January 2026 / July 2025 / August 2025
10 days (2 x 5 days)
5,000 EUR
Dept. of Oro-Maxillofacial Surgery and Stomatology
Entry requirements: Dentists (DMD degree) / Dentoalveolar Surgeon Professionals
Application starts: 5 Aug, 2024
Application deadline: 11 Apr, 2025

During the 10-day course, participants receive comprehensive theoretical and practical training in the topic of sinus-lift surgery.

In the theoretical part, after a detailed anatomical review of the maxillary sinus, the participants receive radiological training, which includes learning about the treatment of certain CBCT programs (iCat, Vatech, Romexis Viewer), planning the surgery, and avoiding possible complications.

The participants will learn about the different surgical techniques of the sinus-lift, the materials used during the surgery (bone substitutes, membranes, autologous materials), and the tools (sinus lift manual instruments, kits). Possible complications of surgery and their treatment form part of theoretical education.

In the hands-on training, participants will be able to practice the surgical steps first on plastic models and raw eggs. Perchance a sinus lift surgery will be performed on a cadaver. In addition, participants can assist in several live surgeries performed by the tutors.

The course is combined of 30 % theoretical part and 70 %t practical part.


Entry requirements

The course is open to Doctors of Medicine in Dentistry (DMD) and Dentoalveolar Surgeon Professionals. 
The course is designed for DMDs and oral surgeons with prior knowledge of wisdom teeth.

Further recommendations: Basic X-ray and CBCT assessment skills, orientation in operating theatre.

Applicants are required to pay a registration fee and fill in a questionnaire on professional orientation before the course.

Registration fee: 500 EUR

Participants’ limitation: min. 6 – max. 12 

Required language proficiency

Upper Intermediate English knowledge is recommended.

Learning objectives
  • Decision making and critical thinking in sinus-lift elevation as a possible solution in implant therapy.
  • Understanding surgical instrumentarium and different bone grafting materials and membranes.
  • Clinical and radiological evaluation of the maxillary sinus prior to sinus-lifting.
  • Assisting sinus surgeries.

Application process

1. If you are interested in the course, please fill in the registration form or send us an application with your CV or LinkedIn profile via the following email: international@semmelweis.hu

2. Please wait until you receive an email confirmation from the program coordinator and an individual bank account number to pay the registration fee.

3. If you are interested in receiving an invoice or you have specific needs, please contact the program coordinator.

4. After receiving a confirmation from the program coordinator to participate in the selected course, you will be asked to pay the full course fee via the same bank account by the start of the course at the latest.

5. For our in-person courses, our colleagues can help you to recommend accommodations nearby the training venue and organise optional social activities in Budapest. If you need help, please feel free to contact them or check out our featured suggestions below. 

6. If you have any questions or inquiries, please feel free to get in touch with our colleagues.


Apply now