Summary for Students (2008)

Neptun – Users Guide for Students
Neptun – Users Guide for Teachers

At Semmelweis University, the education system NEPTUN.Net is used for performing administrative tasks related to education. The users of the system – registry clerks, faculty secretaries, instructors and students – have different authorities to access the information stored in the system.

For the students of the institution, the system provides the following functions:

  • To check their personal data and information related to their studies,
  • To register for subjects,
  • To register for exams,
  • To check grades entered into the system,
  • To monitor the grants transferred,
  • To get information on their payment obligations,
  • To manage their finances,
  • To receive messages within the system from registry clerks, secretaries of institutions and instructors.

You get your user ID and password to the NEPTUN.Net system from the Dean’s Office or the Registry of the Faculty where you have been admitted. Users with students’ rights may only manage their own data. In order to prevent unauthorised access, it is very important that you change your password from time to time. It is recommended that you change the password immediately upon entering the system for the first time. The password should be minimum 6 characters long, consisting of letters, numbers or a mixture of both.

Students can access the NEPTUN.Net system on any computer located in students’ terminal rooms (in the Student Centre /NET/ and in the Central Library) or any other computer with Internet access using a browser (Internet Explorer 7 or Mozilla Firefox version 2) from the official university Neptun Portal (

(For a detailed description of the Students’ WEB please check the Neptun Portal – Support / Neptun usage / Aids by role / Aids for students).

Entering the system

On the Neptun Portal, click on the Student icon to enter. Then choose the server you wish to use. Enter the Neptun code (ID) and the password on the window which appears.

Once you enter you can choose from the following data groups at the top of the page:

Personal data, Studies, Subjects, Exams, Finances, Information, Administration

Upon entering the Neptun.Net system, students have to perform the following operations during a term:

  • Registration
  • Subject registration
  • Exam registration


You can access the registration function in the ‘Administration‘ menu. Here you can register for the next term by clicking on the link “Registration”. On the page “Registration requests”, when clicking on “New” in the status column of the current semester, a window is displayed where you have to declare whether you choose to register with an “Active” or a “Passive” status. After you have chosen the appropriate option, click on the button “I declare”. (Such registration is only available if Registration period is displayed under “Periods” in the “Information” menu! If you have not chosen any course for the semester yet, but you intend to register with an “Active” status, the programme will ask you to make sure whether you really want to continue the registration process. If you choose the option “no” at this stage, this means that registration will not be completed, and before you do so, you can take up your courses. If you choose “OK”, you can continue registration. Naturally, you are free to take up courses afterwards.)

Subject registration (choosing subjects, choosing courses)

Choose the link “Subject registration” in the “Subjects” menu.

1. Displaying the list of subjects: Select the appropriate semester (e.g. 2008/09/1) and the curriculum, then select “Subject list of the chosen curriculum” under “Subject type” to display compulsory and alternative subjects. The option “Other optional subjects” may be used if the institution concerned manages its optional subjects separated from the curricula. If you do not find any subject in this list, this only means that at your institution these optional subjects are also integrated into the curricula. In this case, you should choose the option “Subject list of the chosen curriculum” at this question. By ticking “Show only those subjects that will be launched” you can make sure that only those subjects appear in the displayed subject list which will be launched in the semester selected. You can display the subject list filtered according to the conditions set by clicking on the “List subjects” button.

2. Display, search and ordering options in the subject list: On the top of the list you can set the number of subjects to be displayed on one page. If the list is longer than one page, you can use the two-way arrows on the top of the list or the drop-down menu to turn pages. By clicking on the printer icon, you can print the page displayed. When you find the subject required, click on any detail and all details of the selected subject will be displayed in a pop-up window.

