Dear General Assembly,

Based on the regulations of the Organizational and Operational Rules of the Student Government of the Selye János Doctoral College for Advanced Studies (§ 9 section (4)), the attendance is mandatory and necessary for the meeting to have decision-making capability.

Location: H-1085 Budapest Üllői út 22. ground floor
Date: 13.03.2024. at 18:00
Expected length of the meeting: 120 minutes

1.Voting on the modification of the Organizational and Operational Rules of the Student
Government of the Selye János Doctoral College for Advanced Studies and of the Student
Government of the Semmelweis Ignác College for Advanced Studies
2. Voting on the election of the president of the Student Government of the Selye János
Doctoral College for Advanced Studies
3. Voting on the election of the additional members of the presidential council of the Student
Government of the Selye János Doctoral College for Advanced Studies and the Student
Government of the Semmelweis Ignác College for Advanced Studies
4. Decision on the budgetary schedule of the second semester of the academic year 2023/24
5. Decision on the work schedule of the second semester of the academic year 2023/24

In case of lack of decision-making capability of the General Assembly the meeting of the General Assembly will be reconvened as follows:

– location: Semmelweis University Selye János Doctoral College for Advanced Studies
(1085 Budapest, Üllői út 22. ground floor),
– date: 20.03.2024. 18:00

Based on the regulations of the Organizational and Operational Rules of the Student Government of the Selye János Doctoral College for Advanced Studies (§ 9 section (3)), the reconvened General Assembly meeting – independently from the number of mandate-holding people present – does have decision-making capability regarding the original agenda (which was announced for the previous General Assembly)!

Based on the regulations of the Organizational and Operational Rules of the Student Government of the Semmelweis Ignác College for Advanced Studies (§ 9 section (3)), the reconvened General Assembly meeting – independently from the number of mandate-holding people present – does have decision-making capability regarding the original agenda (which was announced for the previous General Assembly)!


Richárd Levente Ármós, MD.

EKÖP Konferencia

EKÖP Konferencia