Semmelweis University, Faculty of Dentistry,
Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
Name of the course: otorhinolaryngology
Credit value: 1
Lessons (in hours): 21 lectures: 14 practicals: 7 seminars: 0
Type of the course: obligatory elective
Frequency of announcement (per semester or year): per semester
Academic year: 2022/23. II. semester
Subject code: FOKVFUL255_1A
Lecturer of the course: Prof. Dr. László Tamás

Contact: 06-1-3-333-316,

The goals of the course in point of view of the education:
The subject of the course includes ear, nose, throat, larynx, head and neck disease, tumor management and oncological surgery in these regions. In addition, diseases of the nose and sinuses, their operations. Endoscopic and microscopic laryngeal as well as nasal, sinus and ear surgery, ear-nose and throat laser therapy and laser surgery. Other ear-nose-throat reconstruction and plastic surgery as well as endoscopic diagnostics of esophagus, larynx, trachea. Childhood hearing examination, surgical hearing repair and cochlear implantation. Basic audiology, detailed examination of ear diseases, hearing aids or surgery. Phoniatric knowledge, physiology of voice formation, cure for hoarseness, rehabilitation of laryngeal patients. Rhinology. Otoneurology, investigation and treatment of balance disorders.

Location of the course (address of lecture hall, seminar room etc.):
Semm.Univ. Dep. of Otorhinolaryngol. and Head and Nek Surgery, 1083 Budapest, Szigony street 36.

Competences acquired by completion of the course: Students learn about the development, clinical presentation, course, and treatment options for otolaryngology. They master the examination of the patient, get acquainted with the examination procedures, the diagnosis of each disease, as well as the possibilities of conservative treatment, open or endoscopic and microscopic surgeries, and techniques based on the appropriate anatomical basis.

Pre-study requirements and prerequisites of course registration and completion: pathology, oral pathology
Number of students required for announcement of course (min., max.): no limit

Method of course registration: by NEPTUN
Detailed course/lecture description : (to facilitate credit recognition in other institutions)

Topics of lectures on ear-nose and throat

1. Examination (Prof. László Tamás)
2. Otitis externa, otitis media (Dr. Marianna Küstel)
3. Diseases of inner ear, middle and inner ear implants (Dr. Marianna Küstel)
4. Inflammations of pharynx and tonsillae (Dr. Beáta Bencsik)
5. Nasal occlusion, rhinitis acuta, allergy (Dr. Helga Kraxner)
6. Rhinitis chronica. FESS (Dr. Zoltán Fent)
7. Deformities of the nose, septoplasty. Tumors of the face (Dr. Ödön Rezek).
8. Headache (Dr. Ágnes Szirmai)
9. Urgency in otorhinolaryngology (Prof. László Tamás)
10. Malignant tumors of the larynx and hypopharynx (Dr. Péter Prekopp)
11. Meso- and hypopharynx cancer (Prof. László Tamás)
12. Oral cavity cancer (Dr. Kornél Dános)
13. Chemoradiotherapy (Dr. Zoltán Takácsi)
14. Differencial diagnosis of neck tumors, neck dissection (Dr. Gábor Polony)
1.basic otolaryngology examination in a healthy person – use of a forehead reflector
2.endoscopic / microscopic ear examination (ear cleaning, ear washing, chr. otitis media, eardrum perforation, Grommet), endoscopic nasal examination (anesthesia, chr. sinusitis, nasal polyposis, epipharynx, veg. aden.)
3 laryngoscpy (anesthesia, tongue root, epiglottis, glottis, vocal cord movement, vocal cord paralysis, hypopharynx)
4. skill lab: ear model paracentesis exercise, temporal bone ear surgery types presentation
5.skill lab: practicing nasal bleeding on a skull model (layered tampon, Bellocq tampon)
6. patient presentation / examination (facial paresis, spontaneous vestibular symptoms, ear bonding, steam bonding, ear imaging evaluation)
7. patient presentation / examination (oral abnormalities, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillectomy, malignant pharyngeal process)

Attendance at lectures is not needed – by regulations of university -, at exercises is a must (min. 75%).

Courses (obligatory and elective) which in part or entirely overlap the topics of above course: no

Special academic work required for completion of the course: no

Attendance on practices and lectures, replacement in case of missed sessions:
Participation in the lecture is not obligatory according to university regulations. Students’ participation in practical classes is registered in an attendance form. Absence from classes need not be justified. Absences in excess of the allowable amount must be made up for acceptance of the semester. Replacement of practice in the amount not exceeding the number of mid-year staff is possible in the last 2 weeks, after pre-registration.
Consequences of absence from sessions and exams: According to the university regulations.