3. Subject details / Current courses tab: Here you can see the courses launched in the given semester for the selected subject. You can now choose the subject and its course or courses. You can choose the courses by marking the checkbox on the right of the course list, then confirm your choice by clicking on “Save” at the bottom of the page. You have to choose more than one course for the same subject if more than one course type (e.g. theoretical and practical) are announced. In this case, you need to choose one course for each course type. This is not true for exam courses which must be chosen independently in all cases, which means that you cannot choose an exam course and another course type for the same subject at the same time. Course registration will only be successful if:

Ø you have fulfilled the requirements for subject and course registration,

Ø none of the courses selected is booked out (in the students/limit column the number of students is under the limit),

Ø you have selected one course for each course type (e.g. theoretical, practical),

Ø it is preliminary or final subject and course registration period,

Ø you have not completed the subject so far.

For more information on a given course, click on any detail of the given course in the list to display the course information in a new pop-up window.

4. Deregistering subjects: If for any reason you would like to drop a chosen subject, you can do so under “Registrated subjects” in the “Subjects” menu. On this page you can see the subjects you have chosen in the current registration period; you can change courses or deregister subjects here. If in any subject line you click on “Deregister subject”, the system will first ask whether you really want to drop the given subject and if you answer yes, the subject will be dropped and deleted from the list of registered subjects. Naturally, this means that your registration for the courses of the deregistered subjects is also deleted and you will be informed of this. (Subject deregistration is possible during the preliminary or final subject or course registration period.)

5. Changing courses: If you want to change the course(s) you have chosen in a given subject, you can do this by clicking on any detail of the given subject to display the pop-up window “Subject details”. Here on the “Current courses” tab in the last column of the list you have to select the course(s) required and unmark the course(s) to be dropped, then confirm the change by clicking on the “Save” button. The system will report on the change or the reasons for potential errors.

Exam registration

You can find “Exam registration” in the “Exams” menu. On this page you can register for exams or cancel your registration. In the exam list, exams which you have already registered for will appear in blue. To cancel an exam registration, go to the “Selected exams” menu.

1. List exams: On entering the page for the first time all future exam dates announced in the current semester will appear, but you can filter the list. If you only want to see the exam dates of a given subject, select the subject from the “Subjects” roll-down menu, then click on the button “List exams”.

2. Exam registration: To register for an exam, click on “Register” in the line of the given date. The programme will report on the success or failure of exam registration.

3. Cancelling exam registration: If you register for an exam by mistake or you simply change your mind and want to cancel your registration, click on “Cancel” next to the given exam. (Normally this can be done prior to the exam within the cancellation deadline. This deadline varies according to institution: at AOK /Medicine/, FOK /Dentistry/ and ETK, it is 48 hours while at GYTK /Pharmacy/ and TF, it is 24 hours.) In such a case, the system attempts to remove you from the given exam date and will report on the success or failure of the operation.

4. Payment of retake exam fee: By clicking on “Payment” under “Finances”, you will be taken to the page where the list of settled and payable items is displayed. Here you can also fulfil your financial obligations. On the “Payment” tab, click on the “Transcribe item” button and on the appearing “Transcribe item” window, enter the payment title (retake exam), then select the subject for which you would like to transcribe the exam fee from the roll-down list. Finally, click on the “Create item” button. You can take over the invoice of the item created in the Dean’s Office. To list current items, select the current semester using the “Semester” roll-down menu under “Filters” on the 1.) “List items” tab. (Items you have displayed are marked as “Own item” in the “Status” column.) To view the details of a given item, click on “Details” in the line of the item concerned.

Message management

During term time, students may receive messages on various topics. This menu can be found on the left-hand side of the page. Here you can see the messages sent to the student by the Dean’s Office clerk in charge of his/her year or the instructor of a chosen course. You can view the text of the message on a new window by clicking on the required topic in the list of messages.


The NEPTUN system assists students and university employees in the accurate and effective performance of administrative tasks related to their studies. In order to ensure faultless operation, it is indispensable that authority rules are complied with and that accurate data is provided. Therefore, please note that data changes or wrong data must be corrected within 8 days using “Modify data”.