In order to provide information related to the model change at Semmelweis University we will continuously update this page. Below you can read the most frequently asked questions and the answers to them.

General information

Why is the model change necessary?

Semmelweis University is an internationally renowned and recognized higher education institution. However, the operating framework that determines its day-to-day operations significantly limits a proactive adaptation to the global higher education market, participation in world-class international research activities, and the modernization of clinical patient care. Due to the present environmental limitations, the university has reached the limit of its development. The model change can provide a new direction for its future and creates an opportunity to put the university on a new, dynamic development path.

What benefits will the model change have for the university?

The change in the structural model brings along with it the opportunity for several new, positive changes. Based on a more calculable, longer-term strategy, the action plans and work processes that serve the university’s goals will become more predictable. The administrative burden can decrease, procurement and decisionmaking processes can be simplified, and a more flexible internal structure can be established with more efficient use of the gradually increasing funds flowing into higher education. The new type of employment relationship and the long-term outlook also opens up wider opportunities for human resources strategy, in terms of worker motivation and incentives.

Who will own the properties used by Semmelweis University?

In the course of the model change the buildings currently owned by the state, which the university is currently only the asset manager of, will transfer to the ownership of the university. As a result, the process of renting properties will also be more flexible after August 1.

Who will lead the university?

Dr. Béla Merkely will continue to be the rector of Semmelweis University after the model change; he will continue to lead the institution and the Senate.

What kind of foundation will this be?

It will be a public-interest trust foundation.

What will be the term of the appointment for members of the board of trustees?

The law allows the mandate of the members of the board of trustees to be either for a definite or indefinite term. The minister exercising founder’s rights will decide on this in the founding document of the foundation. Thus the members of the board of trustees will be appointed by the founder – the Minister for Innovation and Technology -, taking into consideration professional criteria as well as the proposals of the university’s leaders and rector.

Who will select the members of the Board of Trustees, and based on what criteria?

The members of the Board of Trustees will be appointed by the founder, i.e. the Minister for Innovation and Technology, based on professional criteria and taking into account the proposals of the university’s leadership and the rector.

Who will be the members of the board of trustees?

The chairman of the board of trustees of the Foundation for National Health Care and Medical Education will be Dr. Gábor Orbán, CEO of pharmaceutical firm Richter Gedeon Nyrt., a member of the Consistory of Semmelweis University, and a former state secretary of the Ministry for National Economy. The other members of the five-person body will be rector Dr. Béla Merkely; Dr. Miklós Szócska, dean of the Faculty of Health and Public Administration and former state secretary for health care; Dr. Péter Gloviczki, Professor and Chair Emeritus of the Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at the US Mayo Clinic; and Dr. Róbert Bedros, chief medical officer of the Szent Imre Hospital and senior advisor to the prime minister.

What rights will the board of trustees have?

The scope of the rights of the board of trustees will be determined by the Civil Code, Acts XIII of 2019 and CVI of 2020 on asset management foundations, and the foundation’s founding document.

What is the guarantee that the university will maintain its autonomy?

The university’s main decisionmaking body after the model change will continue to be the Senate, which intends to exercise its authority with undiminished rights following the model change.

What will the foundation be called?

Foundation for National Health Care and Medical Education

Will some institutions be merged with ones at other universities?

There will not be any mergers with other institutions prior to, or because of the model change.

EMPLOYMENT, legal relationship


Will the state-financed student places in education be eliminated?

No. The change in the operating model will not affect the type, composition, or size of state-financed training programs.

For what time horizon will the state guarantee the number of students it finances?

Legislative guarantees and long-term framework agreements ensure that state-financed education and health care social security financing related to the clinical departments will be sustainable on the long-term, across government cycles.

The state will sign a 15-20-year framework agreement with the university, which will lay down the main direction of developments and which will include financing agreements for 3-5-year cycles, allowing the university to plan for the long term. In this agreement, the state will detail its so-called orders, including the trainings it will finance by field, and the number of students. Furthermore, the university will also have the option to launch additional fee-paying programs.

What will the model change mean for those who have already started their studies?

Ongoing studies will continue in line with the earlier defined training plans and accredited study programs. The purpose of the model change is primarily aimed at optimizing the university’s operating framework and making it more flexible.

Will scholarships, stipends change because of the model change?

The benefits provided to students, such as scholarships, stipends or dormitory placement, will remain unchanged after August 1.

Will the size of tuition fees in the case of paid training programs change due to the model change?

In the case of ongoing studies, the tuition fee will not change. The change in the university’s operator will not affect existing student relationships either in their content or from the financing side of the training. However, determining the size of the tuition will fall within the university’s own competence in the future.

With regard to foreign currency and Hungarian for-fee training, the size of the tuition will continue to be determined by the quality of the programs, the value of the Semmelweis brand, tuition fees changed by international competitors, and the labor demand of the Hungarian health sciences sector.

Will the model change affect the tuition fees paid by international students?

In the case of ongoing studies, the tuition fee will not change. The change in the university’s operator will not affect existing student relationships either in their content or from the financing side of the training. However, determining the size of the tuition will fall within the university’s own competence in the future.

Will the model change affect the acceptance, the recognition process of diplomas within or outside the EU?

The recognition of the diplomas received from the university will not be affected by the model change.

Semmelweis University will continue to provide quality training programs resulting in internationally equivalent diplomas that meet the conditions of the WHO and the European Communities, and which also meet the Hungarian system of requirements and reflect the international recognition that the faculties have gained over several hundred years.

Will doctorates acquired abroad be automatically accepted following the model change, or will it still be required to recognize the equivalency of these diplomas?

The model change will not affect the process of recognizing foreign diplomas.

Will the public education institutions, such as kindergartens, belonging to the university be allowed to conduct business activity after the model change, i.e. can they have their own revenues?

There will be no change in this respect compared to the current rules following the model change.


How will the model change affect ongoing or planned National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH), Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), European Research Council (ERC), or other grants?

The change in maintainer resulting from the model change will not affect ongoing grant programs; in these cases, there will only be an administrative reporting requirement toward the managing authorities after August 1, 2021. Guidance on this should be requested from the financial officers of the organizational units. The grant contracts relating to the applications, and thus the feasibility of the program objectives, are not endangered by the model change. Semmelweis University will remain the applicant for all new and ongoing grant applications.

All institutions will enjoy equal opportunities when applying for Hungarian or EU grants, regardless of whether they are operated by the state or by asset management foundations. In certain cases, there may be differences in the proportion of the required contribution provided by the institution for EU grant applications.

Under the new model, is it possible that the procurement of certain chemicals, equipment, etc. needed for research will be simpler?

The university’s leadership expects some administrative and procurement processes to become simpler due to the model change. Several current process limitations will cease to exist, thus the efficiency of economic and administrative processes related to research, education, health care and general operations will be able to increase.

Patient care

Will social security-financed patient care be discontinued in the foundation model?

No. The university’s social security-financed patient care activity will remain unchanged.

For what time horizon will the state guarantee social security financing for health care operations?

Legislative guarantees and long-term framework agreements ensure that health care social security financing related to the clinical departments will be sustainable on the long-term, across government cycles.

The state will sign a 15–20-year framework agreement with the university, which will lay down the main direction of developments and which will include financing agreements for 3–5-year cycles, allowing the university to plan for the long term.