Semmelweis University, Faculty of Medicine
Tantárgy neve: Orthopedics
Tantárgy típusa: kötelező/kötelezően választható/szabadon választható (a megfelelő aláhúzandó)
kódja: AOKORT048_1A
kreditértéke: 3
Tantárgy előadójának neve: Prof. György Szőke
Tanév: 2018/2019
A tantárgy feladata a képzés céljának megvalósításában:
The goal of the semester is the theoretical and practical education of the orthopaedics. Theoretical part: the history of orthopaedics, the pathological changes in locomotor system, the possibilities in diagnostics and differential diagnostics, and therapeutical facilities. In practical part students acquire the examination method of locomotor system to recognize morbidity, the diagnostical and therapeutical algorithmes, and establishment of doctor-patient relationship.
A tárgy tematikája (lehetőleg heti bontásban, sorszámozva):
- Subject of Orthopedic Education. Organization.
- Orthopedic care in Hungary. Possibilities of prophylaxis.
- Inflammatory diseases in orthopaedics.
- Anatomy and biomechanics of the spine. Mai posture.
- Scheuermann’s disease. Vertebra plana, Calve.
- Scoliosis. Theories concerning the etiology of various kinds of scoliosis. Pathological, clinical and radiological symptoms and appearance. Symptomatology and therapy of the functional scoliosis. Symptoms and therapy of scoliosis with recognized etiology (congenital, paralytic, rachitic).
- Degenerative diseases of the spine. Etiology of low back pain, clinical symptoms, therapy. Low back of disc origin. Significance of the intervertebral discs under normal and pathological conditions. Symptomatology of the ischias syndrome and its therapy.
- Spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis. Lumbalization and Sacralization.
- Deformities and diseases of the neck and the upper extremity.
- Congenital torticollis, Klippel-Feil deformity. Cervical rib. Sprengel deformity.
- Obstetricalisparalysis. Recurrent dislocation of the shoulder. Cervicobrachial syndrome.
- Periarthritis of the shoulder. Dupuytren contracture. Kienböck disease. Tennis elbow.
- Madelung deformity. Sudeck dystrophy of the upper extremity.
- Osteoarthritis of the hip. Etiology, pathology, clinical and radiological symptoms.
- Methods of conservative and operative Treatment.
- Diseases of the child’s hip. Legg-Perthes-Calve disease. Slipped capital femoral epiphysis. Acute and chronic arthritis of the hip.
- Congenital dislocation of the hip. Anatomy and development of the hip joint. Concept of dysplasia. Subluxation and luxation. Pathology. Early and late clinical and X-ray signs. Early and late conservative therapy. Various methods of operative treatment. Palliative operation.
- Diseases of the knee. Recurrent dislocation of the patella.
- Osteochondritis of the tibial tubercle (Osgood-Schlatter disease). Ostechondrosis of the tibia. Varus, valgus and hyperextension deformity. Osteoarthritis. Chondromalacia of the patella. Meniscus lesions.
- Diseases of the foot. Congenital clubfoot. Tarsal synostosis. Hallux valgus. Aseptic
- necrosis of the bones of the foot. Osteoarthritis of the joints of the foot. Flatfoot.
- Neuromuscular diseases. Classification and treatment. Infantile cerebral palsy. Disturbances of the development of the vertebral body and neural arch. Muscular defects. Progressive muscular dystrophy and other diseases of the muscles.
- Primary tumors of bones and their classification. Benign bone tumors. Osteoid osteoma. Semimalignant and malignant tumors (giant cell tumor, chondroma, osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, multiple myeloma, Ewing sarcoma). Main pathologic features.. ‘
- Bone disorders. Osteoporosis, osteomalacia, osteogenesis imperfecta, Paget disease.
- Developmental anomalies. Congenital anomalies of the extremities.
- Instruction of correct behaviour in the Hospital and during practicals. Introduction to the Hospital. Therapeutic aims of Orthopedics. Methods of the clinical practicals. Methodology of learning Orthopedics.
- Diagnostic and therapeutic methods of Orthopedics. Anamnesis. Inspection, palpation, examination of motions.
- Basics of radiological examination of the musculoskeleta! system. Normal Roentgen anatomy of the bones and joints. Form and function. Methods of examination of limb shortening and alterations of the forms. Contracture. Limping.
- Fixation, relief of weight bearing, plaster splints, plaster bandages. Examination of patients. Examination of the diseases and deformities of the spine, malposture (Calves deformity, spondylarthrosis).
- Preparation of plaster splints, bandages. Examination of patients with lumbago, ischias syndrome, spondylolysis, spondylolisthesis. Demonstration of Roentgenograms.
- Examination of scoliotic patients. Preparation of plaster and other corsets.
- Examination of patients. Tuberculous spondylitis. Demonstration of Roentgenograms. Preparation of plaster beds.
- Examination of patients with congenital dislocation of the hip. Early and late symptoms of this disease. Demonstration of Roentgenograms.
- Examination of patients with congenital dislocation of the hip. Demonstration of the means and methods of therapy and their application.
- Examination of patients with juvenile osteochondritis of the hip. Epiphyseolysis. Infantile coxa vara. Demonstration of Roentgenograms and methods of treatment. Preparation of hip spica.
- Examination of patients with osteoarthritis of the hip. Examination of contractures of the hip. Demonstration of Roentgenograms.
- Examination of patients with recurrent dislocation of the patella, Osteoarthritis, tuberculous arthritis of the knee. Punction of the knee joint. Methods of fixation of this joint, preparation of plaster bandage.
- Examination of patients with diseases and deformations of the neck, upper extremity. Torticollis, cervicobrachial syndrome, periarthritis of the shoulder, tuberculosis of the shoulder joint. Demonstration of Roentgenograms. Application of the methods of hand and arm fixation.
- Examination of patients with congenital clubfoot and flatfoot. Therapy. Application of the methods of foot and lower leg fixation.
- Demonstration of the methods of gymnastics and physiotherapy.
A foglalkozásokon való részvétel követelményei és a távolmaradás pótlásának lehetősége:
The maximum number of absences in a semester is 3. More than 3 absences invalidate the semester.
Az igazolás módja a foglalkozásokon és a vizsgán való távollét esetén:
medical certificate
A félévközi ellenőrzések (beszámolók, zárthelyi dolgozatok) száma, témaköre és időpontja, pótlásuk és javításuk lehetősége:
A félév végi aláírás követelményei (ideértve a hallgató egyéni munkával megoldandó feladatainak számát és típusát is):
- Certified attendance on practices. Successful practical exam at the time of last practice.
- Students have to fill -during semester- the trial test on Semmelweis University’s e-learning system.
Az osztályzat kialakításának módja:
By the result of test performed on computer
A vizsga típusa: computer test on e-learning system
Attendance on lectures, certified attendance on practices, successful practical exam, and successful filling in of trial test on e-learning system.
A vizsgajelentkezés módja: NEPTUN system
Semester Closing exam registration has to be done through the NEPTUN system for the days set by the department up to the limits.
A vizsgajelentkezés módosításának rendje: NEPTUN system
Modifying of exam dates through the NEPTUN system, as it allows.
A vizsgáról való távolmaradás igazolásának módja:
Medical certificate, at professor’s secretariat.
A tananyag elsajátításához felhasználható jegyzetek, tankönyvek, segédletek és szakirodalom listája:
Orthopedics, edited by M. Szendrői
Orthopedics / Semmelweis University, e-learning system