Research Profile

Our research focuses on the morphological and functional characterization of the human retina, with particular emphasis on the development of in vitro 3D organotypic human retinal models. We investigate the regenerative capacity of the human retina and examine the roles of macroglia and microglia in both physiological and pathological processes. Publications →

Human retina tissue

Our laboratory utilizes human retinal tissue from multi-organ donors, processing samples with high precision to ensure minimal degradation. This meticulous approach preserves the structural and functional integrity of the retinal tissue over long-term periods, allowing for accurate and reliable experimental outcomes.

We aim to advance retinal biology and develop novel treatments for retinal disorders, particularly in gene therapy, supported by state-of-the-art technologies and a commitment to translational research. 

Retina Model System


We welcome collaboration opportunities from academic and industrial partners. Please contact the Laboratory Director for any inquiries. 
Dr. Arnold Szabó
Laboratory Director
