorsIgaz Péterigaz.peter@semmelweis.huHormonal Regulations
Development Of atrial fibrillation and catheter ablation therapyKardos Attiladrkardosattila@gmail.comHormonal Regulations
Characterization of cardiovascular diseases using noninvasive imaging and omics techniquesKolossváry MártonMarton.Kolossvary@GOKVI.huHormonal Regulations
Modern diagnosis and treatment of heart failureNyolczas Noéminyolczasnoemi@gmail.comHormonal Regulations
Alterations of genes encoding mitochondrial electron transport chain in endocrine tumorsPatócs Attilapatocs.attila@semmelweis.huHormonal Regulations
Role of glucocorticoid receptor beta isoform in regulation of gene transcriptionPatócs Attilapatocs.attila@semmelweis.huHormonal Regulations
Application of next generation sequencing technologies in the study of hormonal regulationsPatócs Attilapatocs.attila@semmelweis.huHormonal Regulations
Molecular mechnisms of sensitivity against glucocorticoidsPatócs Attilapatocs.attila@semmelweis.huHormonal Regulations
Clinical application of coronary physiologyPiróth Zsoltzpiroth@gmail.comHormonal Regulations
Phenylketonuria in adultsReismann Péterreismann.peter@semmelweis.huHormonal Regulations
Adult aspects of Williams-Beuren syndromeReismann Péterreismann.peter@semmelweis.huHormonal Regulations
Peripheral and central nervous system regulation of appetiteSármán Beatrixsarman.beatrix@semmelweis.huHormonal Regulations
Basic molecular examination of the etiopathogenesis of gynecological cancers.Sobel Gáborsobel.gabor@semmelweis.huHormonal Regulations
Mechanism of metabolic bone disorders associated with endocrine conditionsTóth Miklóstoth.miklos@semmelweis.huHormonal Regulations
Prognostic factors of adrenal tumorsTőke Judittoke.judit@med.semmelweis-univ.huHormonal Regulations
Epidemiological analysis of cardiovascular disease risk factors and possible intervention stategyVajer Péterpeter.vajer@gokvi.huHormonal Regulations
Endocrine regulation of fat tissue and its reaktionship to insulin resistanceCseh Károlycseh.karoly@med.semmelweis-univ.huMetabolic Disorders
Epidemiology of congenital heart and vascular disordrs with emphasis on parenteral occupational exposureCseh Károlycseh.karoly@med.semmelweis-univ.huMetabolic Disorders
Metabolic aspects of malignant hematological diseasesDemeter Juditdemeter.judit@semmelweis.huMetabolic Disorders
Pathological pituitary function: clinical and experimental studiesGóth Miklósmiklosgoth@gmail.comMetabolic Disorders
Effects of calcium and bone metabolism disorders and their therapeutic drugs on bone mass, quality and mechanical propertiesHorváth Csabahorvath.csaba@semmelweis.huMetabolic Disorders
The ethiopathogenesis and treatment options in inflammatory bowel diseaseIliás Ákosilias.akos@semmelweis.huMetabolic Disorders
Thyroid diseases and their effects on bone tissueLakatos Péter Andráslakatos.peter@semmelweis.huMetabolic Disorders
Extraskeletal effects of genes and proteins determining calcium and bone metabolismSpeer Gáborvitamindspeer@gmail.comMetabolic Disorders
New aspects of pathogenesis and diagnostics of diabetic and renal neuropathiesPutz Zsuzsannaputz.zsuzsanna@semmelweis.huMetabolic Disorders
Genetics, pathomechanism and clinical aspects of bone diseasesTakács Istvántakacs.istvan@semmelweis.huMetabolic Disorders
Molecular genetics of vitamin D metabolism. Clinical aspects of vitamin d deficiencyTakács Istvántakacs.istvan@semmelweis.huMetabolic Disorders
Pathophysiological study of normoglycemic treatment of diabetesTabák Ádámtabak.adam@semmelweis.huMetabolic Disorders
Sport adaptation of different vascular vesselsTörök Mariannatorok.marianna@semmelweis.huMetabolic Disorders
Risk factors of habitual miscarriageTörök Mariannatorok.marianna@semmelweis.huMetabolic Disorders
