Title of the topic | Supervisor | Email address | Program |
The incidence, significance and treatment of the various forms of ischemic heart disease (IHD), analysis of factors influencing the short- and long-term effectiveness | Becker Dávid | becker.david@semmelweis.hu | Cardiovascular Disorders: Physiology and Medicine of Ischaemic Circulatory Diseases program |
Drug and non-pharmacological management strategies and diagnostic approaches for patients with cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure | Duray Gábor | gduray@yahoo.com | Cardiovascular Disorders: Physiology and Medicine of Ischaemic Circulatory Diseases program |
Intracoronary, morphological assessment of non-conventional coronary artery disease and efficacy evaluation of novel therapeutic methods | Édes István | edes.istvan@semmelweis.hu | Cardiovascular Disorders: Physiology and Medicine of Ischaemic Circulatory Diseases program |
Functional and morphological assessment of the right heart in cardiac diseases using advanced echocardiographic techniques. | Fábián Alexandra | fabian.alexandra@semmelweis.hu | Cardiovascular Disorders: Physiology and Medicine of Ischaemic Circulatory Diseases program |
Pathophysiology, diagnostics and prognostics of acute illnesses | Fenyves Bánk | fenyves.bank@semmelweis.hu | Cardiovascular Disorders: Physiology and Medicine of Ischaemic Circulatory Diseases program |
Sociocultural and psychological factors as the risk for cardiovascular diseases | Folyovich András | andras.folyovich@janoskorhaz.hu | Cardiovascular Disorders: Physiology and Medicine of Ischaemic Circulatory Diseases program |
Importance of medical nutrition therapy of stroke patients | Folyovich András | andras.folyovich@janoskorhaz.hu | Cardiovascular Disorders: Physiology and Medicine of Ischaemic Circulatory Diseases program |
Progenitor cells in cardiovascular remodelling and regeneration: in vivo and in vitro studies | Földes Gábor | foldes.gabor@semmelweis.hu | Cardiovascular Disorders: Physiology and Medicine of Ischaemic Circulatory Diseases program |
Clinical and experimental electrophysiology | Gellér László | geller.laszlo@semmelweis.hu | Cardiovascular Disorders: Physiology and Medicine of Ischaemic Circulatory Diseases program |
Investigation of the ischemic adaptation of the heart in presence of comorbidities in in vitro cell culture models | Görbe Anikó | gorbe.aniko@semmelweis.hu | Cardiovascular Disorders: Physiology and Medicine of Ischaemic Circulatory Diseases program |
Identification and analysis of prognostically important factors in acute coronary syndrome patients treated with percutaneous coronary intervention | Hizoh István | hizoh.istvan@semmelweis.hu | Cardiovascular Disorders: Physiology and Medicine of Ischaemic Circulatory Diseases program |
Pharmacological and Device treatment of chronic heart failure | Kosztin Annamária | kosztin.annamaria@semmelweis.hu | Cardiovascular Disorders: Physiology and Medicine of Ischaemic Circulatory Diseases program |
Advanced echocardiographic measures in altered cardiac loading conditions | Lakatos Bálint Károly | lakatos.balint@semmelweis.hu | Cardiovascular Disorders: Physiology and Medicine of Ischaemic Circulatory Diseases program |
Precision medicine-focused clinical research in emergency care | Melicher Dóra | melicher.dora@semmelweis.hu | Cardiovascular Disorders: Physiology and Medicine of Ischaemic Circulatory Diseases program |
Interventional treatment and assessment of the coronary artery disease in severe peripheral artery disease | Ruzsa Zoltán | ruzsa.zoltan@med.u-szeged.hu | Cardiovascular Disorders: Physiology and Medicine of Ischaemic Circulatory Diseases program |
Sports cardiology evaluation and performance assessment | Sydó Nóra | sydo.nora@semmelweis.hu | Cardiovascular Disorders: Physiology and Medicine of Ischaemic Circulatory Diseases program |
The role of modern imaging in atrial fibrillation ablation | Szegedi Nándor | szegedi.nandor@semmelweis.hu | Cardiovascular Disorders: Physiology and Medicine of Ischaemic Circulatory Diseases program |
The role of energy sources in the ablation of cardiac arrhythmias | Szegedi Nándor | szegedi.nandor@semmelweis.hu | Cardiovascular Disorders: Physiology and Medicine of Ischaemic Circulatory Diseases program |
Influence of meteorological changes on the outcome of heart and vascular surgery | Székely Andrea | szekely.andrea1@semmelweis.hu | Cardiovascular Disorders: Physiology and Medicine of Ischaemic Circulatory Diseases program |
