Department of Family Medicine


TEMPORARILY at City Corner Office, Üllői út 25. (opposite of main old building of the University)
Office: ground floor, left back corner; Education rooms: 1st floor, right back corner
Operation hours for students: TUE 9am-1pm and THU 1pm-5pm

Please contact us via email, if a personal meeting is needed, it will be arranged so.

(Original site: 1085 Budapest, Stáhly u. 7-9. Ground 5 (V. emelet.))
Tel.: (+36-1) 355-8530; (+36-1) 214-0841
Head of Office: Ilona Fekete


Ádám Becze M.D., English Program Tutor
becze.adam ‘at’
Anikó Kerekes, English Program Assistant
kerekes.aniko ‘at’


Head of Department:
Péter Torzsa PhD, professor
Deputy Head:
Krisztián Vörös PhD, assistant professor, Hungarian Program Tutor

László Kalabay PhD, professor
Imre Rurik, guest professor
Ajándék, Eőry, associate professor
Csenge Hargittay, assistant lecturer, Hungarian 6th year Rotation Program
Anna Krolopp, educational expert
Zoltán Lakó-Futó, educational expert
Bernadett Márkus, assistant lecturer
Csaba Móczár, assistant lecturer
János Nemcsik, assistant professor
Ábel Perjés, assistant lecturer
Ágnes Szélvári, assistant lecturer, German Program Tutor
Péter Vajer, assistant professor
János Zsuffa, educational expert

GP-tutors (English Program)

Anikó Ambrus, Mihály Bak, Eszter Bánhidi, Judit Bárdos, Dalma Csatlós, Árpád Cserti, Vilmos Dani, Tibor Zoltán Görcs, Adrien Havas, Kornél Hintalan, Krisztián Kádár-Németh, Noémi Cintia Kis, Melinda Kiss, Gabriella Kókai, Péter Kotányi, Beáta Kőrösi, Beáta Lamboy, Annamária Leviczky, Tünde Mária Magyar, János Nagy, Judit Katalin Nagy, Emese Németh, Károly Pecze, Judit Simon, Éva Somos, Endre Szabó, Róbert Timár, András Terebessy, Katalin Török, Gabriella Virágh, Gábor Xantus


The Department has been teaching family medicine for medical students through lectures, practicals and weekly rotations since 1984, even before its establishment as an independent university department in 1992. The Department offers the following courses within the University’s Faculty of Medicine English Language Program:
Introduction to Patient Care (previously Medical Profession, first year);  Introduction to Clinical Medicine (second year); Family Medicine blocks (fourth year) and the Rotation week(s) (sixth year). See their details via the menu links.

The medical students’ first two years of education contains the Introduction to Patient Care and Introduction to Clinical Medicine subjects organized by the Department, these has been taught in this form since 2019 after already 10 years of experience. The aim of these courses is to establish doctor-patient relationships and the clinical propedeutics, and to show students the medical environment and doctors’ attitude in the University clinical healthcare.

The 4th and 6th year courses are more practice-oriented: the Family Medicine block and the Rotation week demonstrates the family doctors’ work through a one-to-one student-tutor setting, which is quite unique and is a good opportunity to enhance skills of the medical profession. There are more than 40 teaching practices available across Budapest, where experienced GPs introduce students to their daily activities: medical consultations, treatment decisions, and the importance of prevention. More than 300 GP-tutors from both the capital city and the near countryside support the Department’s teaching activities in the Hungarian, English and German language Training Programs.

Facilities are provided for scientific work, research in the Scientific Students’ Association, writing theses, even preparing rector papers. On thesis topics that students can research at our Department see the list on this page below.

We have been organizing a 26-month-long postgradual trainee program since 1992 as the vocational training period of the GP-specialisation. The dedicated training program is built up from a strict structure and is continuously monitored. It is based on medical work done by the GP-mentor in his or her practice and under supervision. It is supplemented by professional programs providing theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for the safety of independent GP-activities. The first 2 years of the program ends with a license exam. The qualifying exam can be taken after 10 months of individual but supervised work within a general practice.
The Department organizes continuous, thematic postgraduate courses for GPs in Budapest and the agglomeration of the University.

Scientific research at the Department is partly focused on the teaching process of a family practicioner, the education of the teaching staff. Further fields are the management of everyday health care, quality assurance, the treatment of patients suffering from chronic diseases, primary and secondary prevention activities, complementary and alternative medicine, as well as introducing new methods in primary healthcare.

Topics offered for Students’ Scientific Association work include:

  • Patient management – practice analysis in primary care;
  • Complex care of elderly patients in family practice;
  • Care of malignant patients and their caregivers;
  • Special activities of the GP during home care;
  • Diagnostic and decision algorithms in the primary care;
  • Execution and efficiency of primary and secondary prevention in family practice;
  • The health status of Hungarian GPs;
  • Cardiovascular patients’ risk status and the management of their prevention program;
  • Smoking habits, quitting. Smoking cessation-attitudes of family doctors;
  • Problem-oriented approaches of anxiety and depression in family practice;
  • Sleeping disorders in the population. Depression and sleep apnea in family practice;
  • Eating habits and healthy nutrition. Obesity;
  • Updating treatment of non-contagious diseases;
  • New possibilities and methods in management of hypertension. Optimal and cost-effective treatment of hypertension. Feasibility and acceptability of home/self blood pressure monitoring;
  • Diabetes mellitus in family practice. Optimal treatment of diabetes mellitus;
  • Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM);
  • Knowledge and attitudes of Hungarian GPs toward Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM);
  • The possible role of affective temperament in patients’ choice toward CAM;
  • Association between hypertension and affective temperaments in the primary care setting.