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Türkiye is one of the two countries which have lands both in Asia and Europe. This characteristic enables Türkiye to carry different cultures and world views. Türkiye has a pluralist structure ranging from its architecture to music, food culture to literature. Türkiye actively take role in regional and global developments while stay on the course for EU membership. Türkiye always has been in the center of the events which changes the course of history and its host civilizations affected development of humankind. Türkiye contains natural beauty beyond comparison and four seasons within itself. In addition to these, Türkiye made a distinguished name in recent yearsfor its successes in economic and social issues. Türkiye is one of the fastest growing countries in economy of the world and has 6th largest economy of Europe and 16th largest economy of the world.

Türkiye opens its universities for international students from all around the world with “Türkiye Scholarships”.

Scholarship with ample opportunities and education in qualified Turkish universities will help you to gain new perspectives and to suit yourselves with new abilities making you be one step ahead of others in your career. Türkiye scholarship is a non-refundable grant and provided at higher education for international students. The aim of Türkiye Scholarships is to improve mutual understanding with other countries and to contribute richness of global information with people oriented approach.

Candidates can only apply online via Türkiye Scholarship web site:,

Applications will be considered according to candidates’ academic success and successful candidates will be invited for face to face or online interviews. Information for the interviews will be send to candidates’ e-mail addresses that they used for application. Students who are selected for the scholarship will continue their education in a suitable department that they have academic background.

Türkiye scholarships consist of these opportunities:

  • Monthly Pocket Money

For Vocational School Students 282,50 USD per Month

For Undergraduate Students 282,50 USD per Month

For Master’s Students 423.75 USD per Month

For Ph.D. Students 565 USD per Month

  • Housing

Türkiye Scholarship students can stay in public university dormitories without paying any fee. Students who do not want to stay in these dormitories can use other housing possibilities on their own expenses.

  • Tuition Fee

Türkiye scholarship students do not pay any tuition or university fee for education.

  • Health Expenses

Türkiye Scholarship students are covered by public health insurance.

  • Turkish Language Course

Türkiye Scholarship Students take Turkish language course for one year if they do not have proof of Turkish Language knowledge. Students who are placed in departments which instruct in other languages than Turkish also must take Turkish Language Course.

  • Transportation

Türkiye Scholarship students will get certain amount of money for their transportation expenses at their first arrival to Türkiye and departure after graduation from Türkiye.

Application Requirements

Candidates who have graduated or are likely to graduate from an educational institution equivalent to that of Türkiye’s in the present academic (i.e. bachelor’s degree for master’s level) can apply to Türkiye Scholarships. There is also age condition for candidates required to meet: for undergraduate level, applicants who were born no earlier than 01.01.1992, for masters level applicants who were born no earlier than 01.01.1983, for Ph.D. level applicants who were born no earlier than 01.01.1978. It is expected to have certain grade point average (gpa) from candidates for each program and level. You can find specific GPArequirements id application guide of the program that you are applying. Students who are currently studying in Türkiye are not allowed to apply to the level that they are already studying.

Anyone holding or ever held Turkish citizenship cannot apply for this scholarship program.

Türkiye scholarships are open for all country citizens who meet these conditions.

Application can only be made online.

Assessment and Selection

The selection of candidates is carried out according to academic achievement and interview performance. Türkiye Scholarships is a program based on academic success of the candidates.

Academic criteria of the applicants will be measured according to these documents:

  • Diploma Grade
  • General Average Grades Received Until The Last Term (*)
  • University Entrance Exam Grade (if any)
  • High School Graduation Exam / Baccalaureate Grade (ıf any)
  • İnternatıonal Test Score (ıf any)
  • other academıc assessment score

(*) cumulative Gpa

Candidates must have at least

  • For vocational school applications 70 %
  • For Undergraduate applications  70 %
  • For Master’s and Ph.D. 80 %
  • For Medicine 90 %

weighted grade point average over their maximum graduation grade.

Candidates among those who completed the application fully will be invited to interview according to their academic success

Interview information will be delivered by emails and online application system. Interviews will be held face to face or via communication tools in the countries without Turkish consulates or Embassies.

Scholarship Programs

Postgraduate Scholarships

IbniHaldun Social Sciences Graduate Scholarship

IbniHaldun Social Sciences Graduate Scholarship is designed for students who are willing to study at the field of social sciences.

This program provides scholarships for masters and PhD levels.

IbniHaldun Social Sciences Graduate Scholarship Program is available for non-Turkish nationals from all countries.

Ali Kuşçu Science and Technology Graduate Scholarship

Ali Kuşçu Science and Technology Graduate Scholarship is designed for students who are willing to study at the fields of science and technology.

This program provides scholarships for masters and PhD levels.

Ali Kuşçu Science and Technology Graduate Scholarship program is available for non-Turkish nationals from all countries.

Branch Scholarships

İbniSina Medical Sciences Scholarship Program

İbniSina Medical Sciences Scholarship program includes the fields of medicine, dentistry, pharmaceutics, nursing and veterinary medicine.

This program provides scholarships for vocational schools, undergraduate, masters and PhD levels.

İbniSina Medical Sciences Scholarship program is available for non-Turkish nationals from all countries.

Islamic Theology Scholarship Program

Islamic Theology Scholarship program includes the fields of religious studies.

This program provides scholarships for undergraduate, masters and PhD levels.

Islamic Theology Scholarship Program is available for non-Turkish nationals from all countries.

YunusEmre Turkish Language Scholarship Program

YunusEmre Turkish Language Scholarship program is designed for students who are willing to study Turkish Language.

This program provides scholarships for undergraduate, masters and PhD levels.

YunusEmre Turkish Language Scholarship Program is available for non-Turkish nationals from all countries.


Short Term Scholarships

Research Scholarships

Scholarship program is designed for student at Ph.D. Level and available for non-Turkish nationals from all countries.

Candidates must have acceptance from any university in Türkiye and fulfill the language criteria of that university.