Method of checking acquired knowledge during the study period: no

Requirements of an accepted semester (signature of the lecturer):
According to university regulations, 25% of internships can be missed without proof during education. The other exercises must be replaced, as evidenced by the supervisor of the replaced exercise. The internship can only be replaced by an internship on the same topic. Completion of the exercises is a prerequisite for admission to the exam.

Type of the exam: semifinal

Requirements of the exam:

Minimum criteria for the ENT exam, competency questions before topics
1. Symptoms and clinical features of diffuse otitis externa
2. Symptoms and clinical features of acute otitis media (AOM) – suppurative
3. Causes of acute hearing loss
4. What is to be done in case of acute sensorineural hearing loss?
5. Recognition of hearing loss in childhood
6. Causes of ear pain
7. Complications of acute otitis media (AOM)
8. Clinical features and symptoms of acute mastoiditis
9. Causes of unilateral otitis media with effusion (OME) in adults and childhood
10. How to diagnose vertigo caused by vestibular disorders
11. Causes of peripherial facial palsy (list)
12. Primary management of epistaxis/nosebleeding (at home/ambulance/by GP)
13. Management of epistaxis/nosebleeding (anterior, posterior) by ENT professionals
14. Management and complications of nasal folliculitis and furuncles
15. Types of rhinitis (list)
16. Clinical features and management of angioedema (Quincke-edema)
17. Complications of paranasal sinus infections (list)
18. Where does the patient localize the pain in cases of frontal, maxillary, ethmoidal or sphenoidal sinusitis?
19. Causes of unilateral nasal obstruction and discharge in childhood and in adulthood
20. ENT diseases causing headache
21. Most frequent causes of dysphagia
22. Indications of tonsillectomy (absolute and relative)
23. Clinical features and symptoms of peritonsillar abscess
24. Peritonsillar abscess – treatment
25. Clinical features, symptoms and complications of para- and retropharyngeal abscesses
26. Pathogens of tonsillitis and pharyngitis, indication of antibiotic treatment
27. Precancerous lesions of the oral cavity and oropharynx
28. Causes of chronic hoarseness (Why is it necessary to visit an ENT specialist after 3 weeks of hoarseness?)
29. Symptoms of laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancers
30. Swollen neck lymph nodes – causes
31. Evaluation of neck lumps – diagnostic steps
32. Causes of dyspnea in the upper respiratory tract
33. Middle-aged, smoker patient presents with unilateral ear pain, but the examination of the ear does not reveal any disorders. What may be the cause, and what is obligatory to be examined?
34. Management of choking patients – if intubation cannot be carried out

ENT exam topics:
1. Anatomy and physiology of the external and middle ear, function of the Eustachian tube.
2. Basics of the physiology of hearing. Classical examination of hearing: tuning fork and subjective hearing tests.
3. Objective hearing tests. Tympanometry, evoked response audiometry, otoacoustic emission.
4. Clinical examination of the vestibular system.
5. Malformations of the auricle, diseases of the external ear.
6. Complications of purulent acute and chronic otitis media.
7. Inflammations of the middle ear (purulent acute and chronic otitis media).
8. Clinical presentation, diagnostics and treatment of otosclerosis.
9. Acute and chronic otitis media with effusion. The use of tympanostomy (Grommet) tube.
10. Tympanoplasty. Mastoidectomy and radical mastoidectomy.
11. Etiology and treatment of acute and chronic sensorineural hearing loss.
12. Hearing loss in childhood. Symptoms, examination and treatment. Neonatal hearing screening.
13. Indications and types of hearing aids.
14. Cochlear implantation. Implantable hearing aids.
15. Clinical presentation and treatment of BPPV, vestibular neuronitis and Ménière’s disease.
16. Tumors of the external and middle ear.
17. Causes and treatment of peripheral facial nerve palsy.
18. Differential diagnosis of temporal pain in dental practice.
19. Anatomy and physiology of the nose and paranasal sinuses.
20. Injuries, inflammatory diseases and tumors of the external nose.
21. Physical examination, endoscopy and imaging of the nose and paranasal sinuses.
22. Types of rhinosinusitis, smelling disorders.
23. Symptoms, causes and diagnostics of sleep apnoe.
24. Acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the the nose and paranasal sinuses, complications, principles of treatment.
25. Blood supply of the nasal cavity. Causes and management of nasal bleeding.
26. Causes of reduced nasal ventillation. Septum deviation.
27. Injuries of the paranasal sinuses, facial skeleton, anterior skull base.
28. Diagnostics and therapy of allergic rhintis.
29. Endoscopic sinus surgery, extended applications.
30. Benign and malignant tumors of the paranasal sinuses. Principles of treatment.
31. Malignant tumors of paranasal sinuses. Principles of treatment and postoperative rehabilitation in dental practice.
32. Differential diagnosis of facial pain and disease of nasal and paranasal cavity (dental significance)
33. Reconstructive and plastic surgery of nasal and paranasal sinus deformities.
34. Inflammatory diseases of the salivary glands. Sialoadenopathies.
35. Benign and malignant tumors of the salivary glands.
36. Differential diagnosis of swelling of the neck.
37. Physiology and examination of the oral cavity and the pharynx.
38. Tonsillitis, angina and mononucleosis.
39. Complications of acute tonsillitis. Peritonsillar abscess.
40. Benign tumors and precancerous lesions of the oral cavity and the pharynx.
41. Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and the pharynx. Principles of treatment.

