Dear students,

I am pleased to welcome you in the name of the Sports Center of Semmelweis University. Please read the following information carefully about obtaining the signature for Physical Education lessons. The sports education timetable is available at

  1. Physical Education I. is a compulsory subject

The Physical Education I. subject can only be completed in the form of regular physical education lessons in accordance with the timetable.

  • Physical education
    In order to obtain a signature, students should actively participate for at least 10 occasions (regardless of the number of lesson-free days). Only two missed lessons can be made up afterwards. Make up lessons can be done in the week immediately after the end of the semester in two occasions. One make up lesson can be accomplished on a weekday from 8:00 to 16:00.  (Last class starts at 3 p.m)

The subjects Physical Education II – IV can be completed as part of regular Physical Education lessons or as taking part in sports trainings.

  • Physical education lesson
    In order to obtain a signature, students should actively participate for at least 10 occasions(regardless of the number of lesson-free days). A maximum of two missed lessons can be made up in the week immediately after the end of the semester on a weekday from 8:00 to 16:00.  (Last class starts at 3 p.m)

  • Trainings
    Trainings are offered to students with prior knowledge of certain sports, if they already have the special equipment (e.g.: for hockey), if necessary. This means that students should take part in a 90-minute-long activity twice a week and should take part in matches. Trainings are usually held in evening hours.

Types of sport trainings: There are 5 sports included in the Medical Cup, which are the following: handball, basketball, football, volleyball and water polo. The other possible sport types are the following: hockey, women’s football  and cheerleading.

In order to obtain a signature you should actively participate in trainings for at least 15 times. This number can be reduced by participating in championships (Medical Cup is worth 2 trainings, University Championship is worth 3 trainings).
If a student misses a training, there is no possibility to do make up lessons afterwards.

  1. Criteria for obtaining a signature for the subjects: Physical education V-VIII.

Free and verifiable sports activities can be chosen and these are indicated in the Neptune system. The presence of students is constantly recorded. The students have to appear 10 times in the sports lessons to obtain the signature (once a week). Alternatively, you can obtain the signature by participating in sports trainings, this must be done by being present on 15 occasions at least.(4 september – 8 december, in spring: 12 february – 17 may)

  • Trainings
    Trainings are offered to students with prior knowledge of certain sports, if they already have the special equipment (e.g.: hockey), if necessary. This means that students should participate in 90 minute-long training activities twice a week and in championships. Trainings are usually held in the evenings.
    Training types:Students can participate in any of the 5 sports of the Medical Cup (which are: handball, basketball, football, volleyball and water polo) or in any of the remaining types of sports, which are the following: hockey, women’s football and cheerleading.

In order to obtain a signature, students should actively participate in 15 occasions at least. This number can be reduced by participating in championships (Medical Cup is worth 2 occasions, University Championship is worth 3 occasions).
There is no possibility to do make up lessons.

  1. Criteria for obtaining a signature for the subjects: Physical education IX-XII.

Students can register for the “independent sports activity” course as part of the Physical Education course in the Neptune system.
In both cases, a questionnaire is sent to the students through the Neptune system:
– The questionnaire can be filled in from Monday to Sunday in a semester (no entries can be made in advance or afterwards).
– Students must assure themselves that they have completed the questionnaire truthfully.
– For group  it is a minimum requirement for the signature that a training of 1 × 60 minutes per week is completed and this is recorded in the questionnaire. (minimum 10 times for semester, once a week) (the questionnaires will be send: 4 september – 8 december, in spring: 12 february – 17 may)

  • Trainings
    Trainings are offered to students with prior knowledge of certain sports, if they already have the special equipment (e.g.: hockey), if necessary. This means that students should participate in 90 minute-long training activities twice a week and in championships. Trainings are usually held in the evenings.
    Training types:Students can participate in any of the 5 sports of the Medical Cup (which are: handball, basketball, football, volleyball and water polo) or in any of the remaining types of sports, which are the following: hockey, women’s football, cheer dancing and cheerleading.

In order to obtain a signature, students should actively participate in 15 occasions at least. This number can be reduced by participating in championships (Medical Cup is worth 2 occasions, University Championship is worth 3 occasions).
There is no possibility to do make up lessons.


  • Site of the Physical Education facilities:
  • P.E. and Sports Centre 1107 Budapest, Zágrábi út 14. and
  • Gabányi László Sportcsarnok
    1116 Budapest, Hauszmann Alajos u 5.
  • Pénzügyőr Sporttelep (1103 Budapest, Kőér utca 2/B.)
  • Sports Lessons based on different kinds of sports (from Physical Education V.)   
  • Step Aerobics Boulder, Functional Training, Ultimate Frisbee Beginner and Advanced, Football course, Women’s Football (trainings are held on artificial grass fields), Badminton: 1107 Budapest, Zágrábi út 14.

Golf: St.Lőrinc Golf Club, 1238 Bp, Szentlőrinci út 19-21. (
Tennis: BME Sportcenter.

Sport hiking trips 1-2: in the Buda hills, on a chosen location before the trip.
Climbing: MÜFAL BME Sportközpont, 1111 Budapest, Bertalan Lajos utca 4 – 6.
Fitness Center: BME ÉL Building 1111 Budapest, Bertalan Lajos utca 4 – 6.
Swimming group: Tüskecsarnok Uszoda, 1117 Budapest, Magyar Tudósok körútja 7.

Life1 Fitness Club
Go active Fitness Club
A Fitness Club

  • Trainings

Handball, basketball, football, volleyball: 1107 Budapest, Zágrábi u. 14th
Water polo: SE Vízilabda Klub, 1124 Bp, Csörsz u. 18. (MOM)
Ice Hockey: FTC Sátras Jégpálya Budapest, Könyves Kálmán krt. 28 (For actual infos go to semmelweishockeyteam – facebook Trainings: at Tuesday  10.10 p.m – 11.10. p.m.)

Conditions of participation in the sports lessons

Sportswear and sport shoes are required. Shoes have to be changed. The sports activities will begin on the first occasion after the briefing.

  • delays, make up lessons
    Students who arrive late may not join the class if the class has already started, and the attendance is not recorded.

                                            Recording the attendance of the students

Students must register with the teacher at the beginning and at the end of the lesson. In the first hour, each student receives a card with the Neptune code, name and barcode on it. The students must bring the card on every sports lessons, as electronic registration is based on the card. A registration afterwards is not possible. The replacement of lost cards takes a week.

                                      Exemption from physical education


Testnevelés tantárgy óráinak látogatása alóli felmentésre irányuló hallgatói igények elbírálásának folyamata

  1. Recreational sports

Students of Semmelweis University may swim all year round free of charge with a valid student ID card in the ESMTK swimming pool of Pesterzsébet (1204 Budapest, Zodony u 1.

Depending on availability, the sports hall and the outdoor sports facilities can be booked in advance at the reception in the sports complex in Zágrábi út.  They can be rented with a valid student ID card with 50% discount.

If you have any questions related to sport please write us on the following e-mail address  In urgent cases you can book an appointment and come to our office.

Reception of the sports center in Zágrábi út, reservation: 06 20 825 0667

or (weekdays 8:00 – 16:00)
I wish all students a successful school year and I hope they will enjoy their sports activities.

Kornélia Várszegi
Physical Education and Sport Center