The Department of Community Dentistry as a legal successor of the National Institute of Stomatology was established in 2013. It is the newest, and as far as its cubature and the number of employees are concerned also the largest department of the Faculty. The department employs 68 dentists ( specialists and dental residents) and also 63 chair-side assistants and dental hygienists working on 30 dental workstations. The Institute is open round the clock and provides emergency dental service on weekends and during the night The Institute participates in the graduate and postgraduate dental training programs and also in the life long learning. The divisions are organized according to the rules of Community Dentistry. The Institute’s research activity is very wide ranging.

Useful links
array (
'inst_location' =>
array (
'icon' => 'fa-map-marker',
'title' => 'Address',
'inst_phone' =>
array (
'icon' => 'fa-phone',
'title' => 'Phone',
'inst_fax' =>
array (
'icon' => 'fa-fax',
'title' => 'Fax',
'inst_email' =>
array (
'icon' => 'fa-envelope-o',
'title' => 'E-mail',
1088 Budapest, Szentkirályi u. 40.
1088 Budapest, Szentkirályi u. 40.
+36 1 317 6600
+36 1 317 6600
+36 1 317-9199
+36 1 317-9199