42. Congenital disorders of the oral cavity and the pharynx.
43. Diagnosis and treatment of patients with cleft face and cleft palate.
44. Malignancies of the oral cavity and the pharynx. Principles of treatment.
45. Examination of the larynx. Symptoms of laryngeal diseases. Causes and treatment of vocal fold immobility.
46. Acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the larynx.
47. Benign tumors of the larynx.
48. Malignancies of the larynx and hypopharynx. Principles of treatment.
49. The role of human papillomavirus in oropharyngeal malignancies.
50. Tracheotomy, cricothyrotomy (conicotomy).
51. Upper airways obstruction. Diagnosis, symptoms, treatment of the foreign body in the airways.
52. Disorders of phonation and speech (types of dysphonia).
53. Regions of the neck. Neck lymph node dissections.
54. Complications of odontogenic infections (sinusities, phlegmon and abscess at the neck)
55. Examination and diseases of the esophagus. Dysphagia. Foreign body in the esophagus.
56. Total laryngectomy. Means of speach rehabilitation after total laryngectomy.

Grading of courses :
The condition for admission to the exam is the signing of the practical number of hours completed according to the regulations. The exam is an oral exam, consisting of two parts. The first part is to answer two competence questions. Successful completion of this is a prerequisite for continuing the exam. Failure to meet competency questions is a stumbling block for the exam. If the competency questions are successfully answered, the exam will continue with two items corresponding to the line item. In doing so, students receive a grade based on their theoretical and practice-theoretical knowledge. Ignorance of any item is stumbling.

Exam registration: by NEPTUN

Rules of repeating exams: According to university regulations.

List of textbooks, lecture notes and recommended textbooks:

Dr. Répássy Gábor:
Fül-orr-gégészet, Fej-Nyak-Sebészet
egyetemi tankönyv
Medicina, Budapest, 2011
ISBN: 978 963 226 311 3

Semmelweis Egyetem,

1. H.Behrbohm, O. Kaschke, T.Nawka, A. Swift:
Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases
Georg-Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 2009.
ISBN: 3-13-671203-0
2. Semmelweis íuniversity,
E-learning-Ear, Nose, Throat
1. H. Behrbohm, Hans; Kaschke, Oliver; Nawka, Tadeus:
Kurzlehrbuch, 2012.
ISBN: 9783131478726

1. Dr. Répássy G.
2000 egyetemi jegyzet
Radó Nyomda és Kiadó és Szolg. Kft., Eger, 2000.
2. Dr. Gáborján Anita
Audiológiai diagnosztika
Semmelweis Kiadó és Multimédia Stúdió Budapest, 2018.
ISBN: 978-963-331-431-9
3. Dr. Szirmai Ágnes:
Az egyensúlyzavarok differenciáldiagnosztikája
Semmelweis Kiadó és Multimédia Stúdió 2006.
ISBN: 9639656038
4. Dr. Hirschberg Jenő, Dr. Hacki Tamás, Dr. Mészáros Krisztina
Foniatria és társtudományok
Elte Eötvös Kiadó Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Budapest, 2013.
5. Dr. Ribári Ottó, Dr. Répássy Gábor, Dr. Hirschberg Andor, Dr. Rezek Ödön:
Fül-orr-gégészet fogorvos hallgatók részére
Medicina, Budapest 2004
6. Dr. Gerlinger Imre
Tünetorientált fül-orr-gégészet
Medicina Könyvkiadó Zrt. 2014.
ISBN: 978 963 226 466 0