Endocrine aspects of heart surgery and or transplantation | Székely Andrea | szekely.andrea1@semmelweis.hu | Cardiovascular Disorders: Physiology and Medicine of Ischaemic Circulatory Diseases program |
Genetic and epigenetic markers assessing sepsis risk in patiens with infection | Székely Andrea | szekely.andrea1@semmelweis.hu | Cardiovascular Disorders: Physiology and Medicine of Ischaemic Circulatory Diseases program |
Functional assessment of coronary artery disease using CT angiography | Szilveszter Bálint | szilveszter.balint@semmelweis.hu | Cardiovascular Disorders: Physiology and Medicine of Ischaemic Circulatory Diseases program |
Determination of cardiac morphological and functional changes in physiological sports adaptation and pathological conditions using cardiac magnetic resonance imaging | Vágó Hajnalka | vago.hajnalka@semmelweis.hu | Cardiovascular Disorders: Physiology and Medicine of Ischaemic Circulatory Diseases program |
The development of a new, efficient therapy for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFPEF), wich is able to favourably influence the pathomechanism | Vereckei András | vereckei.andras@semmelweis.hu | Cardiovascular Disorders: Physiology and Medicine of Ischaemic Circulatory Diseases program |
The role of new electrocardiographic methods in the better selection of patients for cardiac resynchronization therapy | Vereckei András | vereckei.andras@semmelweis.hu | Cardiovascular Disorders: Physiology and Medicine of Ischaemic Circulatory Diseases program |
Diagnostic imaging and endovascular treatment of vascular disease | Csobay-Novák Csaba | csobay.csaba@semmelweis.hu | Clinical and Experimental Research in Angiology program |
Complex analysis of medical documentation | Fogarasi Katalin | fogarasi.katalin@semmelweis.hu | Mechanisms of tissue adaptation program |
The Regeneration of the Hand | Hetthéssy Judit | drhjr612@gmail.com | Mechanisms of tissue adaptation program |
Innovative Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approaches in Gynecology: The Role of Biomarkers, Imaging Techniques, and Targeted Therapies | Keszthelyi Márton | keszthelyi.marton@semmelweis.hu | Mechanisms of tissue adaptation program |
Gynaecologic oncologic pre and rehabilitation | Tóth Richárd | toth.richard@med.semmelweis-univ.hu | Mechanisms of tissue adaptation program |
Extrapelvic effects of gyneaecological cancer treatments | Tóth Richárd | toth.richard@med.semmelweis-univ.hu | Mechanisms of tissue adaptation program |
Prevention in gynecologic oncology | Tóth Richárd | toth.richard@med.semmelweis-univ.hu | Mechanisms of tissue adaptation program |
Multidisciplinary assessment of gynaecologic cancer survivorship | Tóth Richárd | toth.richard@med.semmelweis-univ.hu | Mechanisms of tissue adaptation program |
Potential uses of PRP (Platelet rich plasma) and PRF (Platelet rich fibrin) matrix | Szabó Györgyi | szabo.gyorgyi@semmelweis.hu. | Mechanisms of tissue adaptation program |
Effect of desiccation, ischemia-reperfusion on tissue flow and free radical formation | Szabó Györgyi | szabo.gyorgyi@semmelweis.hu. | Mechanisms of tissue adaptation program |
The process of adhesion formation following surgical interventions, key factors, ways of prevention | Szabó Györgyi | szabo.gyorgyi@semmelweis.hu. | Mechanisms of tissue adaptation program |
Endocrinological features, treatment options and pathomechanism of polycystic ovary syndrome | Várbíró Szabolcs | varbiro.szabolcs@semmelweis.hu | Mechanisms of tissue adaptation program |
Endocrine alterations in polycystic ovary syndrome and in premature ovarian failure | Várbíró Szabolcs | varbiro.szabolcs@semmelweis.hu | Mechanisms of tissue adaptation program |
Atherosclerotic coronary plaque assessment with non-invasive imaging techniques | Maurovich-Horvat Pál | maurovich.horvat.pal@semmelweis.hu | Medical imaging and radiotheranostics program |
Radiology related cardiovascular and other twin studies | Tárnoki Ádám | tarnoki.adam@semmelweis.hu | Medical imaging and radiotheranostics program |
Imaging related, respiratory and other twin studies | Tárnoki Dávid | tarnoki.david@semmelweis.hu | Medical imaging and radiotheranostics program |
Examination of complex diseases with the twin and radiomic studies. Radiological appearance of interstitial and other lung diseases | Tárnoki Ádám, Tárnoki Dávid | tarnoki.adam@semmelweis.hu, tarnoki.david@semmelweis.hu | Medical imaging and radiotheranostics program |
Developement and clinical evaluation of novel neuroradiology MRI techniques | Varga-Szemes Ákos | vargaasz@musc.edu | Medical imaging and radiotheranostics program |
← Cardiovascular Medicine and Research Division