The Nanomedicine Research and Education Center (NREC) was established at Semmelweis University in 2008, with funding from a grant by the Hungarian National Development Agency devoted to promote research and development in nanomedicine. Subsequently, it was recognized by the Senate of Semmelweis University as an independent department under the auspices of the Office of the Scientific Vice President. Having access to several laboratories at the Theoretical Sciences Block of Semmelweis Medical School, as well as a modern large animal accredited facility in the Budapest suburb, Herceghalom, scientists at NREC conduct diverse in vitro and in vivo preclinical efficacy and toxicity studies on drug delivery nanosystems and other nanomedicines. In particular, NREC is internationally recognized for having unique experience in safety prediction of liposomes and other immune reactive particulate drugs, by evaluating their complement activating, and, hence, potential acut reactogenic influence. The center is part of the Nanoscience network at Semmelweis University and has close research and administrative ties to the Institute of Pathophysiology. As a consortium member in multiple FP7-sponsored large-scale collaborative research projects, the NREC is also part of a broad international network of institutes and companies in the field of nanomedicine. The mission of the NREC also includes state-of-the-art graduate and postgraduate education and public popularization of nanomedicine.