Photos: Zsolt Varga – Semmelweis Egyetem

We would like to kindly invite you to the Second Open Semmelweis Business Forum 
Organized by the RDI Business Development Center of Semmelweis University 

The Patron of the franchise event  Gábor Orbán Chair of the Board of Trustees

Date:    On the 3rd March 2022. 16:00-18:00 (Thursday) 
Venue:  Semmelweis Szalon (1085 Budapest, Üllői street 26. II. flr.)

Preliminary Program

Business Development News: new business opportunity
Biobanking – Landscape in Hungary


Title of presentations


5-7 minutes

Intro (film)


16:00 – 16:10

Opening ceremony

Béla Merkely

16:10 – 16:20

Recent development in biobanking over Europe

Mária Judit Molnár

16:20 – 16:30

Local actions to set the oncobank network by Semmelweis University

Balázs Győrffy

16:30 – 16:40

An innovative model at CVC Városmajor

Tamás Radovits

16:40 – 17:00

University – industry partnership serving drug research in neuropsychiatric  disorders

György Németh

17:00 – 17:10

Special legal and ethical aspects of biobanking

Sára Trócsányi

17:10 – 17:40

Round table – presented by István Szabó VP (NRDIO)

István Szabó


Closing ceremony

Péter Ferdinandy

The organizers reserve the right to change the program!

Online streaming available on:

RSVP till 28th March 2022 at