1-5 July, 2024 / 8-12 July, 2024
5 days
150 EUR
Semmelweis University, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Entry requirements: Students, Ph.D. students
Application starts: 1 Apr, 2024
Application deadline: 16 Jun, 2024

This course will cover the basics of molecular recognition and methods from conventional to state-of-the-art possibilities to exploit this phenomenon in practice, especially for developing supramolecular devices.

The most important classes of artificial receptors, their molecular recognition properties and immobilization techniques will be summarized.

The discussed applications will focus on opto- and electrochemical sensors, molecular selectors, transporters and smart-membrane-based methods including the introduction of the basic concepts of operation, typical characteristics, limitations and recent approaches.

The course is 100% theoretical.


Entry requirements

The course is designed for Students and Ph.D. students with organic chemistry background. 

Applicants are required to pay a registration fee before the course.

Registration fee: 15 EUR

Participants’ limitation: min. 4 – max. 20

Required language proficiency

Upper Intermediate English knowledge


After completing the course, participants become familiar with the basics of macrocycle-based applied science, which broaden their knowledge regarding the practical utilization of artificially designed molecular functions.

Application process

1. If you are interested in the course, please fill in the registration form or send us an application with your CV or LinkedIn profile via the following email: international@semmelweis.hu

2. Please wait until you receive an email confirmation from the program coordinator and an individual bank account number to pay the registration fee.

3. If you are interested in receiving an invoice or you have specific needs, please contact the program coordinator.

4. After receiving a confirmation from the program coordinator to participate in the selected course, you will be asked to pay the full course fee via the same bank account by the start of the course at the latest.

5. For our in-person courses, our colleagues can help you to recommend accommodations nearby the training venue and organise optional social activities in Budapest. If you need help, please feel free to contact them or check out our featured suggestions below. 

6. If you have any questions or inquiries, please feel free to get in touch with our colleagues.


Apply now