Role of vitamin D in the adaptation of coronary networkTörök Mariannatorok.marianna@semmelweis.huMetabolic Disorders
Examination of pathomechanism, endocrine features and treatment options of polycystic ovary syndromeVárbíró Szabolcsvarbiro.szabolcs@semmelweis.huMetabolic Disorders
Retrospective investigation of the epidemiológical and histopathological features of basal cell carcinomaBánvölgyi Andrásbanvolgyi.andras@semmelweis.huDermatology and Venereology
Investigation of teledermatological technonlogies during the COVID-19 pandemicBánvölgyi Andrásbanvolgyi.andras@semmelweis.huDermatology and Venereology
Evidence based health economic analysisBrodszky Valentinvalentin.brodszky@uni-corvinus.huDermatology and Venereology
„New Public Health”:epidemiology, disease burden and disease priogression, evidence based medicine, impact and cost assessment as well as analysis of policy implications.Gulácsi Lászlólaszlo.gulacsi@uni-corvinus.huDermatology and Venereology
Pharmaco-economicsGulácsi Lászlólaszlo.gulacsi@uni-corvinus.huDermatology and Venereology
The examination of psoriasis immune pathomechanismHolló Péterhollo.peter@semmelweis.huDermatology and Venereology
Investigating the pathomechanism and prognostic factors of tumours of the skinHolló Péterhollo.peter@semmelweis.huDermatology and Venereology
Clinical and immunological studies in autoimmune bullous dermatological diseasesKárpáti Saroltakarpati.sarolta@semmelweis.huDermatology and Venereology
Investigation of the efficacy and slide effects of immuncheckpoint blockade in melanoma and identification of novel therapeutic targetsKemény Lajoskemeny.lajos@semmelweis.huDermatology and Venereology
Innovative, multimodal imaging techniques in dermatology and dermatooncologyKiss Norbert Ferenckiss.norbert@semmelweis.huDermatology and Venereology
Using molecular and optical biomarkers to examine malignant and inflammatory skin diseases and skin qualityLőrincz Kende Kálmánlorincz.kende@semmelweis.huDermatology and Venereology
Characterization and function of gamma-delta T cells in skin stem cell nichesMayer Balázsmayer.balazs@semmelweis.huDermatology and Venereology
The role of tissue and tumor derived mesenchymal stem cells and other regulatory cell types in immune-mediated diseases, wound healing and tumor biologyNémeth Krisztiánnkrisztian@gmail.comDermatology and Venereology
The microbiology of the pathogens of dermatological and venerological infections and their new therapeutic optionsOstorházi Eszterostorhazi.eszter@semmelweis.huDermatology and Venereology
The role of skin, faeces, blood, urine and tissue microbiome in the development and progression of infective and non-infective diseasesOstorházi Eszterostorhazi.eszter@semmelweis.huDermatology and Venereology
Clinical outcome measures, the assessment of health-related quality of life and health gainsRencz Fannifanni.rencz@uni-corvinus.huDermatology and Venereology
Studies of the autoimmune bullous skin diseasesSárdy Miklós sardy.miklos@semmelwei.huDermatology and Venereology
The efficacy of phospholipase, complement and Syk inhibitors in bullous pemphigoidSárdy Miklós sardy.miklos@semmelwei.huDermatology and Venereology
The effects of UV light on the normal and abnormal cutaneous functions, and in the development of malignant skin tumorsWikonkál Norbertwikonkal.norbert@semmelweis.huDermatology and Venereology
Application possibilities of nonlinear optical technics in dermatologyWikonkál Norbertwikonkal.norbert@semmelweis.huDermatology and Venereology
Investigating the role of anti- and prooxidants in development, prevention and therapy of different skin diesases and skin tumorsWikonkál Norbertwikonkal.norbert@semmelweis.huDermatology and Venereology

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