
Address: 1083 Budapest, Balassa u. 6. (VIII. kerület)
Phone: +36-1-210-0330/extension number

Daytime Hospital (Basement) Dr. Tombor László 51219
Education Management Experts (Basement) Kiss Hajnal 51322
  Szécsi Tünde 51195
Porta (Ground floor)   51343
Ambulance (Ground floor) Dr. Bolyós Csilla 51243
Department of Psychotherapy
(“B” Ground floor)
Dr. Unoka Zsolt 51277
Department of Neuropsychiatry (A1) Dr. Hidasi Zoltán 51329
Department of Affective and Psychopharmacological (B1) Dr. Hamvas Szilárd 51259
Department of Acute Psychiatry (A2) Dr. Szuromi Bálint 51252
Department of Crisis and Addiction (B2) Dr. Szily Erika 51262



Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy – Saint Rókus Hospital

Address: 1085 Budapest, Gyulai Pál u. 2. (VIII. kerület)
Inpatients can be inquired at the following phone number:+36-20-6632247
Phone number for applying to specialist outpatient clinics: +36-20-6632247
Information in case of any other questions that arise: +36-20-6632247


Osztályvezetők:  Dr. Szekeres György 57444
Administrators: Végh Veronika 57444
  Singh-Sziráczki Mariann (tartós távolléten) 57331
VI. emelet Kezelő 57506
VII. emelet Nővérpult 57506