I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve” Albert Schweitzer

Dear Visitors!

Warmly welcome to our webpage on behalf of all the staff of the Pediatric Center!

You are visiting the website of one of the oldest-established pediatric institution not only in our country, but also in Europe. Our Bókay street Department has been accepting sick children since 1839, our Tűzoltó street Department since 1885. Since January 1 2023, as a unified Pediatric Center, the two historic sites are performing a triple task: treatment of sick children, education of the future generation and research to improve the quality of pediatrics.

Every child is a miracle for us, for whose health to maintain or regain, we do our best.

In addition to our patient care activities, we also provide education for medical and health science students, vocational and further training for colleagues. Our educational activity is not only beautiful, but also a particularly important part of our work; we educate in three languages hundreds of students and staff in the clinic every year. Our goal is to provide our students with the latest and highest level of knowledge in the field of pediatrics that they become dedicated doctors and health professionals.

Our patient care and teaching activities are strengthened by our internationally recognized research activity. With the new results of our research colleagues, right next to the patient’s bedside we would like to help children recover as quickly and effectively as possible.

I am grateful to welcome you as the head of the internationally renowned Pediatric Center of Semmelweis University. With my colleagues I believe that our common goal is to heal, educate and research at the highest level for the healing of children and the health of the future generation.

We thank you and welcome your trust, suggestions and support for the improvement of the operation of the Pediatric Center.

Dr. Attila Szabó