The Directorate of International Studies (NTI) coordinates, in cooperation with the faculties, the organisation of courses in foreign languages offered at the University in accordance with the professional content specified in the curriculum of the given course. The tasks of the Directorate include the organisation and management of student recruitment and admission procedures; it takes care of the administration relating to general student affairs, fees and benefits, the students’ stay in Hungary, as well as the provision of information to students. The Directorate also performs special administrative tasks relating to foreign students enrolled in Hungarian-language courses.

The Directorate is an organisational unit of the Center of International Training Programs. The professional direction of its activities is exercised by the Vice-Rector for Education with the assistance of the Department of Education Management, and, with regard to specific tasks relating to individual courses, by the Dean of the Faculty, or the Deputy Dean responsible for educational affairs. The Directorate is headed by Dr. Miklós Csala, Director.