Research topicSupervisorE-mail addressProgram
The investigation of signal transduction pathways of new therapy resistant cases in B-cell lymphomasBarna Gáborbarna.gabor@semmelweis.huMolecular and Experimental Oncology
Predictiv and prognosticatory factors in moderate tumoursDank Magdolnadank.magdolna@semmelweis.huMolecular and Experimental Oncology
Diagnostic/therapeutic molecules (e.g. sodium-iodide symporter) in functional/molecular imaging of cancer and endocrine diseasesDohán Orsolyadohan.orsolya@semmelweis.huMolecular and Experimental Oncology
Pediatric oncologyGarami Miklósmiklos.garami@gmail.comMolecular and Experimental Oncology
System biological modelling of chemoresistanceGyőrffy Balázsgyorffy.balazs@yahoo.comMolecular and Experimental Oncology
Clinical relevance of tumor heterogeneityGyőrffy Balázsgyorffy.balazs@yahoo.comMolecular and Experimental Oncology
Measuring and analyzing scientific outputGyőrffy Balázsgyorffy.balazs@yahoo.comMolecular and Experimental Oncology
Investigation of ionizing radiation induced molecular changes in normal fibroblasts and tumor cellsHegyesi Hargitahegyesi.hargita@semmelweis.huMolecular and Experimental Oncology
The effect of ionizing radiation on the immune system and its role in the modulation of antitumor immune responseLumniczky and Experimental Oncology
Development of diagnostic tools by utilizing patient-derived medical dataMenyhárt Ottíliavicabuba@gmail.comMolecular and Experimental Oncology
Complex clinicopathological and digitopathological apporach to the different subtypes of various tumors and chronic diseasesMicsik Tamásmicsik.tamas@semmelweis.huMolecular and Experimental Oncology
Repair of the function of proapoptotic regulators to increase the effect of chemotherapySebestyén Annasebestyen.anna@semmelweis.huMolecular and Experimental Oncology
Tumor immunological and metabolic changes on gastrointestinal and hepato-panreatobiliary tumoursBudai Andrásbudai.andras@semmelweis.huDiagnostic, Digital and Molecular Pathology
Prognostic factors in breast cancerKulka Janinakulka.janina@semmelweis.huDiagnostic, Digital and Molecular Pathology
Biomarkers in solid tumorsSzász Attila Marcellszasz.attila.marcell@semmelweis.huDiagnostic, Digital and Molecular Pathology
Intensity-modulated and image-guided radiotherapyPolgár Csabapolgar.csaba@oncol.huClinical Oncology and Radiation Therapy
Radiotherapy and radiochemotherapy of head and neck cancersTakács-Nagy Zoltántakacsi.zoltan@oncol.huClinical Oncology and Radiation Therapy

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